[sound:lo cusku.mp3]lo cusku a sayer
[sound:lo se cusku.mp3]lo se cusku something said
[sound:lo te cusku.mp3]lo te cusku an audience of something said
[sound:lo ve cusku.mp3]lo ve cusku a medium for something said
[sound:lo mutce.mp3]lo mutce something extreme
[sound:lo se mutce.mp3]lo se mutce a property of extremeness
[sound:lo te mutce.mp3]lo te mutce an extreme
[sound:lo klama.mp3]lo klama something going
lo klama cu nenri lo karce
[sound:lo se klama.mp3]lo se klama a destination gone to
[sound:lo te klama.mp3]lo te klama an origin gone from
[sound:lo ve klama.mp3]lo ve klama a route gone by
[sound:lo xe klama.mp3]lo xe klama a method of going
[sound:lo zvati.mp3]lo zvati something which is present
[sound:lo se zvati.mp3]lo se zvati a location something is present at
[sound:lo cmalu.mp3]lo cmalu something small
[sound:lo se cmalu.mp3]lo se cmalu a dimension of smallness
[sound:lo te cmalu.mp3]lo te cmalu a standard of smallness
[sound:lo tavla.mp3]lo tavla a talker
[sound:lo se tavla.mp3]lo se tavla something talked to
[sound:lo te tavla.mp3]lo te tavla a subject of a talk
[sound:lo ve tavla.mp3]lo ve tavla a language of a talk
[sound:lo viska.mp3]lo viska a seer
[sound:lo se viska.mp3]lo se viska something seen
[sound:lo te viska.mp3]lo te viska a condition of seeing
[sound:lo drata.mp3]lo drata something different
[sound:lo se drata.mp3]lo se drata a reference of differentness
[sound:lo te drata.mp3]lo te drata a standard of differentness
[sound:lo pensi.mp3]lo pensi a considerer
[sound:lo se pensi.mp3]lo se pensi a considered subject
[sound:lo djuno.mp3]lo djuno a knower
[sound:lo se djuno.mp3]lo se djuno a fact known
[sound:lo te djuno.mp3]lo te djuno a subject known
[sound:lo ve djuno.mp3]lo ve djuno an epistemology of knowing
[sound:lo catlu.mp3]lo catlu something looking
[sound:lo se catlu.mp3]lo se catlu something looked at
[sound:lo nelci.mp3]lo nelci a liker
[sound:lo se nelci.mp3]lo se nelci something liked
[sound:lo barda.mp3]lo barda a large
[sound:lo se barda.mp3]lo se barda a property of largeness
[sound:lo te barda.mp3]lo te barda a standard of largeness
[sound:lo djica.mp3]lo djica a desirer
[sound:lo se djica.mp3]lo se djica something desired
[sound:lo te djica.mp3]lo te djica a purpose for a desire
[sound:lo gunka.mp3]lo gunka a worker
[sound:lo se gunka.mp3]lo se gunka a work activity
[sound:lo te gunka.mp3]lo te gunka a work goal
[sound:lo cliva.mp3]lo cliva a leaver
[sound:lo se cliva.mp3]lo se cliva something left
[sound:lo te cliva.mp3]lo te cliva a route of leaving
[sound:lo pilno.mp3]lo pilno an user
[sound:lo se pilno.mp3]lo se pilno something used
[sound:lo te pilno.mp3]lo te pilno a purpose something is used for
[sound:lo cmene.mp3]lo cmene a name
[sound:lo se cmene.mp3]lo se cmene something named
[sound:lo te cmene.mp3]lo te cmene a user of a name
[sound:lo jimpe.mp3]lo jimpe an understander
[sound:lo se jimpe.mp3]lo se jimpe something understood
[sound:lo te jimpe.mp3]lo te jimpe a subject of something understood
[sound:lo prenu.mp3]lo prenu a person
[sound:lo troci.mp3]lo troci a tryer
[sound:lo se troci.mp3]lo se troci something tried
[sound:lo te troci.mp3]lo te troci a method of trial
[sound:lo xamgu.mp3]lo xamgu something good
[sound:lo se xamgu.mp3]lo se xamgu something for which something is good
[sound:lo te xamgu.mp3]lo te xamgu a standard of goodness
[sound:lo kumfa.mp3]lo kumfa a room
[sound:lo se kumfa.mp3]lo se kumfa something with a room
[sound:lo te kumfa.mp3]lo te kumfa a room partition
[sound:lo citka.mp3]lo citka an eater
[sound:lo se citka.mp3]lo se citka something eaten
[sound:lo valsi.mp3]lo valsi a word
[sound:lo se valsi.mp3]lo se valsi a meaning of a word
[sound:lo te valsi.mp3]lo te valsi a language of a word
[sound:lo tirna.mp3]lo tirna a hearer
[sound:lo se tirna.mp3]lo se tirna something heard
[sound:lo te tirna.mp3]lo te tirna a background noise something is heard in
[sound:lo sutra.mp3]lo sutra something fast
[sound:lo se sutra.mp3]lo se sutra something done fast
[sound:lo zdani.mp3]lo zdani a home
[sound:lo se zdani.mp3]lo se zdani something with a home
[sound:lo facki.mp3]lo facki a discoverer
[sound:lo se facki.mp3]lo se facki a discovery
[sound:lo te facki.mp3]lo te facki a discovery subject
[sound:lo ciska.mp3]lo ciska a writer
[sound:lo se ciska.mp3]lo se ciska something written
[sound:lo te ciska.mp3]lo te ciska a writing medium
[sound:lo ve ciska.mp3]lo ve ciska a writing implement
[sound:lo stedu.mp3]lo stedu a head
[sound:lo se stedu.mp3]lo se stedu something with a head
[sound:lo pluta.mp3]lo pluta a route
[sound:lo se pluta.mp3]lo se pluta a destination of a route
[sound:lo te pluta.mp3]lo te pluta an origin of a route
[sound:lo ve pluta.mp3]lo ve pluta a point on a route
[sound:lo nenri.mp3]lo nenri something inside of something
[sound:lo se nenri.mp3]lo se nenri something with something inside
[sound:lo cizra.mp3]lo cizra something strange
[sound:lo se cizra.mp3]lo se cizra something to which something is strange
[sound:lo te cizra.mp3]lo te cizra a property of strangeness
[sound:lo ractu.mp3]lo ractu a rabbit
[sound:lo se ractu.mp3]lo se ractu a species of rabbit
[sound:lo xruti.mp3]lo xruti a returner
[sound:lo se xruti.mp3]lo se xruti something returned
[sound:lo te xruti.mp3]lo te xruti something that something is returned to
[sound:lo ve xruti.mp3]lo ve xruti something that something is returned from
[sound:lo simlu.mp3]lo simlu something which seems to have a property
[sound:lo se simlu.mp3]lo se simlu a property which something seems to have
[sound:lo te simlu.mp3]lo te simlu an observer of something seeming to have a property
[sound:lo ve simlu.mp3]lo ve simlu a condition of seeming to have a property
[sound:lo drani.mp3]lo drani something correct
[sound:lo se drani.mp3]lo se drani a property of correctness
[sound:lo te drani.mp3]lo te drani a situation for correctness
[sound:lo ve drani.mp3]lo ve drani a standard of correctness
[sound:lo voksa.mp3]lo voksa a voice
[sound:lo se voksa.mp3]lo se voksa something with a voice
[sound:lo jitfa.mp3]lo jitfa something false
[sound:lo se jitfa.mp3]lo se jitfa a standard of falseness
[sound:lo tsali.mp3]lo tsali something strong
[sound:lo se tsali.mp3]lo se tsali a property of strength
[sound:lo te tsali.mp3]lo te tsali a standard of strength
[sound:lo krixa.mp3]lo krixa a yeller
[sound:lo se krixa.mp3]lo se krixa a yelled sound
[sound:lo dukse.mp3]lo dukse an excess
[sound:lo se dukse.mp3]lo se dukse something in excess
[sound:lo te dukse.mp3]lo te dukse a standard of excess
[sound:lo jundi.mp3]lo jundi something attentive
[sound:lo se jundi.mp3]lo se jundi an object of attention
[sound:lo tcidu.mp3]lo tcidu a reader
[sound:lo se tcidu.mp3]lo se tcidu something read
[sound:lo te tcidu.mp3]lo te tcidu something read from
[sound:lo jinvi.mp3]lo jinvi something with an opinion
[sound:lo se jinvi.mp3]lo se jinvi an opinion
[sound:lo te jinvi.mp3]lo te jinvi a subject of an opinion
[sound:lo ve jinvi.mp3]lo ve jinvi a reason for an opinion
[sound:lo preti.mp3]lo preti a question
[sound:lo se preti.mp3]lo se preti a subject of a question
[sound:lo te preti.mp3]lo te preti a questioner
[sound:lo ve preti.mp3]lo ve preti an audience of a questioner
[sound:lo ponse.mp3]lo ponse a possesser
[sound:lo se ponse.mp3]lo se ponse something possessed
[sound:lo te ponse.mp3]lo te ponse a law defining possession
[sound:lo sipna.mp3]lo sipna something asleep
[sound:lo bacru.mp3]lo bacru an utterer
[sound:lo se bacru.mp3]lo se bacru an utterance
[sound:lo mlatu.mp3]lo mlatu a cat
[sound:lo se mlatu.mp3]lo se mlatu a species of cat
[sound:lo skami.mp3]lo skami a computer
[sound:lo se skami.mp3]lo se skami a purpose of a computer
[sound:lo xabju.mp3]lo xabju a dweller
[sound:lo se xabju.mp3]lo se xabju a dwelling
[sound:lo fasnu.mp3]lo fasnu an occurrence
[sound:lo melbi.mp3]lo melbi something beautiful
[sound:lo se melbi.mp3]lo se melbi an observer of beauty
[sound:lo te melbi.mp3]lo te melbi an aspect of beauty
[sound:lo ve melbi.mp3]lo ve melbi a standard of beauty
[sound:lo zukte.mp3]lo zukte a taker of action
[sound:lo se zukte.mp3]lo se zukte an action taken
[sound:lo te zukte.mp3]lo te zukte a purpose of an action taken
[sound:lo kakne.mp3]lo kakne something capable
[sound:lo se kakne.mp3]lo se kakne something capable of being done
[sound:lo te kakne.mp3]lo te kakne a condition for capability
[sound:lo lojbo.mp3]lo lojbo something Lojbanic
[sound:lo se lojbo.mp3]lo se lojbo a Lojbanic aspect
[sound:lo smacu.mp3]lo smacu a mouse
[sound:lo se smacu.mp3]lo se smacu a species of mouse
[sound:lo spuda.mp3]lo spuda a responder
[sound:lo se spuda.mp3]lo se spuda a responder's stimlus
[sound:lo te spuda.mp3]lo te spuda a response
[sound:lo lisri.mp3]lo lisri a story
[sound:lo se lisri.mp3]lo se lisri a story plot
[sound:lo te lisri.mp3]lo te lisri a storyteller
[sound:lo ve lisri.mp3]lo ve lisri a story audience
[sound:lo jibni.mp3]lo jibni something near
[sound:lo se jibni.mp3]lo se jibni something to which something is near
[sound:lo te jibni.mp3]lo te jibni a nearness property
[sound:lo blabi.mp3]lo blabi something white
[sound:lo simsa.mp3]lo simsa something similar
[sound:lo se simsa.mp3]lo se simsa something similar to
[sound:lo te simsa.mp3]lo te simsa a property of similarity
[sound:lo diklo.mp3]lo diklo something local
[sound:lo se diklo.mp3]lo se diklo a center of locality
[sound:lo te diklo.mp3]lo te diklo a range of locality
[sound:lo zbasu.mp3]lo zbasu a maker
[sound:lo se zbasu.mp3]lo se zbasu something made
[sound:lo te zbasu.mp3]lo te zbasu a part used to make something
[sound:lo milxe.mp3]lo milxe something mild
[sound:lo se milxe.mp3]lo se milxe a mild property
[sound:lo vorme.mp3]lo vorme a doorway
[sound:lo se vorme.mp3]lo se vorme something divided by a doorway
[sound:lo te vorme.mp3]lo te vorme something a doorway is between
[sound:lo ve vorme.mp3]lo ve vorme a structure with a doorway
[sound:lo kanla.mp3]lo kanla an eye
[sound:lo se kanla.mp3]lo se kanla something with an eye
[sound:lo cilre.mp3]lo cilre a learner
[sound:lo se cilre.mp3]lo se cilre something learned
[sound:lo te cilre.mp3]lo te cilre a subject learned
[sound:lo ve cilre.mp3]lo ve cilre a source of learning
[sound:lo xe cilre.mp3]lo xe cilre a learning method
[sound:lo zutse.mp3]lo zutse a sitter
[sound:lo se zutse.mp3]lo se zutse a surface sat on
[sound:lo farlu.mp3]lo farlu a faller
[sound:lo se farlu.mp3]lo se farlu a destination of fall
[sound:lo te farlu.mp3]lo te farlu an origin of fall
[sound:lo ve farlu.mp3]lo ve farlu a frame of reference for fall
[sound:lo gasnu.mp3]lo gasnu a cause
[sound:lo se gasnu.mp3]lo se gasnu something caused
[sound:lo cevni.mp3]lo cevni a god
[sound:lo se cevni.mp3]lo se cevni a god's people
[sound:lo te cevni.mp3]lo te cevni a god's dominion
[sound:lo xance.mp3]lo xance a hand
[sound:lo se xance.mp3]lo se xance something with a hand
[sound:lo cpacu.mp3]lo cpacu an acquirer
[sound:lo se cpacu.mp3]lo se cpacu something acquired
[sound:lo te cpacu.mp3]lo te cpacu an acquisition source
[sound:lo denpa.mp3]lo denpa a pauser
[sound:lo se denpa.mp3]lo se denpa something paused for
[sound:lo te denpa.mp3]lo te denpa a state of pause
[sound:lo ve denpa.mp3]lo ve denpa a paused state or activity
[sound:lo djedi.mp3]lo djedi something measured in full days
[sound:lo se djedi.mp3]lo se djedi a number of full days
[sound:lo te djedi.mp3]lo te djedi a standard defining a full day
[sound:lo vimcu.mp3]lo vimcu a remover
[sound:lo se vimcu.mp3]lo se vimcu something removed
[sound:lo te vimcu.mp3]lo te vimcu a source of removal
[sound:lo ve vimcu.mp3]lo ve vimcu something remaining after a removal
[sound:lo bajra.mp3]lo bajra a runner
[sound:lo se bajra.mp3]lo se bajra a running surface
[sound:lo te bajra.mp3]lo te bajra limbs runs with
[sound:lo ve bajra.mp3]lo ve bajra a running gait
[sound:lo pendo.mp3]lo pendo a friend
[sound:lo se pendo.mp3]lo se pendo something with a friend
[sound:lo binxo.mp3]lo binxo something that transforms
[sound:lo se binxo.mp3]lo se binxo a transformation result
[sound:lo te binxo.mp3]lo te binxo a condition for transformation
[sound:lo gleki.mp3]lo gleki something happy
[sound:lo se gleki.mp3]lo se gleki a subject of happiness
[sound:lo morji.mp3]lo morji a rememberer
[sound:lo se morji.mp3]lo se morji something remembered
[sound:lo te morji.mp3]lo te morji a remembered subject
[sound:lo fengu.mp3]lo fengu something angry
[sound:lo se fengu.mp3]lo se fengu an anger target
[sound:lo te fengu.mp3]lo te fengu an anger reason
[sound:lo djacu.mp3]lo djacu a quantity of water
[sound:lo zgana.mp3]lo zgana an observeer
[sound:lo se zgana.mp3]lo se zgana something observed
[sound:lo te zgana.mp3]lo te zgana a means of observation
[sound:lo ve zgana.mp3]lo ve zgana a condition of observation
[sound:lo kansa.mp3]lo kansa an accompanier
[sound:lo se kansa.mp3]lo se kansa something accompanied
[sound:lo te kansa.mp3]lo te kansa a circumstance of accompaniment
[sound:lo pinka.mp3]lo pinka a comment
[sound:lo se pinka.mp3]lo se pinka a subject of a comment
[sound:lo te pinka.mp3]lo te pinka an expresser of a comment
[sound:lo ve pinka.mp3]lo ve pinka an audience for a comment
[sound:lo banzu.mp3]lo banzu a sufficient
[sound:lo se banzu.mp3]lo se banzu a purpose something is sufficient for
[sound:lo te banzu.mp3]lo te banzu a condition of sufficiency
[sound:lo cinri.mp3]lo cinri something interesting
[sound:lo se cinri.mp3]lo se cinri something interested
[sound:lo jmive.mp3]lo jmive something alive
[sound:lo se jmive.mp3]lo se jmive a standard of living
[sound:lo casnu.mp3]lo casnu a discusser
[sound:lo se casnu.mp3]lo se casnu a discussion topic
[sound:lo terpa.mp3]lo terpa something fearful
[sound:lo se terpa.mp3]lo se terpa something causing fear
[sound:lo cipni.mp3]lo cipni a bird
[sound:lo se cipni.mp3]lo se cipni a species of bird
[sound:lo traji.mp3]lo traji something superlative
[sound:lo se traji.mp3]lo se traji a superlative property
[sound:lo te traji.mp3]lo te traji a superlative extreme
[sound:lo ve traji.mp3]lo ve traji a set with a superlative member
[sound:lo cnita.mp3]lo cnita something beneath
[sound:lo se cnita.mp3]lo se cnita something to which something is beneath
[sound:lo te cnita.mp3]lo te cnita a reference frame of beneathness
[sound:lo smuni.mp3]lo smuni a meaning
[sound:lo se smuni.mp3]lo se smuni something with a meaning
[sound:lo te smuni.mp3]lo te smuni something that accepts a meaning
[sound:lo tadni.mp3]lo tadni a studier
[sound:lo se tadni.mp3]lo se tadni something studied
[sound:lo kelci.mp3]lo kelci a player
[sound:lo se kelci.mp3]lo se kelci a toy played with
[sound:lo rinka.mp3]lo rinka an effect's cause
[sound:lo se rinka.mp3]lo se rinka an effect caused
[sound:lo te rinka.mp3]lo te rinka a condition of an effect
[sound:lo smaji.mp3]lo smaji something silent
[sound:lo se smaji.mp3]lo se smaji an observation point for silence
[sound:lo te smaji.mp3]lo te smaji a standard of silence
[sound:lo rokci.mp3]lo rokci a rock
[sound:lo se rokci.mp3]lo se rokci a composition of rock
[sound:lo te rokci.mp3]lo te rokci a location of rock
[sound:lo zasti.mp3]lo zasti something existing
[sound:lo se zasti.mp3]lo se zasti something to which something exists
[sound:lo te zasti.mp3]lo te zasti a metaphysics of existence
[sound:lo loldi.mp3]lo loldi a floor
[sound:lo se loldi.mp3]lo se loldi something with a floor
[sound:lo mulno.mp3]lo mulno something complete
[sound:lo se mulno.mp3]lo se mulno a property of completeness
[sound:lo te mulno.mp3]lo te mulno a standard for completeness
[sound:lo mlana.mp3]lo mlana something aside something
[sound:lo se mlana.mp3]lo se mlana something to which something is aside
[sound:lo te mlana.mp3]lo te mlana a direction something aside is facing
[sound:lo ve mlana.mp3]lo ve mlana a reference frame in which something is aside
[sound:lo jmina.mp3]lo jmina a combiner
[sound:lo se jmina.mp3]lo se jmina something combined
[sound:lo te jmina.mp3]lo te jmina something combined to
[sound:lo ve jmina.mp3]lo ve jmina a combination result
[sound:lo badri.mp3]lo badri something that is sad
[sound:lo se badri.mp3]lo se badri a saddening
[sound:lo clani.mp3]lo clani something long
[sound:lo se clani.mp3]lo se clani a dimension of longness
[sound:lo te clani.mp3]lo te clani a standard of longness
[sound:lo vasru.mp3]lo vasru a container
[sound:lo se vasru.mp3]lo se vasru something in a container
[sound:lo finti.mp3]lo finti a creater
[sound:lo se finti.mp3]lo se finti a creation
[sound:lo te finti.mp3]lo te finti a purpose of creation
[sound:lo ve finti.mp3]lo ve finti an element in creation
[sound:lo tonga.mp3]lo tonga a tone
[sound:lo se tonga.mp3]lo se tonga a tone pitch
[sound:lo te tonga.mp3]lo te tonga a tone source
[sound:lo banli.mp3]lo banli something great
[sound:lo se banli.mp3]lo se banli a property of greatness
[sound:lo te banli.mp3]lo te banli a standard of greatness
[sound:lo cadzu.mp3]lo cadzu a walker
[sound:lo se cadzu.mp3]lo se cadzu a surface walked on
[sound:lo te cadzu.mp3]lo te cadzu a limb used to walk
[sound:lo carmi.mp3]lo carmi something bright
[sound:lo se carmi.mp3]lo se carmi a property of brightness
[sound:lo te carmi.mp3]lo te carmi an observer of brightness
[sound:lo pagbu.mp3]lo pagbu a part
[sound:lo se pagbu.mp3]lo se pagbu something with a part
[sound:lo punji.mp3]lo punji a placer
[sound:lo se punji.mp3]lo se punji something placed
[sound:lo te punji.mp3]lo te punji a location of placement
[sound:lo pinxe.mp3]lo pinxe a drinker
[sound:lo se pinxe.mp3]lo se pinxe something drunk
[sound:lo te pinxe.mp3]lo te pinxe a drinking vessel
[sound:lo jersi.mp3]lo jersi a chaseer
[sound:lo se jersi.mp3]lo se jersi something chased
[sound:lo bevri.mp3]lo bevri a transporter
[sound:lo se bevri.mp3]lo se bevri something transported
[sound:lo te bevri.mp3]lo te bevri a transport destination
[sound:lo ve bevri.mp3]lo ve bevri a transport origin
[sound:lo xe bevri.mp3]lo xe bevri a transport route
[sound:lo cnino.mp3]lo cnino something new
[sound:lo se cnino.mp3]lo se cnino an observer of newness
[sound:lo te cnino.mp3]lo te cnino a feature of newness
[sound:lo ve cnino.mp3]lo ve cnino a standard of newness
[sound:lo kevna.mp3]lo kevna a cavity
[sound:lo se kevna.mp3]lo se kevna something with a cavity
[sound:lo cfipu.mp3]lo cfipu something confusing
[sound:lo se cfipu.mp3]lo se cfipu something confused
[sound:lo te cfipu.mp3]lo te cfipu a confusing property
[sound:lo cumki.mp3]lo cumki something which is possible
[sound:lo se cumki.mp3]lo se cumki a condition for something being possible
[sound:lo dunda.mp3]lo dunda a giver
[sound:lo se dunda.mp3]lo se dunda a gift
[sound:lo te dunda.mp3]lo te dunda a receiver of a gift
[sound:lo gapru.mp3]lo gapru something above
[sound:lo se gapru.mp3]lo se gapru something to which something is above
[sound:lo te gapru.mp3]lo te gapru a reference frame of aboveness
[sound:lo bangu.mp3]lo bangu a language
[sound:lo se bangu.mp3]lo se bangu a user of a language
[sound:lo te bangu.mp3]lo te bangu something expressed in a language
[sound:lo cinmo.mp3]lo cinmo something feeling emotion
[sound:lo se cinmo.mp3]lo se cinmo a felt emotion
[sound:lo te cinmo.mp3]lo te cinmo a subject of a felt emotion
[sound:lo fanmo.mp3]lo fanmo a finish
[sound:lo se fanmo.mp3]lo se fanmo a finished process
[sound:lo banro.mp3]lo banro a growing
[sound:lo se banro.mp3]lo se banro a form after growth
[sound:lo te banro.mp3]lo te banro a form before growth
[sound:lo mintu.mp3]lo mintu something identical
[sound:lo se mintu.mp3]lo se mintu something to which something is identical
[sound:lo te mintu.mp3]lo te mintu a standard for being identical
[sound:lo snada.mp3]lo snada a succeeder
[sound:lo se snada.mp3]lo se snada something succeeded at
[sound:lo te snada.mp3]lo te snada a successful effort
[sound:lo krinu.mp3]lo krinu a justification
[sound:lo se krinu.mp3]lo se krinu something justified
[sound:lo vajni.mp3]lo vajni something important
[sound:lo se vajni.mp3]lo se vajni something to which something is important
[sound:lo te vajni.mp3]lo te vajni a reason of importance
[sound:lo jufra.mp3]lo jufra a sentence
[sound:lo se jufra.mp3]lo se jufra a sentence topic
[sound:lo te jufra.mp3]lo te jufra a language of a sentence
[sound:lo morsi.mp3]lo morsi something dead
[sound:lo tatpi.mp3]lo tatpi something tired
[sound:lo se tatpi.mp3]lo se tatpi something tiring
[sound:lo danlu.mp3]lo danlu a creature
[sound:lo se danlu.mp3]lo se danlu a species of a creature
[sound:lo slabu.mp3]lo slabu something familiar
[sound:lo se slabu.mp3]lo se slabu an observer of familiarity
[sound:lo te slabu.mp3]lo te slabu a feature of familiarity
[sound:lo ve slabu.mp3]lo ve slabu a standard of familiarity
[sound:lo ckule.mp3]lo ckule a school
[sound:lo se ckule.mp3]lo se ckule a location of a school
[sound:lo te ckule.mp3]lo te ckule a subject taught in a school
[sound:lo ve ckule.mp3]lo ve ckule a pupil of a school
[sound:lo xe ckule.mp3]lo xe ckule an operator of a shcool
[sound:lo cmima.mp3]lo cmima a member
[sound:lo se cmima.mp3]lo se cmima a member's group
[sound:lo xanka.mp3]lo xanka something anxious
[sound:lo se xanka.mp3]lo se xanka something about which something is anxious
[sound:lo te xanka.mp3]lo te xanka a conditions of anxiety
[sound:lo gusni.mp3]lo gusni a light
[sound:lo se gusni.mp3]lo se gusni something illuminated by a light
[sound:lo te gusni.mp3]lo te gusni a light source
[sound:lo zmadu.mp3]lo zmadu an exceeder
[sound:lo se zmadu.mp3]lo se zmadu something exceeded
[sound:lo te zmadu.mp3]lo te zmadu a property of exceeding
[sound:lo ve zmadu.mp3]lo ve zmadu an amount of exceeding
[sound:lo sance.mp3]lo sance a sound
[sound:lo se sance.mp3]lo se sance a producer of a sound
[sound:lo pixra.mp3]lo pixra a picture
[sound:lo se pixra.mp3]lo se pixra something shown by a picture
[sound:lo te pixra.mp3]lo te pixra an artist of a picture
[sound:lo ve pixra.mp3]lo ve pixra an art medium of a picture
[sound:lo galfi.mp3]lo galfi a modifyer
[sound:lo se galfi.mp3]lo se galfi a modified
[sound:lo te galfi.mp3]lo te galfi a modification result
[sound:lo mitre.mp3]lo mitre something measured in metres
[sound:lo se mitre.mp3]lo se mitre a number of metres
[sound:lo te mitre.mp3]lo te mitre a metre direction
[sound:lo ve mitre.mp3]lo ve mitre a metre standard
[sound:lo darxi.mp3]lo darxi a hitter
[sound:lo se darxi.mp3]lo se darxi something hit
[sound:lo te darxi.mp3]lo te darxi something used to hit
[sound:lo ve darxi.mp3]lo ve darxi a place hit
[sound:lo sanli.mp3]lo sanli a stander
[sound:lo se sanli.mp3]lo se sanli a surface stood on
[sound:lo te sanli.mp3]lo te sanli a support used for standing
[sound:lo jamfu.mp3]lo jamfu a foot
[sound:lo se jamfu.mp3]lo se jamfu something with a foot
[sound:lo mapti.mp3]lo mapti something compatible
[sound:lo se mapti.mp3]lo se mapti something with which something is compatible
[sound:lo te mapti.mp3]lo te mapti a standard of compatibility
[sound:lo cukta.mp3]lo cukta a book
[sound:lo se cukta.mp3]lo se cukta a work in a book
[sound:lo te cukta.mp3]lo te cukta a book's author
[sound:lo ve cukta.mp3]lo ve cukta a book's audience
[sound:lo xe cukta.mp3]lo xe cukta a book medium
[sound:lo stuzi.mp3]lo stuzi a site
[sound:lo se stuzi.mp3]lo se stuzi something with a site
[sound:lo mentu.mp3]lo mentu something with a duration in minutes
[sound:lo se mentu.mp3]lo se mentu a number of minutes
[sound:lo te mentu.mp3]lo te mentu a standard of minutes
[sound:lo stici.mp3]lo stici something which is west of something
[sound:lo se stici.mp3]lo se stici something to which something is west
[sound:lo te stici.mp3]lo te stici a reference frame of westness
[sound:lo bebna.mp3]lo bebna something foolish
[sound:lo se bebna.mp3]lo se bebna a foolish action or property
[sound:lo pluka.mp3]lo pluka something pleasant
[sound:lo se pluka.mp3]lo se pluka something pleased
[sound:lo te pluka.mp3]lo te pluka a condition of pleasure
[sound:lo korbi.mp3]lo korbi an edge
[sound:lo se korbi.mp3]lo se korbi something with an edge
[sound:lo te korbi.mp3]lo te korbi something bordered by an edge
[sound:lo fenki.mp3]lo fenki something crazy
[sound:lo se fenki.mp3]lo se fenki a standard for craziness
[sound:lo terdi.mp3]lo terdi a home planet
[sound:lo se terdi.mp3]lo se terdi a race of a home planet
[sound:lo bartu.mp3]lo bartu something outside
[sound:lo se bartu.mp3]lo se bartu something to which something is outside
[sound:lo sanji.mp3]lo sanji something aware of something
[sound:lo se sanji.mp3]lo se sanji something of which something is aware
[sound:lo flira.mp3]lo flira a face
[sound:lo se flira.mp3]lo se flira something with a face
[sound:lo nandu.mp3]lo nandu something difficult
[sound:lo se nandu.mp3]lo se nandu something with a difficulty
[sound:lo te nandu.mp3]lo te nandu a condition for a difficulty
[sound:lo cpana.mp3]lo cpana something on top
[sound:lo se cpana.mp3]lo se cpana something to which something is on top
[sound:lo te cpana.mp3]lo te cpana a reference frame for being on top
[sound:lo xamsi.mp3]lo xamsi a sea
[sound:lo se xamsi.mp3]lo se xamsi a planet with a sea
[sound:lo te xamsi.mp3]lo te xamsi a fluid of a sea
[sound:lo darno.mp3]lo darno something distant
[sound:lo se darno.mp3]lo se darno something to which something is distant
[sound:lo te darno.mp3]lo te darno a property of distantness
[sound:lo tcati.mp3]lo tcati a quantity of tea
[sound:lo se tcati.mp3]lo se tcati a leaf of tea
[sound:lo penmi.mp3]lo penmi an encounterer
[sound:lo se penmi.mp3]lo se penmi something encountered
[sound:lo te penmi.mp3]lo te penmi a location of an encounter
[sound:lo bitmu.mp3]lo bitmu a wall
[sound:lo se bitmu.mp3]lo se bitmu something separated by a wall
[sound:lo te bitmu.mp3]lo te bitmu something a wall separates
[sound:lo ve bitmu.mp3]lo ve bitmu something with a wall
[sound:lo pagre.mp3]lo pagre a penetrater
[sound:lo se pagre.mp3]lo se pagre something penetrated
[sound:lo te pagre.mp3]lo te pagre a destination of penetration
[sound:lo ve pagre.mp3]lo ve pagre an origin of penetration
[sound:lo jubme.mp3]lo jubme a table
[sound:lo se jubme.mp3]lo se jubme a material of table
[sound:lo te jubme.mp3]lo te jubme a table support
[sound:lo jgari.mp3]lo jgari a holder
[sound:lo se jgari.mp3]lo se jgari something held
[sound:lo te jgari.mp3]lo te jgari something used to hold
[sound:lo ve jgari.mp3]lo ve jgari a location of hold
[sound:lo tricu.mp3]lo tricu a tree
[sound:lo se tricu.mp3]lo se tricu a species of tree
[sound:lo botpi.mp3]lo botpi a bottle
[sound:lo se botpi.mp3]lo se botpi contents of a bottle
[sound:lo te botpi.mp3]lo te botpi a material of a bottle
[sound:lo ve botpi.mp3]lo ve botpi a lid of a bottle
[sound:lo jemna.mp3]lo jemna a gem
[sound:lo se jemna.mp3]lo se jemna a gem type
[sound:lo te jemna.mp3]lo te jemna a material of a gem
[sound:lo sruri.mp3]lo sruri something enclosing
[sound:lo se sruri.mp3]lo se sruri something eclosed
[sound:lo te sruri.mp3]lo te sruri a direction of enclosure
[sound:lo fanva.mp3]lo fanva a translateer
[sound:lo se fanva.mp3]lo se fanva a source text for translation
[sound:lo te fanva.mp3]lo te fanva a target language for translation
[sound:lo ve fanva.mp3]lo ve fanva a source language for translation
[sound:lo xe fanva.mp3]lo xe fanva a result of translation
[sound:lo bilga.mp3]lo bilga something obligated
[sound:lo se bilga.mp3]lo se bilga an obligation
[sound:lo te bilga.mp3]lo te bilga an obligation agreement
[sound:lo mukti.mp3]lo mukti a motive
[sound:lo se mukti.mp3]lo se mukti a motivated event
[sound:lo te mukti.mp3]lo te mukti something motivated
[sound:lo gerku.mp3]lo gerku a dog
[sound:lo se gerku.mp3]lo se gerku a species of dog
[sound:lo jinga.mp3]lo jinga a winner
[sound:lo se jinga.mp3]lo se jinga a prize won
[sound:lo te jinga.mp3]lo te jinga something a prize is won from
[sound:lo ve jinga.mp3]lo ve jinga a competition with a winner
[sound:lo vacri.mp3]lo vacri a quantity of air
[sound:lo se vacri.mp3]lo se vacri a planet with air
[sound:lo te vacri.mp3]lo te vacri a composition of air
[sound:lo sisti.mp3]lo sisti a ceaseer
[sound:lo se sisti.mp3]lo se sisti something ceased
[sound:lo nuzba.mp3]lo nuzba news
[sound:lo se nuzba.mp3]lo se nuzba a subject of news
[sound:lo te nuzba.mp3]lo te nuzba a source of news
[sound:lo ve nuzba.mp3]lo ve nuzba a observer of news
[sound:lo purdi.mp3]lo purdi a garden
[sound:lo se purdi.mp3]lo se purdi a gardener
[sound:lo te purdi.mp3]lo te purdi something growing in a garden
[sound:lo gugde.mp3]lo gugde a country
[sound:lo se gugde.mp3]lo se gugde a people of a country
[sound:lo te gugde.mp3]lo te gugde a territory of a country
[sound:lo krici.mp3]lo krici a believer
[sound:lo se krici.mp3]lo se krici something believed
[sound:lo te krici.mp3]lo te krici a subject of a belief
[sound:lo sisku.mp3]lo sisku a searcher
[sound:lo se sisku.mp3]lo se sisku a property searched for
[sound:lo te sisku.mp3]lo te sisku a group within which something is searched for
[sound:lo junri.mp3]lo junri something serious
[sound:lo se junri.mp3]lo se junri a topic of seriousness
[sound:lo kucli.mp3]lo kucli something curious
[sound:lo se kucli.mp3]lo se kucli a subject of curiosity
[sound:lo cladu.mp3]lo cladu something loud
[sound:lo se cladu.mp3]lo se cladu a place something is loud at
[sound:lo te cladu.mp3]lo te cladu a standard of loudness
[sound:lo dirba.mp3]lo dirba something precious
[sound:lo se dirba.mp3]lo se dirba something to which something is precious
[sound:lo canci.mp3]lo canci a vanisher
[sound:lo se canci.mp3]lo se canci a location where something vanishes
[sound:lo te canci.mp3]lo te canci a sense something vanished from
[sound:lo sanga.mp3]lo sanga a singer
[sound:lo se sanga.mp3]lo se sanga something sung
[sound:lo te sanga.mp3]lo te sanga an audience of a song
[sound:lo sidbo.mp3]lo sidbo an idea
[sound:lo se sidbo.mp3]lo se sidbo an subject of an idea
[sound:lo te sidbo.mp3]lo te sidbo something with an idea
[sound:lo fenra.mp3]lo fenra a crack
[sound:lo se fenra.mp3]lo se fenra something with a crack
[sound:lo ckaji.mp3]lo ckaji something with a property
[sound:lo se ckaji.mp3]lo se ckaji a property
[sound:lo kurji.mp3]lo kurji a caretaker
[sound:lo se kurji.mp3]lo se kurji something taken care of
[sound:lo notci.mp3]lo notci a message
[sound:lo se notci.mp3]lo se notci a message subject
[sound:lo te notci.mp3]lo te notci a message author
[sound:lo ve notci.mp3]lo ve notci a message audience
[sound:lo ganra.mp3]lo ganra something broad
[sound:lo se ganra.mp3]lo se ganra a dimension of broadness
[sound:lo te ganra.mp3]lo te ganra a standard of broadness
[sound:lo muvdu.mp3]lo muvdu something moving
[sound:lo se muvdu.mp3]lo se muvdu a destination of movement
[sound:lo te muvdu.mp3]lo te muvdu an origin of movement
[sound:lo ve muvdu.mp3]lo ve muvdu a route of movement
[sound:lo selfu.mp3]lo selfu a server
[sound:lo se selfu.mp3]lo se selfu a receiver of a service
[sound:lo te selfu.mp3]lo te selfu a service
[sound:lo dizlo.mp3]lo dizlo something low
[sound:lo se dizlo.mp3]lo se dizlo a lowness reference frame
[sound:lo te dizlo.mp3]lo te dizlo a standard of lowness
[sound:lo condi.mp3]lo condi something deep
[sound:lo se condi.mp3]lo se condi a property of depth
[sound:lo te condi.mp3]lo te condi a reference point of depth
[sound:lo ve condi.mp3]lo ve condi a standards of depth
[sound:lo berti.mp3]lo berti something north
[sound:lo se berti.mp3]lo se berti something to which something is north
[sound:lo te berti.mp3]lo te berti a northness reference frame
[sound:lo tarmi.mp3]lo tarmi a shape
[sound:lo se tarmi.mp3]lo se tarmi something with a shape
[sound:lo temci.mp3]lo temci an elapse of time
[sound:lo se temci.mp3]lo se temci a start of an elapse of time
[sound:lo te temci.mp3]lo te temci a finish of an elapse of time
[sound:lo renro.mp3]lo renro a thrower
[sound:lo se renro.mp3]lo se renro something thrown
[sound:lo te renro.mp3]lo te renro something at which something is thrown
[sound:lo stuna.mp3]lo stuna something which is east of something
[sound:lo se stuna.mp3]lo se stuna something to which something is east
[sound:lo te stuna.mp3]lo te stuna a reference frame of eastness
[sound:lo zenba.mp3]lo zenba something increasing
[sound:lo se zenba.mp3]lo se zenba something in which something increases
[sound:lo te zenba.mp3]lo te zenba an amount of increase
[sound:lo nitcu.mp3]lo nitcu something with a need
[sound:lo se nitcu.mp3]lo se nitcu something needed
[sound:lo te nitcu.mp3]lo te nitcu a purpose of a need
[sound:lo since.mp3]lo since a snake
[sound:lo se since.mp3]lo se since a species of snake
[sound:lo ciksi.mp3]lo ciksi an explainer
[sound:lo se ciksi.mp3]lo se ciksi something explained
[sound:lo te ciksi.mp3]lo te ciksi something explained to
[sound:lo ve ciksi.mp3]lo ve ciksi an explanation
[sound:lo ninmu.mp3]lo ninmu a woman
[sound:lo tcika.mp3]lo tcika a time
[sound:lo se tcika.mp3]lo se tcika something with a time
[sound:lo te tcika.mp3]lo te tcika a day of time
[sound:lo ve tcika.mp3]lo ve tcika a location of time
[sound:lo spaji.mp3]lo spaji something surprising
[sound:lo se spaji.mp3]lo se spaji something surprised
[sound:lo birka.mp3]lo birka an arm
[sound:lo se birka.mp3]lo se birka something with an arm
[sound:lo cfari.mp3]lo cfari something that begins
[sound:lo pacna.mp3]lo pacna a hoper
[sound:lo se pacna.mp3]lo se pacna something hoped for
[sound:lo te pacna.mp3]lo te pacna a likelihood of something hoped for
[sound:lo krefu.mp3]lo krefu a recurrence
[sound:lo se krefu.mp3]lo se krefu something that recurs
[sound:lo te krefu.mp3]lo te krefu a number of a recurrence
[sound:lo klaku.mp3]lo klaku a weeper
[sound:lo se klaku.mp3]lo se klaku a tear wept
[sound:lo te klaku.mp3]lo te klaku a reason for weeping
[sound:lo jarco.mp3]lo jarco a demonstrater
[sound:lo se jarco.mp3]lo se jarco something demonstrated
[sound:lo te jarco.mp3]lo te jarco an audience of a demonstration
[sound:lo litru.mp3]lo litru a traveler
[sound:lo se litru.mp3]lo se litru a route of travel
[sound:lo te litru.mp3]lo te litru a method for travel
[sound:lo tilju.mp3]lo tilju something heavy
[sound:lo se tilju.mp3]lo se tilju a standard of heaviness
[sound:lo lebna.mp3]lo lebna a taker
[sound:lo se lebna.mp3]lo se lebna something taken
[sound:lo te lebna.mp3]lo te lebna something from which something is taken
[sound:lo sidju.mp3]lo sidju a helper
[sound:lo se sidju.mp3]lo se sidju a receiver of help
[sound:lo te sidju.mp3]lo te sidju something that something is helped to do
[sound:lo sinxa.mp3]lo sinxa a sign
[sound:lo se sinxa.mp3]lo se sinxa a meaning of a sign
[sound:lo te sinxa.mp3]lo te sinxa an observer of a sign
[sound:lo tsani.mp3]lo tsani a sky
[sound:lo se tsani.mp3]lo se tsani a place with a sky
[sound:lo desku.mp3]lo desku something vibrating
[sound:lo se desku.mp3]lo se desku a force causing vibration
[sound:lo remna.mp3]lo remna a human
[sound:lo nanba.mp3]lo nanba a quantity of bread
[sound:lo se nanba.mp3]lo se nanba a source of bread
[sound:lo snanu.mp3]lo snanu something that is south of something
[sound:lo se snanu.mp3]lo se snanu something to which something is south
[sound:lo te snanu.mp3]lo te snanu a reference frame of southness
[sound:lo suksa.mp3]lo suksa something sudden
[sound:lo se suksa.mp3]lo se suksa a stage of suddenness
[sound:lo te suksa.mp3]lo te suksa a process with something sudden
[sound:lo prali.mp3]lo prali a profit
[sound:lo se prali.mp3]lo se prali something to which something is a profit
[sound:lo te prali.mp3]lo te prali a profitable activity
[sound:lo fadni.mp3]lo fadni something typical
[sound:lo se fadni.mp3]lo se fadni a typical property
[sound:lo te fadni.mp3]lo te fadni a group of typicals
[sound:lo lifri.mp3]lo lifri an experiencer
[sound:lo se lifri.mp3]lo se lifri something experienced
[sound:lo zunti.mp3]lo zunti a hinderer
[sound:lo se zunti.mp3]lo se zunti something hindered
[sound:lo te zunti.mp3]lo te zunti a quality in which something hinders
[sound:lo turni.mp3]lo turni a governer
[sound:lo se turni.mp3]lo se turni something governed
[sound:lo zdile.mp3]lo zdile something amusing
[sound:lo se zdile.mp3]lo se zdile something amused
[sound:lo te zdile.mp3]lo te zdile a property of amusement
[sound:lo cribe.mp3]lo cribe a bear
[sound:lo se cribe.mp3]lo se cribe a species of bear
[sound:lo galtu.mp3]lo galtu a high
[sound:lo se galtu.mp3]lo se galtu a height frame of reference
[sound:lo te galtu.mp3]lo te galtu a standard of height
[sound:lo liste.mp3]lo liste a list
[sound:lo se liste.mp3]lo se liste a list sequence
[sound:lo te liste.mp3]lo te liste a list order
[sound:lo ve liste.mp3]lo ve liste a list medium
[sound:lo minde.mp3]lo minde a commander
[sound:lo se minde.mp3]lo se minde something commanded
[sound:lo te minde.mp3]lo te minde a purpose of a command
[sound:lo rivbi.mp3]lo rivbi an avoider
[sound:lo se rivbi.mp3]lo se rivbi something avoided
[sound:lo te rivbi.mp3]lo te rivbi an action of avoidance
[sound:lo masno.mp3]lo masno something slow
[sound:lo se masno.mp3]lo se masno something achieved slowly
[sound:lo stasu.mp3]lo stasu a soup
[sound:lo se stasu.mp3]lo se stasu a soup ingredient
[sound:lo srana.mp3]lo srana something relevant
[sound:lo se srana.mp3]lo se srana something to which something is relevant
[sound:lo xlali.mp3]lo xlali something bad
[sound:lo se xlali.mp3]lo se xlali something for which something is bad
[sound:lo te xlali.mp3]lo te xlali a standard of badness
[sound:lo cpare.mp3]lo cpare a climber
[sound:lo se cpare.mp3]lo se cpare a surface climbed
[sound:lo te cpare.mp3]lo te cpare a direction climbed
[sound:lo ve cpare.mp3]lo ve cpare a tool for climbing
[sound:lo lujvo.mp3]lo lujvo a compound word
[sound:lo se lujvo.mp3]lo se lujvo a meaning of a compound word
[sound:lo te lujvo.mp3]lo te lujvo an argument of a compound word
[sound:lo ve lujvo.mp3]lo ve lujvo a source metaphor of a compound word
[sound:lo jinto.mp3]lo jinto a well
[sound:lo se jinto.mp3]lo se jinto a fluid in a well
[sound:lo te jinto.mp3]lo te jinto a location of a well
[sound:lo cifnu.mp3]lo cifnu an infant
[sound:lo se cifnu.mp3]lo se cifnu a species of an infant
[sound:lo stali.mp3]lo stali something staying
[sound:lo se stali.mp3]lo se stali a place stayed at
[sound:lo mamta.mp3]lo mamta a mother
[sound:lo se mamta.mp3]lo se mamta something with a mother
[sound:lo xanri.mp3]lo xanri something imagined
[sound:lo se xanri.mp3]lo se xanri an imaginer
[sound:lo dacti.mp3]lo dacti a
[sound:lo vreta.mp3]lo vreta a rester
[sound:lo se vreta.mp3]lo se vreta something rested on
[sound:lo nanmu.mp3]lo nanmu a man
[sound:lo rirxe.mp3]lo rirxe a river
[sound:lo se rirxe.mp3]lo se rirxe something with a river
[sound:lo te rirxe.mp3]lo te rirxe a watershed of a river
[sound:lo ve rirxe.mp3]lo ve rirxe a destination of a river
[sound:lo spofu.mp3]lo spofu something broken
[sound:lo se spofu.mp3]lo se spofu a function broken
[sound:lo trixe.mp3]lo trixe something behind something
[sound:lo se trixe.mp3]lo se trixe something to which something is behind
[sound:lo te trixe.mp3]lo te trixe a reference frame for being behind
[sound:lo cuntu.mp3]lo cuntu an affair
[sound:lo se cuntu.mp3]lo se cuntu something involved in an affair
[sound:lo datni.mp3]lo datni information
[sound:lo se datni.mp3]lo se datni a subject of information
[sound:lo te datni.mp3]lo te datni an information gathering method
[sound:lo canko.mp3]lo canko a window
[sound:lo se canko.mp3]lo se canko a structure with a window
[sound:lo benji.mp3]lo benji a transmitter
[sound:lo se benji.mp3]lo se benji something transmitted
[sound:lo te benji.mp3]lo te benji a transmission receiver
[sound:lo ve benji.mp3]lo ve benji origin of a transmission
[sound:lo xe benji.mp3]lo xe benji a method of transmission
[sound:lo zifre.mp3]lo zifre something at liberty
[sound:lo se zifre.mp3]lo se zifre something allowed by a liberty
[sound:lo te zifre.mp3]lo te zifre a condition of liberty
[sound:lo nanca.mp3]lo nanca something measured in years
[sound:lo se nanca.mp3]lo se nanca a number of years
[sound:lo te nanca.mp3]lo te nanca a standard of a year
[sound:lo cidja.mp3]lo cidja food
[sound:lo se cidja.mp3]lo se cidja something that eats food
[sound:lo cisma.mp3]lo cisma a smiler
[sound:lo dansu.mp3]lo dansu a dancer
[sound:lo se dansu.mp3]lo se dansu a dancer's accompaniment
[sound:lo glico.mp3]lo glico something English
[sound:lo se glico.mp3]lo se glico an English aspect
[sound:lo krasi.mp3]lo krasi an origin
[sound:lo se krasi.mp3]lo se krasi something with an origin
[sound:lo bredi.mp3]lo bredi something ready
[sound:lo se bredi.mp3]lo se bredi something ready for
[sound:lo xusra.mp3]lo xusra a claimant
[sound:lo se xusra.mp3]lo se xusra a claim
[sound:lo ctuca.mp3]lo ctuca a teacher
[sound:lo se ctuca.mp3]lo se ctuca an audience of teaching
[sound:lo te ctuca.mp3]lo te ctuca an idea taught
[sound:lo ve ctuca.mp3]lo ve ctuca a subject taught
[sound:lo xe ctuca.mp3]lo xe ctuca a method of teaching
[sound:lo xagji.mp3]lo xagji something hungry
[sound:lo se xagji.mp3]lo se xagji a subject of hunger
[sound:lo mrilu.mp3]lo mrilu a mailer
[sound:lo se mrilu.mp3]lo se mrilu something mailed
[sound:lo te mrilu.mp3]lo te mrilu a destination of a mail
[sound:lo ve mrilu.mp3]lo ve mrilu an origin of a mail
[sound:lo xe mrilu.mp3]lo xe mrilu a mailing system
[sound:lo dunli.mp3]lo dunli an equal
[sound:lo se dunli.mp3]lo se dunli an equality reference
[sound:lo te dunli.mp3]lo te dunli an equality property
[sound:lo danfu.mp3]lo danfu an answer
[sound:lo se danfu.mp3]lo se danfu a problem with an answer
[sound:lo dasni.mp3]lo dasni a wearer
[sound:lo se dasni.mp3]lo se dasni something worn
[sound:lo te dasni.mp3]lo te dasni a type of worn garment
[sound:lo verba.mp3]lo verba a child
[sound:lo se verba.mp3]lo se verba an age of a child
[sound:lo te verba.mp3]lo te verba a standard of childhood
[sound:lo certu.mp3]lo certu something skilled
[sound:lo se certu.mp3]lo se certu something skilled at
[sound:lo te certu.mp3]lo te certu a standard of skill
[sound:lo frili.mp3]lo frili something easy
[sound:lo se frili.mp3]lo se frili something to which something is easy
[sound:lo te frili.mp3]lo te frili a condition for ease
[sound:lo nicte.mp3]lo nicte a night-time
[sound:lo se nicte.mp3]lo se nicte a day with a night
[sound:lo te nicte.mp3]lo te nicte a location of night
[sound:lo catra.mp3]lo catra a killer
[sound:lo se catra.mp3]lo se catra something killed
[sound:lo te catra.mp3]lo te catra a method of killing
[sound:lo moklu.mp3]lo moklu a mouth
[sound:lo se moklu.mp3]lo se moklu something with a mouth
[sound:lo canlu.mp3]lo canlu a space
[sound:lo se canlu.mp3]lo se canlu something occupying a space
[sound:lo tcadu.mp3]lo tcadu a city
[sound:lo se tcadu.mp3]lo se tcadu an area of a city
[sound:lo te tcadu.mp3]lo te tcadu a political unit of a city
[sound:lo ve tcadu.mp3]lo ve tcadu a region served by a city
[sound:lo xebni.mp3]lo xebni a hater
[sound:lo se xebni.mp3]lo se xebni something hated
[sound:lo srera.mp3]lo srera something that errs
[sound:lo se srera.mp3]lo se srera an error
[sound:lo te srera.mp3]lo te srera a condition for an error
[sound:lo ve srera.mp3]lo ve srera a standard for an error
[sound:lo midju.mp3]lo midju something at a middle
[sound:lo se midju.mp3]lo se midju something with a middle
[sound:lo kabri.mp3]lo kabri a cup
[sound:lo se kabri.mp3]lo se kabri a content of a cup
[sound:lo te kabri.mp3]lo te kabri a material of a cup
[sound:lo klesi.mp3]lo klesi a subset
[sound:lo se klesi.mp3]lo se klesi something with a subset
[sound:lo te klesi.mp3]lo te klesi a property of a subset
[sound:lo steci.mp3]lo steci a specific feature
[sound:lo se steci.mp3]lo se steci something with a specific feature
[sound:lo te steci.mp3]lo te steci a group which has a member with a specific feature
[sound:lo porpi.mp3]lo porpi something broken
[sound:lo se porpi.mp3]lo se porpi a piece of something broken
[sound:lo savru.mp3]lo savru a noise
[sound:lo se savru.mp3]lo se savru an experiencer of a noise
[sound:lo te savru.mp3]lo te savru a sense a noise is perceived with
[sound:lo foldi.mp3]lo foldi a field
[sound:lo se foldi.mp3]lo se foldi a material of a field
[sound:lo nabmi.mp3]lo nabmi a problem
[sound:lo se nabmi.mp3]lo se nabmi something encountering problem
[sound:lo te nabmi.mp3]lo te nabmi a problem situation
[sound:lo setca.mp3]lo setca an inserter
[sound:lo se setca.mp3]lo se setca something inserted
[sound:lo te setca.mp3]lo te setca something inserted into
[sound:lo xajmi.mp3]lo xajmi something funny
[sound:lo se xajmi.mp3]lo se xajmi something to which something is funny
[sound:lo te xajmi.mp3]lo te xajmi an aspect of funniness
[sound:lo drudi.mp3]lo drudi a lid
[sound:lo se drudi.mp3]lo se drudi something with a lid
[sound:lo cpedu.mp3]lo cpedu a requester
[sound:lo se cpedu.mp3]lo se cpedu something requested
[sound:lo te cpedu.mp3]lo te cpedu a receiver of a request
[sound:lo ve cpedu.mp3]lo ve cpedu a manner of requesting
[sound:lo donri.mp3]lo donri a daytime
[sound:lo se donri.mp3]lo se donri a day with a daytime
[sound:lo te donri.mp3]lo te donri a location with a daytime
[sound:lo satci.mp3]lo satci something exact
[sound:lo se satci.mp3]lo se satci a precision of exactness
[sound:lo te satci.mp3]lo te satci a property of exactness
[sound:lo ckiku.mp3]lo ckiku a key
[sound:lo se ckiku.mp3]lo se ckiku a key's lock
[sound:lo te ckiku.mp3]lo te ckiku properties of a key
[sound:lo jbini.mp3]lo jbini something between
[sound:lo se jbini.mp3]lo se jbini something to which something is between
[sound:lo te jbini.mp3]lo te jbini a betweenness property
[sound:lo jukpa.mp3]lo jukpa a cooker
[sound:lo se jukpa.mp3]lo se jukpa a cooked food
[sound:lo te jukpa.mp3]lo te jukpa a recipe for cooking
[sound:lo raktu.mp3]lo raktu a disturber
[sound:lo se raktu.mp3]lo se raktu something disturbed
[sound:lo te raktu.mp3]lo te raktu a disturbance
[sound:lo curmi.mp3]lo curmi something which allows
[sound:lo se curmi.mp3]lo se curmi something allowed
[sound:lo te curmi.mp3]lo te curmi a condition for allowing
[sound:lo girzu.mp3]lo girzu a group
[sound:lo se girzu.mp3]lo se girzu a group property
[sound:lo te girzu.mp3]lo te girzu a set containing group
[sound:lo ve girzu.mp3]lo ve girzu a group relation
[sound:lo spisa.mp3]lo spisa a portion
[sound:lo se spisa.mp3]lo se spisa something portioned
[sound:lo manku.mp3]lo manku something dark
[sound:lo gerna.mp3]lo gerna a grammar
[sound:lo se gerna.mp3]lo se gerna something defined by a grammar
[sound:lo te gerna.mp3]lo te gerna a grammatical structure
[sound:lo senva.mp3]lo senva a dreamer
[sound:lo se senva.mp3]lo se senva something dreamed
[sound:lo fagri.mp3]lo fagri a fire
[sound:lo se fagri.mp3]lo se fagri a fuel of fire
[sound:lo te fagri.mp3]lo te fagri an oxidizer of fire
[sound:lo citno.mp3]lo citno something young
[sound:lo se citno.mp3]lo se citno a standard of youth
[sound:lo barna.mp3]lo barna a mark
[sound:lo se barna.mp3]lo se barna something marked
[sound:lo te barna.mp3]lo te barna a material of a mark
[sound:lo limna.mp3]lo limna a swimmer
[sound:lo se limna.mp3]lo se limna a fluid swum in
[sound:lo kargu.mp3]lo kargu something expensive
[sound:lo se kargu.mp3]lo se kargu something to which something is expensive
[sound:lo te kargu.mp3]lo te kargu a standard of expensiveness
[sound:lo gletu.mp3]lo gletu a copulater
[sound:lo se gletu.mp3]lo se gletu a copulatee
[sound:lo tugni.mp3]lo tugni an agreer
[sound:lo se tugni.mp3]lo se tugni something agreed with
[sound:lo te tugni.mp3]lo te tugni an agreed view
[sound:lo ve tugni.mp3]lo ve tugni a topic of agreement
[sound:lo glare.mp3]lo glare something hot
[sound:lo se glare.mp3]lo se glare a heat standard
[sound:lo solri.mp3]lo solri a sun
[sound:lo se solri.mp3]lo se solri a sun's planet
[sound:lo te solri.mp3]lo te solri a race a sun is home star of
[sound:lo grana.mp3]lo grana a rod
[sound:lo se grana.mp3]lo se grana a material of a rod
[sound:lo lenku.mp3]lo lenku something cold
[sound:lo se lenku.mp3]lo se lenku a coldness standard
[sound:lo cikna.mp3]lo cikna something awake
[sound:lo carvi.mp3]lo carvi something that rains
[sound:lo se carvi.mp3]lo se carvi somewhere rain falls
[sound:lo te carvi.mp3]lo te carvi somewhere rain falls from
[sound:lo jdice.mp3]lo jdice a decider
[sound:lo se jdice.mp3]lo se jdice a decision
[sound:lo te jdice.mp3]lo te jdice a matter of decision
[sound:lo sovda.mp3]lo sovda an egg
[sound:lo se sovda.mp3]lo se sovda something that makes an egg
[sound:lo natmi.mp3]lo natmi a nation
[sound:lo se natmi.mp3]lo se natmi a people of a nation
[sound:lo ruble.mp3]lo ruble something weak
[sound:lo se ruble.mp3]lo se ruble a property of weakness
[sound:lo te ruble.mp3]lo te ruble a standard of weakness
[sound:lo cacra.mp3]lo cacra something measured in hours
[sound:lo se cacra.mp3]lo se cacra a number of hours
[sound:lo te cacra.mp3]lo te cacra a standard for hour
[sound:lo rebla.mp3]lo rebla a tail
[sound:lo se rebla.mp3]lo se rebla something with a tail
[sound:lo mensi.mp3]lo mensi a sister
[sound:lo se mensi.mp3]lo se mensi something with a sister
[sound:lo te mensi.mp3]lo te mensi a bond of sisterhood
[sound:lo sonci.mp3]lo sonci a soldier
[sound:lo se sonci.mp3]lo se sonci an army with a soldier
[sound:lo manci.mp3]lo manci a feeler of awe
[sound:lo se manci.mp3]lo se manci something awe-inspiring
[sound:lo ranji.mp3]lo ranji something persistant
[sound:lo se ranji.mp3]lo se ranji an interval of persistance
[sound:lo tanbo.mp3]lo tanbo a board
[sound:lo se tanbo.mp3]lo se tanbo a material of a board
[sound:lo cmila.mp3]lo cmila a laugher
[sound:lo dinju.mp3]lo dinju a building
[sound:lo se dinju.mp3]lo se dinju a purpose of a building
[sound:lo cmoni.mp3]lo cmoni a moaner
[sound:lo se cmoni.mp3]lo se cmoni a moan
[sound:lo te cmoni.mp3]lo te cmoni something expressed by a moan
[sound:lo fatci.mp3]lo fatci a fact
[sound:lo plipe.mp3]lo plipe a leaper
[sound:lo se plipe.mp3]lo se plipe a destination of a leap
[sound:lo te plipe.mp3]lo te plipe an origin of a leap
[sound:lo ve plipe.mp3]lo ve plipe a height of a jump
[sound:lo xe plipe.mp3]lo xe plipe a propulsion of a jump
[sound:lo kinli.mp3]lo kinli something sharp
[sound:lo se kinli.mp3]lo se kinli a location of sharpness
[sound:lo culno.mp3]lo culno something full
[sound:lo se culno.mp3]lo se culno something that something is full of
[sound:lo serti.mp3]lo serti a stairway
[sound:lo se serti.mp3]lo se serti something climbed by stairs
[sound:lo te serti.mp3]lo te serti a step of a stariway
[sound:lo mipri.mp3]lo mipri a concealer
[sound:lo se mipri.mp3]lo se mipri something concealed
[sound:lo te mipri.mp3]lo te mipri something from which something is concealed
[sound:lo ve mipri.mp3]lo ve mipri a method of concealment
[sound:lo vlipa.mp3]lo vlipa something with power
[sound:lo se vlipa.mp3]lo se vlipa something brought about by power
[sound:lo te vlipa.mp3]lo te vlipa a condition for having power
[sound:lo vitke.mp3]lo vitke a guest
[sound:lo se vitke.mp3]lo se vitke something with a guest
[sound:lo te vitke.mp3]lo te vitke a place with a guest
[sound:lo lalxu.mp3]lo lalxu a lake
[sound:lo se lalxu.mp3]lo se lalxu a lake location
[sound:lo kunti.mp3]lo kunti something empty
[sound:lo se kunti.mp3]lo se kunti something that something is empty of
[sound:lo clite.mp3]lo clite something polite
[sound:lo se clite.mp3]lo se clite a politely handled matter
[sound:lo te clite.mp3]lo te clite a standard for politeness
[sound:lo xekri.mp3]lo xekri something black
[sound:lo panzi.mp3]lo panzi an offspring
[sound:lo se panzi.mp3]lo se panzi something with a offspring
[sound:lo risna.mp3]lo risna a heart
[sound:lo se risna.mp3]lo se risna something with a heart
[sound:lo sanmi.mp3]lo sanmi a meal
[sound:lo se sanmi.mp3]lo se sanmi a meal dish
[sound:lo darsi.mp3]lo darsi something showing audacity
[sound:lo se darsi.mp3]lo se darsi an audacious behaviour
[sound:lo tarti.mp3]lo tarti a behaver
[sound:lo se tarti.mp3]lo se tarti a behaviour
[sound:lo te tarti.mp3]lo te tarti a condition of behaviour
[sound:lo cange.mp3]lo cange a farm
[sound:lo se cange.mp3]lo se cange a location of a farm
[sound:lo te cange.mp3]lo te cange a farmer
[sound:lo ve cange.mp3]lo ve cange something produced by a farm
[sound:lo minra.mp3]lo minra a reflecter
[sound:lo se minra.mp3]lo se minra something reflected
[sound:lo te minra.mp3]lo te minra an observer of a reflection
[sound:lo ve minra.mp3]lo ve minra a form of reflection
[sound:lo fanza.mp3]lo fanza an annoyer
[sound:lo se fanza.mp3]lo se fanza an annoyed
[sound:lo prami.mp3]lo prami a lover
[sound:lo se prami.mp3]lo se prami something loved
[sound:lo crino.mp3]lo crino something green
[sound:lo gluta.mp3]lo gluta a glove
[sound:lo se gluta.mp3]lo se gluta a material of a glove
[sound:lo tadji.mp3]lo tadji a method
[sound:lo se tadji.mp3]lo se tadji something with a method
[sound:lo te tadji.mp3]lo te tadji a condition of a method
[sound:lo munje.mp3]lo munje a universe
[sound:lo se munje.mp3]lo se munje a domain of a universe
[sound:lo te munje.mp3]lo te munje a definition of a universe
[sound:lo tcita.mp3]lo tcita a tag
[sound:lo se tcita.mp3]lo se tcita something with a tag
[sound:lo te tcita.mp3]lo te tcita information on a tag
[sound:lo cerni.mp3]lo cerni a morning
[sound:lo se cerni.mp3]lo se cerni a morning's day
[sound:lo te cerni.mp3]lo te cerni a morning's location
[sound:lo nibli.mp3]lo nibli an implier
[sound:lo se nibli.mp3]lo se nibli an implication
[sound:lo te nibli.mp3]lo te nibli a rule of an implication
[sound:lo lerfu.mp3]lo lerfu a symbol
[sound:lo se lerfu.mp3]lo se lerfu an alphabet with a symbol
[sound:lo te lerfu.mp3]lo te lerfu something represented by a symbol
[sound:lo skicu.mp3]lo skicu a describer
[sound:lo se skicu.mp3]lo se skicu something described
[sound:lo te skicu.mp3]lo te skicu an audience something is described to
[sound:lo ve skicu.mp3]lo ve skicu a description
[sound:lo torni.mp3]lo torni something twisting
[sound:lo se torni.mp3]lo se torni a twisting force
[sound:lo surla.mp3]lo surla a relaxer
[sound:lo se surla.mp3]lo se surla something relaxing
[sound:lo rufsu.mp3]lo rufsu something rough
[sound:lo cidni.mp3]lo cidni a hinged joint
[sound:lo se cidni.mp3]lo se cidni a limb with a hinged joint
[sound:lo te cidni.mp3]lo te cidni something with a hinged limb
[sound:lo pleji.mp3]lo pleji a payer
[sound:lo se pleji.mp3]lo se pleji a payment
[sound:lo te pleji.mp3]lo te pleji a payee
[sound:lo ve pleji.mp3]lo ve pleji something paid for
[sound:lo vasxu.mp3]lo vasxu a breather
[sound:lo se vasxu.mp3]lo se vasxu something breathed
[sound:lo kanro.mp3]lo kanro something healthy
[sound:lo se kanro.mp3]lo se kanro a standard of health
[sound:lo lindi.mp3]lo lindi lightning
[sound:lo se lindi.mp3]lo se lindi a destination of lightning
[sound:lo te lindi.mp3]lo te lindi a source of lightning
[sound:lo matne.mp3]lo matne a quantity of butter
[sound:lo se matne.mp3]lo se matne a source of butter
[sound:lo stapa.mp3]lo stapa a treader
[sound:lo se stapa.mp3]lo se stapa a surface treaded on
[sound:lo te stapa.mp3]lo te stapa a treading limb
[sound:lo jorne.mp3]lo jorne something joined
[sound:lo se jorne.mp3]lo se jorne something joined to
[sound:lo te jorne.mp3]lo te jorne a location of a join
[sound:lo kerlo.mp3]lo kerlo an ear
[sound:lo se kerlo.mp3]lo se kerlo something with an ear
[sound:lo cripu.mp3]lo cripu a bridge
[sound:lo se cripu.mp3]lo se cripu something bridged across
[sound:lo te cripu.mp3]lo te cripu something linked by bridge
[sound:lo ve cripu.mp3]lo ve cripu something a bridge links
[sound:lo xrani.mp3]lo xrani something causing injury
[sound:lo se xrani.mp3]lo se xrani something injured
[sound:lo te xrani.mp3]lo te xrani a property of injury
[sound:lo ve xrani.mp3]lo ve xrani an injury
[sound:lo tubnu.mp3]lo tubnu a tube
[sound:lo se tubnu.mp3]lo se tubnu a material of a tube
[sound:lo te tubnu.mp3]lo te tubnu a content of a tube
[sound:lo kavbu.mp3]lo kavbu a capturer
[sound:lo se kavbu.mp3]lo se kavbu something captured
[sound:lo te kavbu.mp3]lo te kavbu a trap used for capture
[sound:lo jetnu.mp3]lo jetnu something true
[sound:lo se jetnu.mp3]lo se jetnu a standard for truth
[sound:lo junla.mp3]lo junla a timer
[sound:lo se junla.mp3]lo se junla a unit of time
[sound:lo te junla.mp3]lo te junla a timing precision
[sound:lo ve junla.mp3]lo ve junla a timing method
[sound:lo dandu.mp3]lo dandu something suspended
[sound:lo se dandu.mp3]lo se dandu a suspension support
[sound:lo te dandu.mp3]lo te dandu a method of suspension
[sound:lo bersa.mp3]lo bersa a son
[sound:lo se bersa.mp3]lo se bersa something with a son
[sound:lo damba.mp3]lo damba a fighter
[sound:lo se damba.mp3]lo se damba something fought with
[sound:lo te damba.mp3]lo te damba a reason for a fight
[sound:lo kajde.mp3]lo kajde a warner
[sound:lo se kajde.mp3]lo se kajde someting warned
[sound:lo te kajde.mp3]lo te kajde a danger warned of
[sound:lo danmo.mp3]lo danmo smoke
[sound:lo se danmo.mp3]lo se danmo a source of smoke
[sound:lo lerci.mp3]lo lerci something late
[sound:lo se lerci.mp3]lo se lerci a lateness standard
[sound:lo vrici.mp3]lo vrici something miscellaneous
[sound:lo se vrici.mp3]lo se vrici a property of being miscellaneous
[sound:lo xadni.mp3]lo xadni a body
[sound:lo se xadni.mp3]lo se xadni something with a body
[sound:lo vanci.mp3]lo vanci an evening
[sound:lo se vanci.mp3]lo se vanci a day with an evening
[sound:lo te vanci.mp3]lo te vanci a location of an evening
[sound:lo xarju.mp3]lo xarju a pig
[sound:lo se xarju.mp3]lo se xarju a species of pig
[sound:lo javni.mp3]lo javni a rule
[sound:lo se javni.mp3]lo se javni something mandated by a rule
[sound:lo te javni.mp3]lo te javni a system with a rule
[sound:lo ctino.mp3]lo ctino a shadow
[sound:lo se ctino.mp3]lo se ctino an object with a shadow
[sound:lo te ctino.mp3]lo te ctino a light source making a shadow
[sound:lo lamji.mp3]lo lamji something adjacent
[sound:lo se lamji.mp3]lo se lamji something to which something is adjacent
[sound:lo te lamji.mp3]lo te lamji an adjacency property
[sound:lo ve lamji.mp3]lo ve lamji an adjacency direction
[sound:lo patfu.mp3]lo patfu a father
[sound:lo se patfu.mp3]lo se patfu something with a father
[sound:lo ralju.mp3]lo ralju something principal
[sound:lo se ralju.mp3]lo se ralju something with a principal
[sound:lo te ralju.mp3]lo te ralju a property of principalness
[sound:lo cipra.mp3]lo cipra a test
[sound:lo se cipra.mp3]lo se cipra a tested property
[sound:lo te cipra.mp3]lo te cipra something tested
[sound:lo minji.mp3]lo minji a machine
[sound:lo se minji.mp3]lo se minji a function of machine
[sound:lo brife.mp3]lo brife a wind
[sound:lo se brife.mp3]lo se brife a direction of a wind
[sound:lo te brife.mp3]lo te brife a speed of a wind
[sound:lo linsi.mp3]lo linsi a chain
[sound:lo se linsi.mp3]lo se linsi a material of a chain
[sound:lo te linsi.mp3]lo te linsi a property of a chain's link
[sound:lo tanxe.mp3]lo tanxe a box
[sound:lo se tanxe.mp3]lo se tanxe a content of a box
[sound:lo te tanxe.mp3]lo te tanxe a material of a box
[sound:lo gacri.mp3]lo gacri a lid
[sound:lo se gacri.mp3]lo se gacri something with a lid
[sound:lo jmaji.mp3]lo jmaji something gathering
[sound:lo se jmaji.mp3]lo se jmaji a location of a gathering
[sound:lo te jmaji.mp3]lo te jmaji an origin of a gathering
[sound:lo xadba.mp3]lo xadba a half
[sound:lo se xadba.mp3]lo se xadba something halved
[sound:lo te xadba.mp3]lo te xadba a standard for half
[sound:lo flecu.mp3]lo flecu a current
[sound:lo se flecu.mp3]lo se flecu something with a current
[sound:lo te flecu.mp3]lo te flecu a current destination
[sound:lo ve flecu.mp3]lo ve flecu a current source
[sound:lo xenru.mp3]lo xenru a regretter
[sound:lo se xenru.mp3]lo se xenru something regretted
[sound:lo jicmu.mp3]lo jicmu a basis
[sound:lo se jicmu.mp3]lo se jicmu something with a basis
[sound:lo kecti.mp3]lo kecti something that feels sorry
[sound:lo se kecti.mp3]lo se kecti something felt sorry for
[sound:lo te kecti.mp3]lo te kecti something felt sorry about
[sound:lo zgike.mp3]lo zgike music
[sound:lo se zgike.mp3]lo se zgike a performer of music
[sound:lo mabla.mp3]lo mabla a derogative form
[sound:lo se mabla.mp3]lo se mabla something derogated
[sound:lo te mabla.mp3]lo te mabla a derogater
[sound:lo prane.mp3]lo prane something perfect
[sound:lo se prane.mp3]lo se prane a property of perfection
[sound:lo cukla.mp3]lo cukla something round
[sound:lo claxu.mp3]lo claxu a lacker
[sound:lo se claxu.mp3]lo se claxu something lacked
[sound:lo ganlo.mp3]lo ganlo something closed
[sound:lo se ganlo.mp3]lo se ganlo something inaccessible due to closure
[sound:lo te ganlo.mp3]lo te ganlo something that causes closure
[sound:lo katna.mp3]lo katna a cutter
[sound:lo se katna.mp3]lo se katna something cut
[sound:lo te katna.mp3]lo te katna a piece resulting from a cut
[sound:lo janco.mp3]lo janco a joint
[sound:lo se janco.mp3]lo se janco a limb with a joint
[sound:lo te janco.mp3]lo te janco something a limb is jointed to
[sound:lo denmi.mp3]lo denmi something dense
[sound:lo se denmi.mp3]lo se denmi a property of denseness
[sound:lo te denmi.mp3]lo te denmi a location of density
[sound:lo xendo.mp3]lo xendo something kind
[sound:lo se xendo.mp3]lo se xendo something to which something is kind
[sound:lo te xendo.mp3]lo te xendo an act of kindness
[sound:lo logji.mp3]lo logji a logic system
[sound:lo se logji.mp3]lo se logji something reasoned about with logic
[sound:lo dargu.mp3]lo dargu a road
[sound:lo se dargu.mp3]lo se dargu a road's destination
[sound:lo te dargu.mp3]lo te dargu a road's origin
[sound:lo ve dargu.mp3]lo ve dargu a road's route
[sound:lo kerfa.mp3]lo kerfa hair
[sound:lo se kerfa.mp3]lo se kerfa something with hair
[sound:lo te kerfa.mp3]lo te kerfa a location of hair
[sound:lo bilma.mp3]lo bilma something ill
[sound:lo se bilma.mp3]lo se bilma a symptom of an illness
[sound:lo te bilma.mp3]lo te bilma a disease of an illness
[sound:lo cortu.mp3]lo cortu a feeler of pain
[sound:lo se cortu.mp3]lo se cortu a location of pain
[sound:lo jalge.mp3]lo jalge an outcome
[sound:lo se jalge.mp3]lo se jalge something causing an outcome
[sound:lo cradi.mp3]lo cradi a broadcaster
[sound:lo se cradi.mp3]lo se cradi something broadcast
[sound:lo te cradi.mp3]lo te cradi a broadcasting station
[sound:lo ve cradi.mp3]lo ve cradi a broadcast receiver
[sound:lo blaci.mp3]lo blaci a quantity of glass
[sound:lo se blaci.mp3]lo se blaci a material of glass
[sound:lo merko.mp3]lo merko something American
[sound:lo se merko.mp3]lo se merko an American aspect
[sound:lo lanzu.mp3]lo lanzu a family
[sound:lo se lanzu.mp3]lo se lanzu a family member
[sound:lo te lanzu.mp3]lo te lanzu a standard defining a family
[sound:lo xrula.mp3]lo xrula a flower
[sound:lo se xrula.mp3]lo se xrula a flowering plant
[sound:lo sampu.mp3]lo sampu something simple
[sound:lo se sampu.mp3]lo se sampu a simple property
[sound:lo fanta.mp3]lo fanta a preventer
[sound:lo se fanta.mp3]lo se fanta a prevented event
[sound:lo nixli.mp3]lo nixli a girl
[sound:lo se nixli.mp3]lo se nixli an age of a girl
[sound:lo te nixli.mp3]lo te nixli a standard of girlhood
[sound:lo stidi.mp3]lo stidi a suggester
[sound:lo se stidi.mp3]lo se stidi a suggested idea
[sound:lo te stidi.mp3]lo te stidi an audience of a suggestion
[sound:lo kalsa.mp3]lo kalsa something chaotic
[sound:lo se kalsa.mp3]lo se kalsa a chaotic property
[sound:lo slilu.mp3]lo slilu something oscillating
[sound:lo se slilu.mp3]lo se slilu a frequency of oscillation
[sound:lo te slilu.mp3]lo te slilu an state of oscillation
[sound:lo stura.mp3]lo stura a structure
[sound:lo se stura.mp3]lo se stura something structured
[sound:lo ckana.mp3]lo ckana a bed
[sound:lo se ckana.mp3]lo se ckana a material of a bed
[sound:lo te ckana.mp3]lo te ckana something supported by a bed
[sound:lo lafti.mp3]lo lafti a lifter
[sound:lo se lafti.mp3]lo se lafti something lifted
[sound:lo te lafti.mp3]lo te lafti a location of lifting
[sound:lo ve lafti.mp3]lo ve lafti a gravity against lift
[sound:lo dikca.mp3]lo dikca electricity
[sound:lo se dikca.mp3]lo se dikca something with electricity
[sound:lo te dikca.mp3]lo te dikca an amount of electricity
[sound:lo srasu.mp3]lo srasu a grass
[sound:lo se srasu.mp3]lo se srasu a species of grass
[sound:lo senci.mp3]lo senci a sneeze
[sound:lo vreji.mp3]lo vreji a record
[sound:lo se vreji.mp3]lo se vreji something recorded
[sound:lo te vreji.mp3]lo te vreji a subject of a recording
[sound:lo ve vreji.mp3]lo ve vreji a medium of a recording
[sound:lo dertu.mp3]lo dertu a quantity of soil
[sound:lo se dertu.mp3]lo se dertu a source of soil
[sound:lo te dertu.mp3]lo te dertu a composition of soil
[sound:lo salpo.mp3]lo salpo something sloped
[sound:lo se salpo.mp3]lo se salpo an angle of slope
[sound:lo te salpo.mp3]lo te salpo a frame of reference of a slope
[sound:lo rinju.mp3]lo rinju something restrained
[sound:lo se rinju.mp3]lo se rinju a restraint
[sound:lo te rinju.mp3]lo te rinju something against which something is restrained
[sound:lo speni.mp3]lo speni something married
[sound:lo se speni.mp3]lo se speni something married to
[sound:lo te speni.mp3]lo te speni a marriage custom
[sound:lo pante.mp3]lo pante a protester
[sound:lo se pante.mp3]lo se pante a subject of protest
[sound:lo te pante.mp3]lo te pante a audience of protest
[sound:lo ve pante.mp3]lo ve pante a action of protest
[sound:lo pritu.mp3]lo pritu something to the right of something
[sound:lo se pritu.mp3]lo se pritu something to which something is right of
[sound:lo te pritu.mp3]lo te pritu a frame of reference in which something is to the right
[sound:lo xaksu.mp3]lo xaksu a consumer
[sound:lo se xaksu.mp3]lo se xaksu something consumed
[sound:lo basti.mp3]lo basti a replacement
[sound:lo se basti.mp3]lo se basti something replaced
[sound:lo te basti.mp3]lo te basti a circumstance for replacement
[sound:lo frica.mp3]lo frica something different
[sound:lo se frica.mp3]lo se frica something to which something is different
[sound:lo te frica.mp3]lo te frica a difference property
[sound:lo cmavo.mp3]lo cmavo a structure word
[sound:lo se cmavo.mp3]lo se cmavo a structure word's grammatical class
[sound:lo te cmavo.mp3]lo te cmavo a meaning of a structure word
[sound:lo ve cmavo.mp3]lo ve cmavo a language of a structure word
[sound:lo sarji.mp3]lo sarji a supporter
[sound:lo se sarji.mp3]lo se sarji something supported
[sound:lo te sarji.mp3]lo te sarji something supported against
[sound:lo ve sarji.mp3]lo ve sarji a means for support
[sound:lo skina.mp3]lo skina a film
[sound:lo se skina.mp3]lo se skina a film plot
[sound:lo te skina.mp3]lo te skina a film-maker
[sound:lo ve skina.mp3]lo ve skina an audience of a film
[sound:lo tuple.mp3]lo tuple a leg
[sound:lo se tuple.mp3]lo se tuple something with a leg
[sound:lo tisna.mp3]lo tisna something becoming full
[sound:lo se tisna.mp3]lo se tisna a material of a filler
[sound:lo xunre.mp3]lo xunre a red
[sound:lo sudga.mp3]lo sudga something dry
[sound:lo se sudga.mp3]lo se sudga a liquid something is dry of
[sound:lo sorcu.mp3]lo sorcu a stockpile
[sound:lo se sorcu.mp3]lo se sorcu something stockpiled
[sound:lo te sorcu.mp3]lo te sorcu a containment of a stockpile
[sound:lo narju.mp3]lo narju something orange
[sound:lo grusi.mp3]lo grusi something gray
[sound:lo friti.mp3]lo friti an offerer
[sound:lo se friti.mp3]lo se friti an offering
[sound:lo te friti.mp3]lo te friti something receiving offering
[sound:lo ve friti.mp3]lo ve friti an offer conditions
[sound:lo fuzme.mp3]lo fuzme somethings held responsible
[sound:lo se fuzme.mp3]lo se fuzme a responsibility
[sound:lo te fuzme.mp3]lo te fuzme something holding something responsible
[sound:lo pulce.mp3]lo pulce dust
[sound:lo se pulce.mp3]lo se pulce a source of dust
[sound:lo te pulce.mp3]lo te pulce something dusty
[sound:lo zanru.mp3]lo zanru an approver
[sound:lo se zanru.mp3]lo se zanru something approved of
[sound:lo sumti.mp3]lo sumti an argument
[sound:lo se sumti.mp3]lo se sumti a predicate of an argument
[sound:lo te sumti.mp3]lo te sumti a place of an argument
[sound:lo pruxi.mp3]lo pruxi something spiritual
[sound:lo senpi.mp3]lo senpi a doubter
[sound:lo se senpi.mp3]lo se senpi something doubted
[sound:lo rarna.mp3]lo rarna something spontaneous
[sound:lo lazni.mp3]lo lazni something lazy
[sound:lo se lazni.mp3]lo se lazni something lazily avoided
[sound:lo ciste.mp3]lo ciste a system
[sound:lo se ciste.mp3]lo se ciste a system structure
[sound:lo te ciste.mp3]lo te ciste a component of a system
[sound:lo ve ciste.mp3]lo ve ciste a property of a system
[sound:lo spati.mp3]lo spati a plant
[sound:lo se spati.mp3]lo se spati a species of plant
[sound:lo carna.mp3]lo carna something that rotates
[sound:lo se carna.mp3]lo se carna an axis of rotation
[sound:lo te carna.mp3]lo te carna a direction of rotation
[sound:lo cupra.mp3]lo cupra a producer
[sound:lo se cupra.mp3]lo se cupra a product
[sound:lo te cupra.mp3]lo te cupra a process of production
[sound:lo jdika.mp3]lo jdika something decreasing
[sound:lo se jdika.mp3]lo se jdika a decreasing property
[sound:lo te jdika.mp3]lo te jdika an amount of decrease
[sound:lo tcica.mp3]lo tcica a tricker
[sound:lo se tcica.mp3]lo se tcica something tricked
[sound:lo te tcica.mp3]lo te tcica something that something is tricked into
[sound:lo rupnu.mp3]lo rupnu money
[sound:lo se rupnu.mp3]lo se rupnu an amount of money
[sound:lo te rupnu.mp3]lo te rupnu a monetary system
[sound:lo cikre.mp3]lo cikre a repairer
[sound:lo se cikre.mp3]lo se cikre something repaired
[sound:lo te cikre.mp3]lo te cikre a use for something repaired
[sound:lo pindi.mp3]lo pindi something poor
[sound:lo se pindi.mp3]lo se pindi something of which something is poor
[sound:lo gismu.mp3]lo gismu a root word
[sound:lo se gismu.mp3]lo se gismu a root word relation
[sound:lo te gismu.mp3]lo te gismu a root word argument role
[sound:lo ve gismu.mp3]lo ve gismu a root word affix
[sound:lo bloti.mp3]lo bloti a boat
[sound:lo se bloti.mp3]lo se bloti a cargo of a boat
[sound:lo te bloti.mp3]lo te bloti a propulsion of a boat
[sound:lo cabna.mp3]lo cabna something current
[sound:lo se cabna.mp3]lo se cabna a reference for being current
[sound:lo cmana.mp3]lo cmana a mountain
[sound:lo se cmana.mp3]lo se cmana a land mass with a mountain
[sound:lo solji.mp3]lo solji a quantity of gold
[sound:lo jvinu.mp3]lo jvinu a view
[sound:lo se jvinu.mp3]lo se jvinu something viewed
[sound:lo te jvinu.mp3]lo te jvinu a viewpoint
[sound:lo tcaci.mp3]lo tcaci a custom
[sound:lo se tcaci.mp3]lo se tcaci something with a custom
[sound:lo te tcaci.mp3]lo te tcaci a condition of a custom
[sound:lo menli.mp3]lo menli a mind
[sound:lo se menli.mp3]lo se menli something with a mind
[sound:lo cnici.mp3]lo cnici something neat
[sound:lo se cnici.mp3]lo se cnici a property of neatness
[sound:lo pluja.mp3]lo pluja something complex
[sound:lo se pluja.mp3]lo se pluja a complex property
[sound:lo te pluja.mp3]lo te pluja a standard of complexity
[sound:lo lumci.mp3]lo lumci a washer
[sound:lo se lumci.mp3]lo se lumci something washed
[sound:lo te lumci.mp3]lo te lumci a contaminant removed by washing
[sound:lo ve lumci.mp3]lo ve lumci a cleaning material for washing
[sound:lo sirji.mp3]lo sirji something straight
[sound:lo se sirji.mp3]lo se sirji a start point of something straight
[sound:lo te sirji.mp3]lo te sirji an end point of something straight
[sound:lo lasna.mp3]lo lasna a fastener
[sound:lo se lasna.mp3]lo se lasna a fastened
[sound:lo te lasna.mp3]lo te lasna something fastened to
[sound:lo ve lasna.mp3]lo ve lasna something with which something is fastened
[sound:lo pulji.mp3]lo pulji a police officer
[sound:lo se pulji.mp3]lo se pulji something enforced by police
[sound:lo lakne.mp3]lo lakne something probable
[sound:lo se lakne.mp3]lo se lakne a probability condition
[sound:lo farna.mp3]lo farna a direction
[sound:lo se farna.mp3]lo se farna something found in a direction
[sound:lo te farna.mp3]lo te farna an origin of a direction
[sound:lo judri.mp3]lo judri an address
[sound:lo se judri.mp3]lo se judri something with an address
[sound:lo te judri.mp3]lo te judri a system defining an address
[sound:lo palci.mp3]lo palci something wicked
[sound:lo se palci.mp3]lo se palci a wickedness standard
[sound:lo jitro.mp3]lo jitro a controller
[sound:lo se jitro.mp3]lo se jitro something under control
[sound:lo te jitro.mp3]lo te jitro a controlled activity
[sound:lo jibri.mp3]lo jibri a job
[sound:lo se jibri.mp3]lo se jibri something with a job
[sound:lo cunso.mp3]lo cunso something random
[sound:lo se cunso.mp3]lo se cunso a condition of randomness
[sound:lo te cunso.mp3]lo te cunso a randomness probability distribution
[sound:lo kruca.mp3]lo kruca something intersecting
[sound:lo se kruca.mp3]lo se kruca something intersected
[sound:lo te kruca.mp3]lo te kruca an intersection
[sound:lo pajni.mp3]lo pajni a judge
[sound:lo se pajni.mp3]lo se pajni a matter judged
[sound:lo cecmu.mp3]lo cecmu a community
[sound:lo se cecmu.mp3]lo se cecmu organisms in a community
[sound:lo ganse.mp3]lo ganse a detecter
[sound:lo se ganse.mp3]lo se ganse something detected
[sound:lo te ganse.mp3]lo te ganse a detection means
[sound:lo ve ganse.mp3]lo ve ganse a detection conditions
[sound:lo pezli.mp3]lo pezli a leaf
[sound:lo se pezli.mp3]lo se pezli a plant with a leaf
[sound:lo sabji.mp3]lo sabji a provider
[sound:lo se sabji.mp3]lo se sabji something provided
[sound:lo te sabji.mp3]lo te sabji a recipient of something provided
[sound:lo gunta.mp3]lo gunta an attacker
[sound:lo se gunta.mp3]lo se gunta something attacked
[sound:lo te gunta.mp3]lo te gunta an attack goal
[sound:lo fraxu.mp3]lo fraxu a forgiver
[sound:lo se fraxu.mp3]lo se fraxu a receiver of forgiveness
[sound:lo te fraxu.mp3]lo te fraxu something forgiven
[sound:lo jdini.mp3]lo jdini money
[sound:lo se jdini.mp3]lo se jdini something issuing money
[sound:lo sefta.mp3]lo sefta a surface
[sound:lo se sefta.mp3]lo se sefta something with a surface
[sound:lo te sefta.mp3]lo te sefta a side of a surface
[sound:lo ve sefta.mp3]lo ve sefta an edge of a surface
[sound:lo cnebo.mp3]lo cnebo a neck
[sound:lo se cnebo.mp3]lo se cnebo something with a neck
[sound:lo rozgu.mp3]lo rozgu a rose
[sound:lo se rozgu.mp3]lo se rozgu a species of rose
[sound:lo darlu.mp3]lo darlu an arguer
[sound:lo se darlu.mp3]lo se darlu an stance argued for
[sound:lo te darlu.mp3]lo te darlu an stance argued against
[sound:lo cilce.mp3]lo cilce something wild
[sound:lo cilmo.mp3]lo cilmo something moist
[sound:lo se cilmo.mp3]lo se cilmo a moistening liquid
[sound:lo renvi.mp3]lo renvi a surviver
[sound:lo se renvi.mp3]lo se renvi something survived
[sound:lo te renvi.mp3]lo te renvi a survival interval
[sound:lo catke.mp3]lo catke a shover
[sound:lo se catke.mp3]lo se catke something shoved
[sound:lo te catke.mp3]lo te catke a location of a shove
[sound:lo daspo.mp3]lo daspo a destroyer
[sound:lo se daspo.mp3]lo se daspo something destroyed
[sound:lo sarcu.mp3]lo sarcu something necessary
[sound:lo se sarcu.mp3]lo se sarcu something with a necessity
[sound:lo te sarcu.mp3]lo te sarcu a condition of necessity
[sound:lo ckasu.mp3]lo ckasu a ridiculer
[sound:lo se ckasu.mp3]lo se ckasu something ridiculed
[sound:lo te ckasu.mp3]lo te ckasu something ridiculed about
[sound:lo ve ckasu.mp3]lo ve ckasu an act of ridiculing
[sound:lo vecnu.mp3]lo vecnu a seller
[sound:lo se vecnu.mp3]lo se vecnu something sold
[sound:lo te vecnu.mp3]lo te vecnu something to which something is sold
[sound:lo ve vecnu.mp3]lo ve vecnu a price of something sold
[sound:lo degji.mp3]lo degji a finger or toe
[sound:lo se degji.mp3]lo se degji a limb with a finger or toe
[sound:lo te degji.mp3]lo te degji something with a finger or toe
[sound:lo smadi.mp3]lo smadi a guess
[sound:lo se smadi.mp3]lo se smadi something guessed
[sound:lo te smadi.mp3]lo te smadi a subject of a guess
[sound:lo dunku.mp3]lo dunku something distressed
[sound:lo se dunku.mp3]lo se dunku a distressing
[sound:lo cenba.mp3]lo cenba something varying
[sound:lo se cenba.mp3]lo se cenba a property of variance
[sound:lo te cenba.mp3]lo te cenba a degree of variation
[sound:lo ve cenba.mp3]lo ve cenba a condition of varying
[sound:lo kojna.mp3]lo kojna a corner
[sound:lo se kojna.mp3]lo se kojna something with a corner
[sound:lo te kojna.mp3]lo te kojna a material of a corner
[sound:lo birti.mp3]lo birti something convinced
[sound:lo se birti.mp3]lo se birti something convinced of
[sound:lo cpina.mp3]lo cpina something pungent
[sound:lo se cpina.mp3]lo se cpina a sense something is pungent to
[sound:lo tunta.mp3]lo tunta a poker
[sound:lo se tunta.mp3]lo se tunta something poked
[sound:lo cmaci.mp3]lo cmaci a mathematic
[sound:lo se cmaci.mp3]lo se cmaci a mathematic type
[sound:lo jatna.mp3]lo jatna a commander
[sound:lo se jatna.mp3]lo se jatna something commanded
[sound:lo rectu.mp3]lo rectu a quantity of meat
[sound:lo se rectu.mp3]lo se rectu a meat source
[sound:lo stela.mp3]lo stela a lock
[sound:lo se stela.mp3]lo se stela something locked
[sound:lo te stela.mp3]lo te stela a locking mechanism
[sound:lo detri.mp3]lo detri a date
[sound:lo se detri.mp3]lo se detri an event with a date
[sound:lo te detri.mp3]lo te detri a location of a date
[sound:lo ve detri.mp3]lo ve detri a calendar of a date
[sound:lo ckire.mp3]lo ckire something grateful
[sound:lo se ckire.mp3]lo se ckire a reciever of gratefulness
[sound:lo te ckire.mp3]lo te ckire a reason for gratitude
[sound:lo lijda.mp3]lo lijda a religion
[sound:lo se lijda.mp3]lo se lijda a religious believer
[sound:lo te lijda.mp3]lo te lijda a religious belief
[sound:lo fapro.mp3]lo fapro an opposeer
[sound:lo se fapro.mp3]lo se fapro an opponent
[sound:lo te fapro.mp3]lo te fapro an issue of opposition
[sound:lo jamna.mp3]lo jamna something at war
[sound:lo se jamna.mp3]lo se jamna something at war with
[sound:lo te jamna.mp3]lo te jamna a reason for war
[sound:lo fendi.mp3]lo fendi something dividing
[sound:lo se fendi.mp3]lo se fendi something divided
[sound:lo te fendi.mp3]lo te fendi something divided by
[sound:lo ve fendi.mp3]lo ve fendi a division method
[sound:lo zekri.mp3]lo zekri a crime
[sound:lo se zekri.mp3]lo se zekri something to which something is a crime
[sound:lo lidne.mp3]lo lidne a preceder
[sound:lo se lidne.mp3]lo se lidne something preceded
[sound:lo te lidne.mp3]lo te lidne a sequence something precedes in
[sound:lo natfe.mp3]lo natfe a contradicter
[sound:lo se natfe.mp3]lo se natfe something contradicted
[sound:lo te natfe.mp3]lo te natfe a logic used to contradict
[sound:lo spoja.mp3]lo spoja something exploding
[sound:lo se spoja.mp3]lo se spoja a fragment of an explosion
[sound:lo saske.mp3]lo saske a science
[sound:lo se saske.mp3]lo se saske a subject of a science
[sound:lo te saske.mp3]lo te saske a methodology of a science
[sound:lo sazri.mp3]lo sazri an operater
[sound:lo se sazri.mp3]lo se sazri something operated
[sound:lo te sazri.mp3]lo te sazri a goal of operating something
[sound:lo makfa.mp3]lo makfa something magical
[sound:lo se makfa.mp3]lo se makfa something to which something is magical
[sound:lo te makfa.mp3]lo te makfa a performer of magic
[sound:lo cuxna.mp3]lo cuxna a chooser
[sound:lo se cuxna.mp3]lo se cuxna something chosen
[sound:lo te cuxna.mp3]lo te cuxna a set of choices
[sound:lo tumla.mp3]lo tumla terrain
[sound:lo se tumla.mp3]lo se tumla a location of terrain
[sound:lo finpe.mp3]lo finpe a fish
[sound:lo se finpe.mp3]lo se finpe a species of fish
[sound:lo jipno.mp3]lo jipno a tip
[sound:lo se jipno.mp3]lo se jipno something with a tip
[sound:lo te jipno.mp3]lo te jipno a location of a tip
[sound:lo cfila.mp3]lo cfila a flaw
[sound:lo se cfila.mp3]lo se cfila something with a flaw
[sound:lo te cfila.mp3]lo te cfila something caused by a flaw
[sound:lo palta.mp3]lo palta a plate
[sound:lo se palta.mp3]lo se palta a material of a plate
[sound:lo kurfa.mp3]lo kurfa a right-angle
[sound:lo se kurfa.mp3]lo se kurfa a vertex of a right-angle
[sound:lo te kurfa.mp3]lo te kurfa a dimension of a right-angle
[sound:lo barja.mp3]lo barja a bar
[sound:lo se barja.mp3]lo se barja something served at a bar
[sound:lo te barja.mp3]lo te barja a customer of a bar
[sound:lo salci.mp3]lo salci a celebrator
[sound:lo se salci.mp3]lo se salci something celebrated
[sound:lo te salci.mp3]lo te salci a celebration
[sound:lo daski.mp3]lo daski a pocket
[sound:lo se daski.mp3]lo se daski something with a pocket
[sound:lo pencu.mp3]lo pencu a toucher
[sound:lo se pencu.mp3]lo se pencu something touched
[sound:lo te pencu.mp3]lo te pencu a touching implement
[sound:lo ve pencu.mp3]lo ve pencu a location of a touch
[sound:lo linji.mp3]lo linji a line
[sound:lo se linji.mp3]lo se linji a point defining a line
[sound:lo fliba.mp3]lo fliba a failer
[sound:lo se fliba.mp3]lo se fliba something failed at
[sound:lo korcu.mp3]lo korcu something bent
[sound:lo kukte.mp3]lo kukte something tasty
[sound:lo se kukte.mp3]lo se kukte something to which something is tasty
[sound:lo crisa.mp3]lo crisa a summer
[sound:lo se crisa.mp3]lo se crisa a summer's year
[sound:lo te crisa.mp3]lo te crisa a summer's location
[sound:lo tanru.mp3]lo tanru a metaphor
[sound:lo se tanru.mp3]lo se tanru a modifier of a metaphor
[sound:lo te tanru.mp3]lo te tanru a base of a metaphor
[sound:lo ve tanru.mp3]lo ve tanru a meaning of a metaphor
[sound:lo xe tanru.mp3]lo xe tanru a usage of a metaphor
[sound:lo bancu.mp3]lo bancu an exceeder
[sound:lo se bancu.mp3]lo se bancu an exceeded limit
[sound:lo te bancu.mp3]lo te bancu something exceeded
[sound:lo ve bancu.mp3]lo ve bancu a property exceeded
[sound:lo kakpa.mp3]lo kakpa a digger
[sound:lo se kakpa.mp3]lo se kakpa something dug
[sound:lo te kakpa.mp3]lo te kakpa something dug from
[sound:lo ve kakpa.mp3]lo ve kakpa a digging tool
[sound:lo jutsi.mp3]lo jutsi a species
[sound:lo se jutsi.mp3]lo se jutsi a genus of a species
[sound:lo te jutsi.mp3]lo te jutsi a family of a species
[sound:lo cafne.mp3]lo cafne something frequent
[sound:lo se cafne.mp3]lo se cafne a standard for being frequent
[sound:lo nobli.mp3]lo nobli a noble
[sound:lo se nobli.mp3]lo se nobli a standard of nobility
[sound:lo rirci.mp3]lo rirci something rare
[sound:lo se rirci.mp3]lo se rirci a property of rareness
[sound:lo te rirci.mp3]lo te rirci a group in which something is rare
[sound:lo platu.mp3]lo platu a planner
[sound:lo se platu.mp3]lo se platu a plan
[sound:lo te platu.mp3]lo te platu something planned
[sound:lo vifne.mp3]lo vifne something fresh
[sound:lo bargu.mp3]lo bargu an arch
[sound:lo se bargu.mp3]lo se bargu something arched over or around
[sound:lo te bargu.mp3]lo te bargu a material of an arch
[sound:lo crepu.mp3]lo crepu a harvester
[sound:lo se crepu.mp3]lo se crepu a harvested crop
[sound:lo te crepu.mp3]lo te crepu a source of a crop
[sound:lo balvi.mp3]lo balvi something which is later than something
[sound:lo se balvi.mp3]lo se balvi something to which something is later
[sound:lo morna.mp3]lo morna a pattern
[sound:lo se morna.mp3]lo se morna something with a pattern
[sound:lo te morna.mp3]lo te morna a pattern structure
[sound:lo clira.mp3]lo clira something early
[sound:lo se clira.mp3]lo se clira a standard for earliness
[sound:lo karni.mp3]lo karni a journal
[sound:lo se karni.mp3]lo se karni a journal contents
[sound:lo te karni.mp3]lo te karni a journal publisher
[sound:lo ve karni.mp3]lo ve karni a journal audience
[sound:lo tcima.mp3]lo tcima weather
[sound:lo se tcima.mp3]lo se tcima a location of weather
[sound:lo cumla.mp3]lo cumla something modest
[sound:lo se cumla.mp3]lo se cumla something that something is modest about
[sound:lo sitna.mp3]lo sitna a quoter
[sound:lo se sitna.mp3]lo se sitna something quoted
[sound:lo te sitna.mp3]lo te sitna a purpose of a quotation
[sound:lo snuti.mp3]lo snuti an accident
[sound:lo se snuti.mp3]lo se snuti a cause of an accident
[sound:lo jinru.mp3]lo jinru something immersed
[sound:lo se jinru.mp3]lo se jinru a liquid something is immersed in
[sound:lo pelxu.mp3]lo pelxu something yellow
[sound:lo pemci.mp3]lo pemci a poem
[sound:lo se pemci.mp3]lo se pemci a subject of a poem
[sound:lo te pemci.mp3]lo te pemci a writer of a poem
[sound:lo ve pemci.mp3]lo ve pemci an audience of a poem
[sound:lo skapi.mp3]lo skapi a skin
[sound:lo se skapi.mp3]lo se skapi a source of a skin
[sound:lo vamji.mp3]lo vamji a value
[sound:lo se vamji.mp3]lo se vamji something with a value
[sound:lo te vamji.mp3]lo te vamji something to which something is a value
[sound:lo ve vamji.mp3]lo ve vamji a use of something with value
[sound:lo sligu.mp3]lo sligu something solid
[sound:lo se sligu.mp3]lo se sligu a composition of a solid
[sound:lo te sligu.mp3]lo te sligu a condition of solidity
[sound:lo rafsi.mp3]lo rafsi an affix
[sound:lo se rafsi.mp3]lo se rafsi a word with an affix
[sound:lo te rafsi.mp3]lo te rafsi a property of an affix
[sound:lo ve rafsi.mp3]lo ve rafsi a language with an affix
[sound:lo rinsa.mp3]lo rinsa a welcomer
[sound:lo se rinsa.mp3]lo se rinsa something welcomed
[sound:lo te rinsa.mp3]lo te rinsa a manner of welcome
[sound:lo fancu.mp3]lo fancu a function
[sound:lo se fancu.mp3]lo se fancu a function domain
[sound:lo te fancu.mp3]lo te fancu a function range
[sound:lo ve fancu.mp3]lo ve fancu a function definition
[sound:lo mledi.mp3]lo mledi a mould
[sound:lo se mledi.mp3]lo se mledi a species of mould
[sound:lo te mledi.mp3]lo te mledi something mould grows on
[sound:lo cutci.mp3]lo cutci a shoe
[sound:lo se cutci.mp3]lo se cutci a shoe's foot
[sound:lo te cutci.mp3]lo te cutci a material of a shoe
[sound:lo censa.mp3]lo censa something holy
[sound:lo se censa.mp3]lo se censa something to which something is holy
[sound:lo minli.mp3]lo minli something measured in non-metric long distance
[sound:lo se minli.mp3]lo se minli an amount of non-metric long distance
[sound:lo te minli.mp3]lo te minli a subunit of a non-metric long distance
[sound:lo ve minli.mp3]lo ve minli a non-metric long distance standard
[sound:lo polje.mp3]lo polje a folder
[sound:lo se polje.mp3]lo se polje something folded
[sound:lo te polje.mp3]lo te polje a fold
[sound:lo tixnu.mp3]lo tixnu a daughter
[sound:lo se tixnu.mp3]lo se tixnu a parent of a daughter
[sound:lo ckape.mp3]lo ckape something dangerous
[sound:lo se ckape.mp3]lo se ckape something in danger
[sound:lo te ckape.mp3]lo te ckape a dangerous condition
[sound:lo xatra.mp3]lo xatra a letter
[sound:lo se xatra.mp3]lo se xatra an audience for a letter
[sound:lo te xatra.mp3]lo te xatra an author of a letter
[sound:lo ve xatra.mp3]lo ve xatra a content of a letter
[sound:lo pelji.mp3]lo pelji a paper
[sound:lo se pelji.mp3]lo se pelji a source of paper
[sound:lo racli.mp3]lo racli something rational
[sound:lo se racli.mp3]lo se racli a standard of rationality
[sound:lo dapma.mp3]lo dapma a condemner
[sound:lo se dapma.mp3]lo se dapma something condemned
[sound:lo te dapma.mp3]lo te dapma a fate condemned to
[sound:lo panra.mp3]lo panra something parallel to something
[sound:lo se panra.mp3]lo se panra something to which something is parallel
[sound:lo te panra.mp3]lo te panra a property in which something parallel is different
[sound:lo ve panra.mp3]lo ve panra a standard of parallelness
[sound:lo mluni.mp3]lo mluni a moon
[sound:lo se mluni.mp3]lo se mluni something orbited by a moon
[sound:lo te mluni.mp3]lo te mluni a characteristic of a moon
[sound:lo ve mluni.mp3]lo ve mluni an orbital parameter of a moon
[sound:lo zunle.mp3]lo zunle something to the left of something
[sound:lo se zunle.mp3]lo se zunle something to which something is left of
[sound:lo te zunle.mp3]lo te zunle a frame of reference in which something is to the left
[sound:lo festi.mp3]lo festi waste
[sound:lo se festi.mp3]lo se festi something with waste
[sound:lo cedra.mp3]lo cedra an era
[sound:lo se cedra.mp3]lo se cedra an era's characterization
[sound:lo tagji.mp3]lo tagji something snug
[sound:lo se tagji.mp3]lo se tagji something fitted snugly
[sound:lo te tagji.mp3]lo te tagji a dimension of snugness
[sound:lo ve tagji.mp3]lo ve tagji a location of snugness
[sound:lo jarki.mp3]lo jarki something narrow
[sound:lo se jarki.mp3]lo se jarki a narrow dimension
[sound:lo te jarki.mp3]lo te jarki a standard of narrowness
[sound:lo nanla.mp3]lo nanla a boy
[sound:lo se nanla.mp3]lo se nanla an age of a boy
[sound:lo te nanla.mp3]lo te nanla a standard of boyhood
[sound:lo ralci.mp3]lo ralci something fragile
[sound:lo se ralci.mp3]lo se ralci a property of fragility
[sound:lo snura.mp3]lo snura something that is safe from a threat
[sound:lo se snura.mp3]lo se snura a threat something is safe from
[sound:lo klaji.mp3]lo klaji a street
[sound:lo se klaji.mp3]lo se klaji a street location
[sound:lo te klaji.mp3]lo te klaji something accessed by a street
[sound:lo flalu.mp3]lo flalu a law
[sound:lo se flalu.mp3]lo se flalu something specified by law
[sound:lo te flalu.mp3]lo te flalu a community with a law
[sound:lo ve flalu.mp3]lo ve flalu a law conditions
[sound:lo xe flalu.mp3]lo xe flalu a lawgiver
[sound:lo mleca.mp3]lo mleca something which is less than something
[sound:lo se mleca.mp3]lo se mleca something to which something is less than
[sound:lo te mleca.mp3]lo te mleca a property in which something is less than
[sound:lo ve mleca.mp3]lo ve mleca an amount something is less than by
[sound:lo tcini.mp3]lo tcini a situation
[sound:lo se tcini.mp3]lo se tcini something with a situation
[sound:lo nazbi.mp3]lo nazbi a nose
[sound:lo se nazbi.mp3]lo se nazbi something with a nose
[sound:lo te nazbi.mp3]lo te nazbi a nasal passage
[sound:lo porsi.mp3]lo porsi something ordered
[sound:lo se porsi.mp3]lo se porsi a rule of ordering
[sound:lo te porsi.mp3]lo te porsi something unordered
[sound:lo patxu.mp3]lo patxu a pot
[sound:lo se patxu.mp3]lo se patxu a content of a pot
[sound:lo te patxu.mp3]lo te patxu a material of a pot
[sound:lo stani.mp3]lo stani a stem
[sound:lo se stani.mp3]lo se stani a plant with a stem
[sound:lo mokca.mp3]lo mokca an instant
[sound:lo se mokca.mp3]lo se mokca a place with an instant
[sound:lo pinsi.mp3]lo pinsi a pencil
[sound:lo se pinsi.mp3]lo se pinsi a lead of a pencil
[sound:lo te pinsi.mp3]lo te pinsi a material of a pencil
[sound:lo jgena.mp3]lo jgena a knot
[sound:lo se jgena.mp3]lo se jgena something with a knot
[sound:lo stizu.mp3]lo stizu a chair
[sound:lo frumu.mp3]lo frumu a frowner
[sound:lo prije.mp3]lo prije something wise
[sound:lo se prije.mp3]lo se prije a subject of wiseness
[sound:lo te prije.mp3]lo te prije an observer of wiseness
[sound:lo jbena.mp3]lo jbena something born
[sound:lo se jbena.mp3]lo se jbena something that gives birth
[sound:lo te jbena.mp3]lo te jbena a time of birth
[sound:lo ve jbena.mp3]lo ve jbena a place of birth
[sound:lo vofli.mp3]lo vofli a flyer
[sound:lo se vofli.mp3]lo se vofli a means of flying
[sound:lo dakfu.mp3]lo dakfu a knife
[sound:lo se dakfu.mp3]lo se dakfu something cut with a knife
[sound:lo te dakfu.mp3]lo te dakfu a material of a knife's blade
[sound:lo kagni.mp3]lo kagni a company
[sound:lo se kagni.mp3]lo se kagni an authority chartering a company
[sound:lo te kagni.mp3]lo te kagni a purpose of a company
[sound:lo tsiju.mp3]lo tsiju a seed
[sound:lo se tsiju.mp3]lo se tsiju an organism with a seed
[sound:lo te tsiju.mp3]lo te tsiju an offspring from a seed
[sound:lo sinma.mp3]lo sinma a respecter
[sound:lo se sinma.mp3]lo se sinma something respected
[sound:lo fraso.mp3]lo fraso something French
[sound:lo se fraso.mp3]lo se fraso a French aspect
[sound:lo grasu.mp3]lo grasu a quantity of grease
[sound:lo se grasu.mp3]lo se grasu a source of grease
[sound:lo virnu.mp3]lo virnu something brave
[sound:lo se virnu.mp3]lo se virnu something done bravely
[sound:lo te virnu.mp3]lo te virnu a standard of bravery
[sound:lo crane.mp3]lo crane something in front
[sound:lo se crane.mp3]lo se crane something to which something is in front
[sound:lo te crane.mp3]lo te crane a reference frame for being in front
[sound:lo sicni.mp3]lo sicni a coin
[sound:lo se sicni.mp3]lo se sicni an issuer of a coin
[sound:lo te sicni.mp3]lo te sicni a value of a coin
[sound:lo ve sicni.mp3]lo ve sicni a composition of a coin
[sound:lo kanba.mp3]lo kanba a goat
[sound:lo se kanba.mp3]lo se kanba a species of goat
[sound:lo xalbo.mp3]lo xalbo something flippant
[sound:lo se xalbo.mp3]lo se xalbo a subject of flippancy
[sound:lo masti.mp3]lo masti a measured in months
[sound:lo se masti.mp3]lo se masti a number of months
[sound:lo te masti.mp3]lo te masti a month standard
[sound:lo xalka.mp3]lo xalka a quantity of alcohol
[sound:lo se xalka.mp3]lo se xalka a type of alcohol
[sound:lo te xalka.mp3]lo te xalka a source of alcohol
[sound:lo dunra.mp3]lo dunra a winter
[sound:lo se dunra.mp3]lo se dunra a winter year
[sound:lo te dunra.mp3]lo te dunra a winter location
[sound:lo cinba.mp3]lo cinba a kisser
[sound:lo se cinba.mp3]lo se cinba something kissed
[sound:lo te cinba.mp3]lo te cinba a kissed place
[sound:lo kicne.mp3]lo kicne a cushioner
[sound:lo se kicne.mp3]lo se kicne something cushioned
[sound:lo te kicne.mp3]lo te kicne a material of a cushion
[sound:lo zmiku.mp3]lo zmiku something automatic
[sound:lo se zmiku.mp3]lo se zmiku an automatic function
[sound:lo te zmiku.mp3]lo te zmiku a condition of automation
[sound:lo preja.mp3]lo preja something spread
[sound:lo se preja.mp3]lo se preja an area something is spread over
[sound:lo te preja.mp3]lo te preja a state before spreading
[sound:lo rigni.mp3]lo rigni something disgusting
[sound:lo se rigni.mp3]lo se rigni something disgusted
[sound:lo te rigni.mp3]lo te rigni a condition of disgust
[sound:lo cirko.mp3]lo cirko a loser of something
[sound:lo se cirko.mp3]lo se cirko something lost
[sound:lo te cirko.mp3]lo te cirko a place or condition of loss
[sound:lo selci.mp3]lo selci something indivisible
[sound:lo se selci.mp3]lo se selci something with an indivisible peice
[sound:lo kacma.mp3]lo kacma a camera
[sound:lo se kacma.mp3]lo se kacma an image type recorded by camera
[sound:lo te kacma.mp3]lo te kacma a photographic medium used in a camera
[sound:lo jeftu.mp3]lo jeftu something lasting weeks
[sound:lo se jeftu.mp3]lo se jeftu a number of weeks
[sound:lo te jeftu.mp3]lo te jeftu a standard of a week
[sound:lo pinfu.mp3]lo pinfu a prisoner
[sound:lo se pinfu.mp3]lo se pinfu something with a prisoner
[sound:lo te pinfu.mp3]lo te pinfu a means of imprisonment
[sound:lo jinsa.mp3]lo jinsa something clean
[sound:lo se jinsa.mp3]lo se jinsa a material something is clean of
[sound:lo te jinsa.mp3]lo te jinsa a cleanliness standard
[sound:lo juxre.mp3]lo juxre something clumsy
[sound:lo se juxre.mp3]lo se juxre a clumsiness standard
[sound:lo dicra.mp3]lo dicra an interrupter
[sound:lo se dicra.mp3]lo se dicra something interrupted
[sound:lo te dicra.mp3]lo te dicra a reason for interruption
[sound:lo kalri.mp3]lo kalri something open
[sound:lo se kalri.mp3]lo se kalri something given access to open portal
[sound:lo te kalri.mp3]lo te kalri something allowing access to open portal
[sound:lo vrude.mp3]lo vrude something virtuous
[sound:lo se vrude.mp3]lo se vrude a standard of virtue
[sound:lo dacru.mp3]lo dacru a drawer
[sound:lo se dacru.mp3]lo se dacru something with a drawer
[sound:lo te dacru.mp3]lo te dacru a content of a drawer
[sound:lo sruma.mp3]lo sruma an assumer
[sound:lo se sruma.mp3]lo se sruma something assumed
[sound:lo te sruma.mp3]lo te sruma a topic of assumption
[sound:lo murta.mp3]lo murta a curtain
[sound:lo se murta.mp3]lo se murta something obscured by a curtain
[sound:lo te murta.mp3]lo te murta a material of a curtain
[sound:lo manti.mp3]lo manti an ant
[sound:lo se manti.mp3]lo se manti a species of ant
[sound:lo lastu.mp3]lo lastu a quantity of brass
[sound:lo se lastu.mp3]lo se lastu a composition of brass
[sound:lo fange.mp3]lo fange something alien
[sound:lo se fange.mp3]lo se fange something to which something is alien
[sound:lo te fange.mp3]lo te fange an alien property
[sound:lo siclu.mp3]lo siclu a whistler
[sound:lo se siclu.mp3]lo se siclu something whistled
[sound:lo catni.mp3]lo catni something with authority
[sound:lo se catni.mp3]lo se catni something under authority
[sound:lo te catni.mp3]lo te catni a basis of authority
[sound:lo makcu.mp3]lo makcu something mature
[sound:lo se makcu.mp3]lo se makcu a mature property
[sound:lo sakli.mp3]lo sakli something sliding
[sound:lo se sakli.mp3]lo se sakli a surface slid on
[sound:lo mixre.mp3]lo mixre a mixture
[sound:lo se mixre.mp3]lo se mixre an ingredient of a mixture
[sound:lo pilji.mp3]lo pilji a product
[sound:lo se pilji.mp3]lo se pilji something multiplied
[sound:lo te pilji.mp3]lo te pilji something multiplied by
[sound:lo ckini.mp3]lo ckini something related
[sound:lo se ckini.mp3]lo se ckini something that something is related to
[sound:lo te ckini.mp3]lo te ckini a relationship
[sound:lo matci.mp3]lo matci a mat
[sound:lo se matci.mp3]lo se matci a material of a mat
[sound:lo tirse.mp3]lo tirse a quantity of iron
[sound:lo ciblu.mp3]lo ciblu blood
[sound:lo se ciblu.mp3]lo se ciblu an organism with blood
[sound:lo kampu.mp3]lo kampu something common or general
[sound:lo se kampu.mp3]lo se kampu a group with something common
[sound:lo kamju.mp3]lo kamju a pillar
[sound:lo se kamju.mp3]lo se kamju a material of a pillar
[sound:lo sraku.mp3]lo sraku a scratcher
[sound:lo se sraku.mp3]lo se sraku something scratched
[sound:lo ricfu.mp3]lo ricfu something rich
[sound:lo se ricfu.mp3]lo se ricfu something in which something is rich
[sound:lo jungo.mp3]lo jungo something Chinese
[sound:lo se jungo.mp3]lo se jungo a Chinese aspect
[sound:lo ctebi.mp3]lo ctebi a lip
[sound:lo se ctebi.mp3]lo se ctebi an orifice with a lip
[sound:lo te ctebi.mp3]lo te ctebi something with a lip
[sound:lo kosta.mp3]lo kosta a jacket
[sound:lo se kosta.mp3]lo se kosta a material of a jacket
[sound:lo tordu.mp3]lo tordu something short
[sound:lo se tordu.mp3]lo se tordu a dimension of shortness
[sound:lo te tordu.mp3]lo te tordu a standard of shortness
[sound:lo vindu.mp3]lo vindu something poisonous
[sound:lo se vindu.mp3]lo se vindu something to which something is poisonous
[sound:lo kufra.mp3]lo kufra something comfortable
[sound:lo se kufra.mp3]lo se kufra something with which something is comfortable
[sound:lo jivna.mp3]lo jivna a competitor
[sound:lo se jivna.mp3]lo se jivna an opponent in a competition
[sound:lo te jivna.mp3]lo te jivna a competition
[sound:lo ve jivna.mp3]lo ve jivna a prize of a competition
[sound:lo tigni.mp3]lo tigni a performer
[sound:lo se tigni.mp3]lo se tigni a performance
[sound:lo te tigni.mp3]lo te tigni an audience of a performance
[sound:lo marbi.mp3]lo marbi a shelter
[sound:lo se marbi.mp3]lo se marbi something sheltered
[sound:lo te marbi.mp3]lo te marbi a threat sheltered against
[sound:lo gento.mp3]lo gento something Argentinian
[sound:lo se gento.mp3]lo se gento an Argentinian aspect
[sound:lo tsina.mp3]lo tsina a platform
[sound:lo se tsina.mp3]lo se tsina a location of a platform
[sound:lo te tsina.mp3]lo te tsina something supported by a platform
[sound:lo ve tsina.mp3]lo ve tsina a material of a platform
[sound:lo jelca.mp3]lo jelca something that burns
[sound:lo se jelca.mp3]lo se jelca a temperature at which something burns
[sound:lo te jelca.mp3]lo te jelca an atmosphere in which something burns
[sound:lo tcena.mp3]lo tcena something stretchy
[sound:lo se tcena.mp3]lo se tcena a range of stretchiness
[sound:lo te tcena.mp3]lo te tcena a dimension of stretchiness
[sound:lo ve tcena.mp3]lo ve tcena an unstretched range
[sound:lo jimca.mp3]lo jimca a branch
[sound:lo se jimca.mp3]lo se jimca something with a branch
[sound:lo purci.mp3]lo purci something which is earlier than something
[sound:lo se purci.mp3]lo se purci something to which something is earlier
[sound:lo galxe.mp3]lo galxe a throat
[sound:lo se galxe.mp3]lo se galxe something with a throat
[sound:lo simxu.mp3]lo simxu things mutually doing something
[sound:lo se simxu.mp3]lo se simxu something done mutually
[sound:lo canre.mp3]lo canre a quantity of sand
[sound:lo se canre.mp3]lo se canre a source of sand
[sound:lo te canre.mp3]lo te canre a composition of sand
[sound:lo funca.mp3]lo funca something determined by fortune
[sound:lo se funca.mp3]lo se funca something with a fortune
[sound:lo panpi.mp3]lo panpi something at peace
[sound:lo se panpi.mp3]lo se panpi something at peace with
[sound:lo cnemu.mp3]lo cnemu a rewarder
[sound:lo se cnemu.mp3]lo se cnemu a rewardee
[sound:lo te cnemu.mp3]lo te cnemu a reason for a reward
[sound:lo ve cnemu.mp3]lo ve cnemu a reward
[sound:lo titla.mp3]lo titla something sweet
[sound:lo se titla.mp3]lo se titla something to which something is sweet
[sound:lo lorxu.mp3]lo lorxu a fox
[sound:lo se lorxu.mp3]lo se lorxu a species of fox
[sound:lo karda.mp3]lo karda a card
[sound:lo se karda.mp3]lo se karda a material of a card
[sound:lo te karda.mp3]lo te karda a card shape
[sound:lo jadni.mp3]lo jadni something that adorns
[sound:lo se jadni.mp3]lo se jadni something adorned
[sound:lo namcu.mp3]lo namcu a number
[sound:lo danti.mp3]lo danti a ballistic projectile
[sound:lo se danti.mp3]lo se danti a ballistic projectile's launcher
[sound:lo xlura.mp3]lo xlura a lurer
[sound:lo se xlura.mp3]lo se xlura something lured
[sound:lo te xlura.mp3]lo te xlura something that something is lured into
[sound:lo ve xlura.mp3]lo ve xlura a lure
[sound:lo janli.mp3]lo janli something colliding
[sound:lo se janli.mp3]lo se janli something collided with
[sound:lo xasli.mp3]lo xasli a donkey
[sound:lo se xasli.mp3]lo se xasli a species of donkey
[sound:lo marji.mp3]lo marji matter
[sound:lo se marji.mp3]lo se marji a composition of matter
[sound:lo te marji.mp3]lo te marji a shape of matter
[sound:lo sfasa.mp3]lo sfasa a punisher
[sound:lo se sfasa.mp3]lo se sfasa something punished
[sound:lo te sfasa.mp3]lo te sfasa something punishable
[sound:lo ve sfasa.mp3]lo ve sfasa a punishment
[sound:lo tance.mp3]lo tance a tongue
[sound:lo se tance.mp3]lo se tance something with a tongue
[sound:lo gunma.mp3]lo gunma an aggregate
[sound:lo se gunma.mp3]lo se gunma a component of an aggregate
[sound:lo dilnu.mp3]lo dilnu a cloud
[sound:lo se dilnu.mp3]lo se dilnu a material of a cloud
[sound:lo te dilnu.mp3]lo te dilnu an air mass with a cloud
[sound:lo ve dilnu.mp3]lo ve dilnu an elevation of a cloud
[sound:lo bapli.mp3]lo bapli an event's force
[sound:lo se bapli.mp3]lo se bapli something forced to occur
[sound:lo klani.mp3]lo klani a quantity
[sound:lo se klani.mp3]lo se klani a measurer of a quantity
[sound:lo te klani.mp3]lo te klani a measurement scale of a quantity
[sound:lo klina.mp3]lo klina something transparent
[sound:lo se klina.mp3]lo se klina something to which something is transparent
[sound:lo vanju.mp3]lo vanju a quantity of wine
[sound:lo se vanju.mp3]lo se vanju a grape wine is made from
[sound:lo plise.mp3]lo plise an apple
[sound:lo se plise.mp3]lo se plise a species of apple
[sound:lo vlile.mp3]lo vlile a violent act
[sound:lo xedja.mp3]lo xedja a jaw
[sound:lo se xedja.mp3]lo se xedja something with a jaw
[sound:lo farvi.mp3]lo farvi an evolver
[sound:lo se farvi.mp3]lo se farvi an evolved
[sound:lo te farvi.mp3]lo te farvi something that evolves
[sound:lo ve farvi.mp3]lo ve farvi an evolution stage
[sound:lo xebro.mp3]lo xebro something Hebrew
[sound:lo se xebro.mp3]lo se xebro a Hebrew aspect
[sound:lo jerna.mp3]lo jerna an earner of salary
[sound:lo se jerna.mp3]lo se jerna a salary
[sound:lo te jerna.mp3]lo te jerna a salaried work
[sound:lo misno.mp3]lo misno something famous
[sound:lo se misno.mp3]lo se misno something to which something is famous
[sound:lo zirpu.mp3]lo zirpu something purple
[sound:lo tcila.mp3]lo tcila a detail
[sound:lo se tcila.mp3]lo se tcila something detailed
[sound:lo gasta.mp3]lo gasta a quantity of steel
[sound:lo se gasta.mp3]lo se gasta a composition of steel
[sound:lo slanu.mp3]lo slanu a cylinder
[sound:lo se slanu.mp3]lo se slanu a material of a cylinder
[sound:lo stodi.mp3]lo stodi something constant
[sound:lo se stodi.mp3]lo se stodi a constant property
[sound:lo te stodi.mp3]lo te stodi a condition of constancy
[sound:lo pruce.mp3]lo pruce a process
[sound:lo se pruce.mp3]lo se pruce a process input
[sound:lo te pruce.mp3]lo te pruce a process output
[sound:lo ve pruce.mp3]lo ve pruce a process stage
[sound:lo mosra.mp3]lo mosra friction
[sound:lo se mosra.mp3]lo se mosra something causing friction by rubbing
[sound:lo te mosra.mp3]lo te mosra something rubbed to cause friction
[sound:lo friko.mp3]lo friko something African
[sound:lo se friko.mp3]lo se friko an African aspect
[sound:lo mudri.mp3]lo mudri a quantity of wood
[sound:lo se mudri.mp3]lo se mudri a species of wood
[sound:lo larcu.mp3]lo larcu an art
[sound:lo se larcu.mp3]lo se larcu a craft of art
[sound:lo prosa.mp3]lo prosa prose
[sound:lo se prosa.mp3]lo se prosa a subject of prose
[sound:lo te prosa.mp3]lo te prosa an author of prose
[sound:lo ve prosa.mp3]lo ve prosa an audience of prose
[sound:lo tinbe.mp3]lo tinbe something obeying
[sound:lo se tinbe.mp3]lo se tinbe a rule obeyed
[sound:lo te tinbe.mp3]lo te tinbe something that makes a rule obeyed
[sound:lo mabru.mp3]lo mabru a mammal
[sound:lo se mabru.mp3]lo se mabru a species of mammal
[sound:lo tcana.mp3]lo tcana a network station
[sound:lo se tcana.mp3]lo se tcana a network with a station
[sound:lo dzena.mp3]lo dzena an ancestor
[sound:lo se dzena.mp3]lo se dzena something with an ancestor
[sound:lo te dzena.mp3]lo te dzena an ancestry bond
[sound:lo bakni.mp3]lo bakni a cow
[sound:lo se bakni.mp3]lo se bakni a species of cow
[sound:lo ckafi.mp3]lo ckafi a quantity of coffee
[sound:lo se ckafi.mp3]lo se ckafi a source of coffee
[sound:lo spano.mp3]lo spano something Spanish
[sound:lo se spano.mp3]lo se spano a Spanish aspect
[sound:lo zungi.mp3]lo zungi a feeler of guilt
[sound:lo se zungi.mp3]lo se zungi a cause of guilt
[sound:lo tansi.mp3]lo tansi a basin
[sound:lo se tansi.mp3]lo se tansi a content of a basin
[sound:lo te tansi.mp3]lo te tansi a material of a basin
[sound:lo ritli.mp3]lo ritli a ceremony
[sound:lo se ritli.mp3]lo se ritli a purpose of a ceremony
[sound:lo te ritli.mp3]lo te ritli a custom of a ceremony
[sound:lo ve ritli.mp3]lo ve ritli a rule of a ceremony
[sound:lo rirni.mp3]lo rirni a parent
[sound:lo se rirni.mp3]lo se rirni something with a parent
[sound:lo rutni.mp3]lo rutni something artificial
[sound:lo se rutni.mp3]lo se rutni a maker of something artificial
[sound:lo sralo.mp3]lo sralo something Australian
[sound:lo se sralo.mp3]lo se sralo an Australian aspect
[sound:lo ctile.mp3]lo ctile a quantity of petroleum
[sound:lo se ctile.mp3]lo se ctile a source of petroleum
[sound:lo kandi.mp3]lo kandi something dim
[sound:lo se kandi.mp3]lo se kandi a property of dimness
[sound:lo te kandi.mp3]lo te kandi a measurer of dimness
[sound:lo calku.mp3]lo calku a shell
[sound:lo se calku.mp3]lo se calku something with a shell
[sound:lo te calku.mp3]lo te calku a material of a shell
[sound:lo palne.mp3]lo palne a tray
[sound:lo se palne.mp3]lo se palne a content of a tray
[sound:lo te palne.mp3]lo te palne a material of a tray
[sound:lo tikpa.mp3]lo tikpa a kicker
[sound:lo se tikpa.mp3]lo se tikpa something kicked
[sound:lo te tikpa.mp3]lo te tikpa a location of a kick
[sound:lo ve tikpa.mp3]lo ve tikpa a foot used to kick
[sound:lo daplu.mp3]lo daplu an island
[sound:lo se daplu.mp3]lo se daplu a material of an island
[sound:lo te daplu.mp3]lo te daplu an island's surroundings
[sound:lo datka.mp3]lo datka a duck
[sound:lo se datka.mp3]lo se datka a species of duck
[sound:lo rotsu.mp3]lo rotsu something thick
[sound:lo se rotsu.mp3]lo se rotsu a dimension of thickness
[sound:lo te rotsu.mp3]lo te rotsu a standard of thickness
[sound:lo cimde.mp3]lo cimde a dimension
[sound:lo se cimde.mp3]lo se cimde something with a dimension
[sound:lo te cimde.mp3]lo te cimde a dimensional model
[sound:lo tabra.mp3]lo tabra a horn
[sound:lo jenca.mp3]lo jenca something shocking
[sound:lo se jenca.mp3]lo se jenca something shocked
[sound:lo zarci.mp3]lo zarci a market
[sound:lo se zarci.mp3]lo se zarci something sold at a market
[sound:lo te zarci.mp3]lo te zarci an operator of a market
[sound:lo lanli.mp3]lo lanli an analyser
[sound:lo se lanli.mp3]lo se lanli something analysed
[sound:lo te lanli.mp3]lo te lanli an analysis method
[sound:lo xriso.mp3]lo xriso something Christian
[sound:lo se xriso.mp3]lo se xriso a Christian aspect
[sound:lo bikla.mp3]lo bikla a lasher
[sound:lo jganu.mp3]lo jganu an angle
[sound:lo se jganu.mp3]lo se jganu a vertex of an angle
[sound:lo te jganu.mp3]lo te jganu an angle segment
[sound:lo danre.mp3]lo danre something applying pressure
[sound:lo se danre.mp3]lo se danre something with a pressure applied
[sound:lo tinsa.mp3]lo tinsa something stiff
[sound:lo se tinsa.mp3]lo se tinsa a direction of stiffness
[sound:lo te tinsa.mp3]lo te tinsa a force something is stiff against
[sound:lo ve tinsa.mp3]lo ve tinsa a condition of stiffness
[sound:lo jgira.mp3]lo jgira something proud
[sound:lo se jgira.mp3]lo se jgira something causing pride
[sound:lo kancu.mp3]lo kancu a counter
[sound:lo se kancu.mp3]lo se kancu a counted set
[sound:lo te kancu.mp3]lo te kancu a count result
[sound:lo ve kancu.mp3]lo ve kancu a count unit
[sound:lo skari.mp3]lo skari something with a colour
[sound:lo se skari.mp3]lo se skari a colour
[sound:lo te skari.mp3]lo te skari something which perceives a colour
[sound:lo ve skari.mp3]lo ve skari a condition in which a colour is perceived
[sound:lo sucta.mp3]lo sucta an abstraction
[sound:lo se sucta.mp3]lo se sucta something abstracted
[sound:lo te sucta.mp3]lo te sucta a rule of abstraction
[sound:lo sevzi.mp3]lo sevzi an ego
[sound:lo se sevzi.mp3]lo se sevzi something with a ego
[sound:lo jimte.mp3]lo jimte a limit
[sound:lo se jimte.mp3]lo se jimte something with a limit
[sound:lo te jimte.mp3]lo te jimte a property of a limit
[sound:lo kulnu.mp3]lo kulnu a culture
[sound:lo se kulnu.mp3]lo se kulnu something with a culture
[sound:lo sarlu.mp3]lo sarlu a helix
[sound:lo se sarlu.mp3]lo se sarlu a helix limit
[sound:lo te sarlu.mp3]lo te sarlu a helix dimension
[sound:lo mupli.mp3]lo mupli an example
[sound:lo se mupli.mp3]lo se mupli a common property of an example
[sound:lo te mupli.mp3]lo te mupli a set with an example
[sound:lo trene.mp3]lo trene a train
[sound:lo se trene.mp3]lo se trene a car of a train
[sound:lo te trene.mp3]lo te trene a system of a train
[sound:lo ve trene.mp3]lo ve trene a propulsion of a train
[sound:lo fepni.mp3]lo fepni something measured in money subunits
[sound:lo se fepni.mp3]lo se fepni a quantity of money subunits
[sound:lo te fepni.mp3]lo te fepni a monetary system with money subunits
[sound:lo crida.mp3]lo crida a fairy
[sound:lo se crida.mp3]lo se crida a religion with a fairy
[sound:lo fetsi.mp3]lo fetsi a female
[sound:lo se fetsi.mp3]lo se fetsi a species of a female
[sound:lo te fetsi.mp3]lo te fetsi a feminine trait
[sound:lo blanu.mp3]lo blanu something blue
[sound:lo sepli.mp3]lo sepli something kept separate
[sound:lo se sepli.mp3]lo se sepli something kept separate from
[sound:lo te sepli.mp3]lo te sepli a separating partition
[sound:lo dakli.mp3]lo dakli a bag
[sound:lo se dakli.mp3]lo se dakli a content of a bag
[sound:lo te dakli.mp3]lo te dakli a material of a bag
[sound:lo sfubu.mp3]lo sfubu a diver
[sound:lo se sfubu.mp3]lo se sfubu something dived to
[sound:lo te sfubu.mp3]lo te sfubu something dived from
[sound:lo kalci.mp3]lo kalci excrement
[sound:lo se kalci.mp3]lo se kalci something producing excrement
[sound:lo cinla.mp3]lo cinla something thin
[sound:lo se cinla.mp3]lo se cinla a dimension of thinness
[sound:lo te cinla.mp3]lo te cinla a standard of thinness
[sound:lo ranti.mp3]lo ranti something soft
[sound:lo se ranti.mp3]lo se ranti a force to which something is soft
[sound:lo te ranti.mp3]lo te ranti a condition of softness
[sound:lo vanbi.mp3]lo vanbi a part of an environment
[sound:lo se vanbi.mp3]lo se vanbi an environment
[sound:lo livla.mp3]lo livla a fuel
[sound:lo se livla.mp3]lo se livla something powered by fuel
[sound:lo bongu.mp3]lo bongu a bone
[sound:lo se bongu.mp3]lo se bongu a function of a bone
[sound:lo te bongu.mp3]lo te bongu something with a bone
[sound:lo karce.mp3]lo karce a car
[sound:lo se karce.mp3]lo se karce something carried in a car
[sound:lo te karce.mp3]lo te karce a car engine
[sound:lo xruki.mp3]lo xruki a turkey
[sound:lo se xruki.mp3]lo se xruki a species of turkey
[sound:lo steba.mp3]lo steba something frustrated
[sound:lo se steba.mp3]lo se steba a frustration
[sound:lo bavmi.mp3]lo bavmi a quantity of barley
[sound:lo se bavmi.mp3]lo se bavmi a species of barley
[sound:lo smuci.mp3]lo smuci a spoon
[sound:lo se smuci.mp3]lo se smuci a purpose of a spoon
[sound:lo te smuci.mp3]lo te smuci a material of a spoon
[sound:lo besna.mp3]lo besna a brain
[sound:lo se besna.mp3]lo se besna something with a brain
[sound:lo dasri.mp3]lo dasri a ribbon
[sound:lo se dasri.mp3]lo se dasri a material of a ribbon
[sound:lo krili.mp3]lo krili a quantity of crystal
[sound:lo se krili.mp3]lo se krili a composition of crystal
[sound:lo te krili.mp3]lo te krili an arrangement of crystal
[sound:lo rapli.mp3]lo rapli something which repeats
[sound:lo se rapli.mp3]lo se rapli a number of repetition
[sound:lo cartu.mp3]lo cartu a chart
[sound:lo se cartu.mp3]lo se cartu a chart topic
[sound:lo te cartu.mp3]lo te cartu data in a chart
[sound:lo marna.mp3]lo marna a quantity of hemp
[sound:lo se marna.mp3]lo se marna a species of hemp
[sound:lo nupre.mp3]lo nupre a promiser
[sound:lo se nupre.mp3]lo se nupre something promised
[sound:lo te nupre.mp3]lo te nupre something receiving a promise
[sound:lo jbama.mp3]lo jbama a bomb
[sound:lo se jbama.mp3]lo se jbama an explosive of a bomb
[sound:lo frati.mp3]lo frati a responder
[sound:lo se frati.mp3]lo se frati a response
[sound:lo te frati.mp3]lo te frati a responder's stimulus
[sound:lo ve frati.mp3]lo ve frati a response condition
[sound:lo prina.mp3]lo prina a print
[sound:lo se prina.mp3]lo se prina a surface printed on
[sound:lo te prina.mp3]lo te prina a printing press
[sound:lo citsi.mp3]lo citsi a season
[sound:lo se citsi.mp3]lo se citsi a season's interval
[sound:lo te citsi.mp3]lo te citsi a season's year
[sound:lo nakni.mp3]lo nakni a male
[sound:lo se nakni.mp3]lo se nakni a species of male
[sound:lo te nakni.mp3]lo te nakni a male trait
[sound:lo gidva.mp3]lo gidva a guider
[sound:lo se gidva.mp3]lo se gidva something guided
[sound:lo te gidva.mp3]lo te gidva an event something is guided in
[sound:lo ragve.mp3]lo ragve something across a boundary
[sound:lo se ragve.mp3]lo se ragve a boundary
[sound:lo te ragve.mp3]lo te ragve something a boundary is across
[sound:lo cnano.mp3]lo cnano an average
[sound:lo se cnano.mp3]lo se cnano a average's property
[sound:lo te cnano.mp3]lo te cnano a set of an average
[sound:lo ve cnano.mp3]lo ve cnano an average's standard
[sound:lo bliku.mp3]lo bliku a block
[sound:lo se bliku.mp3]lo se bliku a material of a block
[sound:lo te bliku.mp3]lo te bliku a side of a block
[sound:lo gunro.mp3]lo gunro a roller
[sound:lo se gunro.mp3]lo se gunro a rolling surface
[sound:lo te gunro.mp3]lo te gunro an axle of a roller
[sound:lo batci.mp3]lo batci a biter
[sound:lo se batci.mp3]lo se batci something bitten
[sound:lo te batci.mp3]lo te batci an area being bitten
[sound:lo ve batci.mp3]lo ve batci something used to bite
[sound:lo sufti.mp3]lo sufti a hoof
[sound:lo se sufti.mp3]lo se sufti something with a hoof
[sound:lo jdima.mp3]lo jdima a price
[sound:lo se jdima.mp3]lo se jdima something with a price
[sound:lo te jdima.mp3]lo te jdima something that purchases something for a price
[sound:lo ve jdima.mp3]lo ve jdima something that sets a price
[sound:lo genja.mp3]lo genja a root
[sound:lo se genja.mp3]lo se genja something with a root
[sound:lo krati.mp3]lo krati something representing
[sound:lo se krati.mp3]lo se krati something represented
[sound:lo te krati.mp3]lo te krati a function of representation
[sound:lo sumji.mp3]lo sumji a total of a sum
[sound:lo se sumji.mp3]lo se sumji something summed
[sound:lo te sumji.mp3]lo te sumji something summed with
[sound:lo zabna.mp3]lo zabna a favourable sense
[sound:lo se zabna.mp3]lo se zabna something with a favourable sense
[sound:lo te zabna.mp3]lo te zabna something using a favourable sense
[sound:lo curve.mp3]lo curve something pure
[sound:lo se curve.mp3]lo se curve a property of pureness
[sound:lo silna.mp3]lo silna a quantity of salt
[sound:lo se silna.mp3]lo se silna a source of salt
[sound:lo te silna.mp3]lo te silna a composition of salt
[sound:lo filso.mp3]lo filso something Palestinian
[sound:lo se filso.mp3]lo se filso a Palestinian aspect
[sound:lo boxna.mp3]lo boxna a wave
[sound:lo se boxna.mp3]lo se boxna a wave medium
[sound:lo te boxna.mp3]lo te boxna a waveform
[sound:lo ve boxna.mp3]lo ve boxna a wavelength
[sound:lo xe boxna.mp3]lo xe boxna a wave frequency
[sound:lo tivni.mp3]lo tivni a broadcaster
[sound:lo se tivni.mp3]lo se tivni something broadcast
[sound:lo te tivni.mp3]lo te tivni a medium of broadcasting
[sound:lo ve tivni.mp3]lo ve tivni a receiver of a braodcast
[sound:lo ckeji.mp3]lo ckeji something ashamed
[sound:lo se ckeji.mp3]lo se ckeji a condition of shame
[sound:lo te ckeji.mp3]lo te ckeji an audience of something ashamed
[sound:lo bandu.mp3]lo bandu a defender
[sound:lo se bandu.mp3]lo se bandu something defended
[sound:lo te bandu.mp3]lo te bandu a threat defended
[sound:lo djine.mp3]lo djine a ring
[sound:lo se djine.mp3]lo se djine a material of a ring
[sound:lo te djine.mp3]lo te djine an inside diameter of a ring
[sound:lo ve djine.mp3]lo ve djine an outside diameter of a ring
[sound:lo cinfo.mp3]lo cinfo a lion
[sound:lo se cinfo.mp3]lo se cinfo a species of lion
[sound:lo bridi.mp3]lo bridi a predicate text
[sound:lo se bridi.mp3]lo se bridi a predicate relationship
[sound:lo te bridi.mp3]lo te bridi a predicate argument
[sound:lo banfi.mp3]lo banfi an amphibian
[sound:lo se banfi.mp3]lo se banfi a species of amphibian
[sound:lo xinmo.mp3]lo xinmo a quantity of ink
[sound:lo se xinmo.mp3]lo se xinmo a colour of ink
[sound:lo te xinmo.mp3]lo te xinmo a writing device using ink
[sound:lo tirxu.mp3]lo tirxu a tiger
[sound:lo se tirxu.mp3]lo se tirxu a species of tiger
[sound:lo te tirxu.mp3]lo te tirxu a marking of a tiger
[sound:lo stace.mp3]lo stace a honest
[sound:lo se stace.mp3]lo se stace something to which something is honest
[sound:lo te stace.mp3]lo te stace something about which something is honest
[sound:lo kusru.mp3]lo kusru something cruel
[sound:lo se kusru.mp3]lo se kusru a victim of cruelty
[sound:lo draci.mp3]lo draci a play
[sound:lo se draci.mp3]lo se draci a plot of a play
[sound:lo te draci.mp3]lo te draci an author of a play
[sound:lo ve draci.mp3]lo ve draci an audience of a play
[sound:lo xe draci.mp3]lo xe draci an actor of a play
[sound:lo tunlo.mp3]lo tunlo a swallower
[sound:lo se tunlo.mp3]lo se tunlo something swallowed
[sound:lo vitci.mp3]lo vitci something irregular
[sound:lo se vitci.mp3]lo se vitci an irregular property
[sound:lo lunbe.mp3]lo lunbe something naked
[sound:lo bukpu.mp3]lo bukpu a quantity of cloth
[sound:lo se bukpu.mp3]lo se bukpu a material of cloth
[sound:lo jikca.mp3]lo jikca an interacter
[sound:lo se jikca.mp3]lo se jikca something interacted with
[sound:lo kajna.mp3]lo kajna a shelf
[sound:lo se kajna.mp3]lo se kajna something supported by a shelf
[sound:lo te kajna.mp3]lo te kajna a purpose of a shelf
[sound:lo snuji.mp3]lo snuji a sandwich
[sound:lo se snuji.mp3]lo se snuji a sandwich filling
[sound:lo te snuji.mp3]lo te snuji a sandwich casing
[sound:lo fonxa.mp3]lo fonxa a telephone
[sound:lo se fonxa.mp3]lo se fonxa a telephone system
[sound:lo pikci.mp3]lo pikci a pleader
[sound:lo se pikci.mp3]lo se pikci something receiving a plea
[sound:lo te pikci.mp3]lo te pikci a reason for a plea
[sound:lo briju.mp3]lo briju an office
[sound:lo se briju.mp3]lo se briju an office worker
[sound:lo te briju.mp3]lo te briju a location of an office
[sound:lo marxa.mp3]lo marxa a crusher
[sound:lo se marxa.mp3]lo se marxa something crushed
[sound:lo te marxa.mp3]lo te marxa a result of crushing
[sound:lo kuspe.mp3]lo kuspe something extending over
[sound:lo se kuspe.mp3]lo se kuspe something extended over
[sound:lo skuro.mp3]lo skuro a groove
[sound:lo se skuro.mp3]lo se skuro a grooved surface
[sound:lo plita.mp3]lo plita a plane
[sound:lo se plita.mp3]lo se plita a point defining a plane
[sound:lo bidju.mp3]lo bidju a bead
[sound:lo se bidju.mp3]lo se bidju a material of a bead
[sound:lo ferti.mp3]lo ferti something fertile
[sound:lo se ferti.mp3]lo se ferti something to which something is fertile
[sound:lo vidni.mp3]lo vidni a screen
[sound:lo se vidni.mp3]lo se vidni a function of a screen
[sound:lo papri.mp3]lo papri a page
[sound:lo se papri.mp3]lo se papri something with a page
[sound:lo snipa.mp3]lo snipa something sticky
[sound:lo se snipa.mp3]lo se snipa something stuck to
[sound:lo ponjo.mp3]lo ponjo something Japanese
[sound:lo se ponjo.mp3]lo se ponjo a Japanese aspect
[sound:lo spali.mp3]lo spali a polisher
[sound:lo se spali.mp3]lo se spali something polished
[sound:lo te spali.mp3]lo te spali a polish
[sound:lo ve spali.mp3]lo ve spali a polising tool
[sound:lo vraga.mp3]lo vraga a lever
[sound:lo se vraga.mp3]lo se vraga a purpose of a lever
[sound:lo te vraga.mp3]lo te vraga a fulcrum of a lever
[sound:lo ve vraga.mp3]lo ve vraga an arm of a lever
[sound:lo kensa.mp3]lo kensa outer space
[sound:lo se kensa.mp3]lo se kensa a location in outer space
[sound:lo bakri.mp3]lo bakri a quantity of chalk
[sound:lo se bakri.mp3]lo se bakri a source of chalk
[sound:lo te bakri.mp3]lo te bakri a form of chalk
[sound:lo batke.mp3]lo batke a button
[sound:lo se batke.mp3]lo se batke something with a button
[sound:lo te batke.mp3]lo te batke purpose of a button
[sound:lo ve batke.mp3]lo ve batke a material of a button
[sound:lo cabra.mp3]lo cabra an apparatus
[sound:lo se cabra.mp3]lo se cabra a function of an apparatus
[sound:lo te cabra.mp3]lo te cabra a controller of an apparatus
[sound:lo pimlu.mp3]lo pimlu a feather
[sound:lo se pimlu.mp3]lo se pimlu something with a feather
[sound:lo jetce.mp3]lo jetce a jet
[sound:lo se jetce.mp3]lo se jetce a material of a jet
[sound:lo te jetce.mp3]lo te jetce a jet source
[sound:lo lunra.mp3]lo lunra a moon
[sound:lo se lunra.mp3]lo se lunra a planet with a moon
[sound:lo jecta.mp3]lo jecta a polity
[sound:lo se jecta.mp3]lo se jecta something governed by a polity
[sound:lo kanji.mp3]lo kanji a calculater
[sound:lo se kanji.mp3]lo se kanji a calculated value
[sound:lo te kanji.mp3]lo te kanji data for calculation
[sound:lo ve kanji.mp3]lo ve kanji a calculation process
[sound:lo mucti.mp3]lo mucti something immaterial
[sound:lo mapku.mp3]lo mapku a hat
[sound:lo se mapku.mp3]lo se mapku a material of a hat
[sound:lo nejni.mp3]lo nejni energy
[sound:lo se nejni.mp3]lo se nejni a type of energy
[sound:lo te nejni.mp3]lo te nejni a form of energy
[sound:lo mansa.mp3]lo mansa something satisfying
[sound:lo se mansa.mp3]lo se mansa something satisfied
[sound:lo te mansa.mp3]lo te mansa a property of satisfaction
[sound:lo latmo.mp3]lo latmo something Latin
[sound:lo se latmo.mp3]lo se latmo a Latin aspect
[sound:lo nurma.mp3]lo nurma a rural area
[sound:lo se nurma.mp3]lo se nurma something with a rural area
[sound:lo tamji.mp3]lo tamji a thumb
[sound:lo se tamji.mp3]lo se tamji a limb with a thumb
[sound:lo te tamji.mp3]lo te tamji something with a thumb
[sound:lo guzme.mp3]lo guzme a melon
[sound:lo se guzme.mp3]lo se guzme a species of melon
[sound:lo birje.mp3]lo birje a quantity of beer
[sound:lo se birje.mp3]lo se birje something beer is brewed from
[sound:lo litki.mp3]lo litki a liquid
[sound:lo se litki.mp3]lo se litki a material of a liquid
[sound:lo te litki.mp3]lo te litki a condition of liquidity
[sound:lo kalte.mp3]lo kalte a hunter
[sound:lo se kalte.mp3]lo se kalte somethuing hunted
[sound:lo te kalte.mp3]lo te kalte a purpose of a hunt
[sound:lo gubni.mp3]lo gubni something public
[sound:lo se gubni.mp3]lo se gubni a community with something public
[sound:lo grute.mp3]lo grute a fruit
[sound:lo se grute.mp3]lo se grute a species of fruit
[sound:lo ropno.mp3]lo ropno something European
[sound:lo se ropno.mp3]lo se ropno an European aspect
[sound:lo lacpu.mp3]lo lacpu a puller
[sound:lo se lacpu.mp3]lo se lacpu something pulled
[sound:lo te lacpu.mp3]lo te lacpu something by which something is pulled
[sound:lo lacri.mp3]lo lacri a relyer
[sound:lo se lacri.mp3]lo se lacri something relied on
[sound:lo te lacri.mp3]lo te lacri something on which something is relied to do
[sound:lo tapla.mp3]lo tapla a tile
[sound:lo se tapla.mp3]lo se tapla a material of a tile
[sound:lo te tapla.mp3]lo te tapla a shape of a tile
[sound:lo ve tapla.mp3]lo ve tapla a thickness of a tile
[sound:lo zbepi.mp3]lo zbepi a pedestal
[sound:lo se zbepi.mp3]lo se zbepi something supported by pedestal
[sound:lo te zbepi.mp3]lo te zbepi a material of a pedestal
[sound:lo creka.mp3]lo creka a shirt
[sound:lo se creka.mp3]lo se creka a material of a shirt
[sound:lo nalci.mp3]lo nalci a wing
[sound:lo se nalci.mp3]lo se nalci something with a wing
[sound:lo fatne.mp3]lo fatne a reversed
[sound:lo se fatne.mp3]lo se fatne a sequence before reversal
[sound:lo jdari.mp3]lo jdari something firm
[sound:lo se jdari.mp3]lo se jdari a force something is firm against
[sound:lo te jdari.mp3]lo te jdari a firmness condition
[sound:lo dimna.mp3]lo dimna a destiny
[sound:lo se dimna.mp3]lo se dimna something with a destiny
[sound:lo vrusi.mp3]lo vrusi a taste
[sound:lo se vrusi.mp3]lo se vrusi something with a taste
[sound:lo ladru.mp3]lo ladru a quantity of milk
[sound:lo se ladru.mp3]lo se ladru a source of milk
[sound:lo mikce.mp3]lo mikce a curer
[sound:lo se mikce.mp3]lo se mikce something cured
[sound:lo te mikce.mp3]lo te mikce an ailment to be cured
[sound:lo ve mikce.mp3]lo ve mikce a cure
[sound:lo citri.mp3]lo citri a history
[sound:lo se citri.mp3]lo se citri something with a history
[sound:lo te citri.mp3]lo te citri a view-point of a history
[sound:lo bruna.mp3]lo bruna a brother
[sound:lo se bruna.mp3]lo se bruna something with a brother
[sound:lo te bruna.mp3]lo te bruna a bond of brotherhood
[sound:lo kurki.mp3]lo kurki something bitter
[sound:lo se kurki.mp3]lo se kurki something to which something is bitter
[sound:lo malsi.mp3]lo malsi a church
[sound:lo se malsi.mp3]lo se malsi a religion of a church
[sound:lo te malsi.mp3]lo te malsi a location of a church
[sound:lo dembi.mp3]lo dembi a legume seed
[sound:lo se dembi.mp3]lo se dembi a legume plant
[sound:lo gadri.mp3]lo gadri an article
[sound:lo se gadri.mp3]lo se gadri something labelled by an article
[sound:lo te gadri.mp3]lo te gadri a language of an article
[sound:lo ve gadri.mp3]lo ve gadri a semantic of an article
[sound:lo xalni.mp3]lo xalni something panicking
[sound:lo se xalni.mp3]lo se xalni something panicked about
[sound:lo xislu.mp3]lo xislu a wheel
[sound:lo se xislu.mp3]lo se xislu something with a wheel
[sound:lo te xislu.mp3]lo te xislu a material of a wheel
[sound:lo kunra.mp3]lo kunra a mineral
[sound:lo se kunra.mp3]lo se kunra a type of mineral
[sound:lo te kunra.mp3]lo te kunra a mineral mine
[sound:lo dirgo.mp3]lo dirgo a drop
[sound:lo se dirgo.mp3]lo se dirgo a material of a drop
[sound:lo te dirgo.mp3]lo te dirgo something containing a drop
[sound:lo jinme.mp3]lo jinme a quantity of metal
[sound:lo se jinme.mp3]lo se jinme a composition of metal
[sound:lo muzga.mp3]lo muzga a museum
[sound:lo se muzga.mp3]lo se muzga something preserved at a museum
[sound:lo te muzga.mp3]lo te muzga a location of a museum
[sound:lo merli.mp3]lo merli a measureer
[sound:lo se merli.mp3]lo se merli something measured
[sound:lo te merli.mp3]lo te merli a measurement
[sound:lo ve merli.mp3]lo ve merli a measurement scale
[sound:lo xe merli.mp3]lo xe merli a measurement accuracy
[sound:lo carce.mp3]lo carce a carriage
[sound:lo se carce.mp3]lo se carce something carried by a carriage
[sound:lo te carce.mp3]lo te carce a carriage's propulsion
[sound:lo ratcu.mp3]lo ratcu a rat
[sound:lo se ratcu.mp3]lo se ratcu a species of rat
[sound:lo xarnu.mp3]lo xarnu something stubborn
[sound:lo se xarnu.mp3]lo se xarnu something stubbornly opposed
[sound:lo te xarnu.mp3]lo te xarnu a subject of stubbornness
[sound:lo fukpi.mp3]lo fukpi a copy
[sound:lo se fukpi.mp3]lo se fukpi something copied
[sound:lo te fukpi.mp3]lo te fukpi a copy media
[sound:lo ve fukpi.mp3]lo ve fukpi a copying method
[sound:lo stati.mp3]lo stati something talented
[sound:lo se stati.mp3]lo se stati a talent
[sound:lo jicla.mp3]lo jicla a stirrer
[sound:lo se jicla.mp3]lo se jicla something stirred
[sound:lo mruli.mp3]lo mruli a hammer
[sound:lo se mruli.mp3]lo se mruli something hammered
[sound:lo te mruli.mp3]lo te mruli a head of a hammer
[sound:lo ve mruli.mp3]lo ve mruli a propellant of a hammer
[sound:lo bende.mp3]lo bende a team
[sound:lo se bende.mp3]lo se bende people of a team
[sound:lo te bende.mp3]lo te bende a leader of a team
[sound:lo ve bende.mp3]lo ve bende purpose of a team
[sound:lo kruji.mp3]lo kruji a quantity of cream
[sound:lo se kruji.mp3]lo se kruji a composition of cream
[sound:lo stagi.mp3]lo stagi an edible plant
[sound:lo se stagi.mp3]lo se stagi an edible portion of a plant
[sound:lo te stagi.mp3]lo te stagi a plant with an edible portion
[sound:lo lenjo.mp3]lo lenjo a lens
[sound:lo se lenjo.mp3]lo se lenjo something focused by a lens
[sound:lo te lenjo.mp3]lo te lenjo a focus of a lens
[sound:lo ve lenjo.mp3]lo ve lenjo a material of a lens
[sound:lo cinki.mp3]lo cinki an insect
[sound:lo se cinki.mp3]lo se cinki a species of insect
[sound:lo canja.mp3]lo canja a trader
[sound:lo se canja.mp3]lo se canja something traded
[sound:lo te canja.mp3]lo te canja something traded for
[sound:lo ve canja.mp3]lo ve canja something traded with
[sound:lo respa.mp3]lo respa a reptile
[sound:lo se respa.mp3]lo se respa a species of reptile
[sound:lo betri.mp3]lo betri a tragedy
[sound:lo se betri.mp3]lo se betri a sufferer of a tragedy
[sound:lo basna.mp3]lo basna an emphasizer
[sound:lo se basna.mp3]lo se basna something emphasized
[sound:lo te basna.mp3]lo te basna an emphasizing action
[sound:lo vensa.mp3]lo vensa a springtime
[sound:lo se vensa.mp3]lo se vensa a year of springtime
[sound:lo te vensa.mp3]lo te vensa a location of spring
[sound:lo slari.mp3]lo slari something sour
[sound:lo se slari.mp3]lo se slari something to which something is sour
[sound:lo cando.mp3]lo cando something idle
[sound:lo dzipo.mp3]lo dzipo something Antarctican
[sound:lo se dzipo.mp3]lo se dzipo an Antarctican aspect
[sound:lo ginka.mp3]lo ginka a camp
[sound:lo se ginka.mp3]lo se ginka something with a camp
[sound:lo te ginka.mp3]lo te ginka a camp location
[sound:lo dikni.mp3]lo dikni something regular
[sound:lo se dikni.mp3]lo se dikni a property of regularness
[sound:lo te dikni.mp3]lo te dikni an interval of regularness
[sound:lo xutla.mp3]lo xutla something smooth
[sound:lo burna.mp3]lo burna something embarrassed
[sound:lo se burna.mp3]lo se burna a condition for embarrassment
[sound:lo sombo.mp3]lo sombo a sower
[sound:lo se sombo.mp3]lo se sombo something sown
[sound:lo te sombo.mp3]lo te sombo a sowing location
[sound:lo xecto.mp3]lo xecto a hundred
[sound:lo se xecto.mp3]lo se xecto something with hundreds
[sound:lo te xecto.mp3]lo te xecto a hundreds aspect
[sound:lo kruvi.mp3]lo kruvi a curve
[sound:lo se kruvi.mp3]lo se kruvi something with a curve
[sound:lo te kruvi.mp3]lo te kruvi a location of a curve
[sound:lo ve kruvi.mp3]lo ve kruvi a property defining a curve
[sound:lo sliri.mp3]lo sliri a quantity of sulphur
[sound:lo jgalu.mp3]lo jgalu a claw
[sound:lo se jgalu.mp3]lo se jgalu something with a claw
[sound:lo rijno.mp3]lo rijno a quantity of silver
[sound:lo ralte.mp3]lo ralte a keeper
[sound:lo se ralte.mp3]lo se ralte something kept
[sound:lo panci.mp3]lo panci a smell
[sound:lo se panci.mp3]lo se panci something emitting a smell
[sound:lo te panci.mp3]lo te panci something detecting a smell
[sound:lo pikta.mp3]lo pikta a ticket
[sound:lo se pikta.mp3]lo se pikta a ticket holder
[sound:lo te pikta.mp3]lo te pikta something entitled by a ticket
[sound:lo ve pikta.mp3]lo ve pikta a privilege condition of a ticket
[sound:lo sluni.mp3]lo sluni an onion
[sound:lo se sluni.mp3]lo se sluni an onion species
[sound:lo sodva.mp3]lo sodva a quantity of soda
[sound:lo se sodva.mp3]lo se sodva a type of soda
[sound:lo clika.mp3]lo clika a lichen
[sound:lo se clika.mp3]lo se clika a species of lichen
[sound:lo te clika.mp3]lo te clika something lichen grows on
[sound:lo skori.mp3]lo skori a rope
[sound:lo se skori.mp3]lo se skori a material of a rope
[sound:lo xirma.mp3]lo xirma a horse
[sound:lo se xirma.mp3]lo se xirma a species of horse
[sound:lo pinta.mp3]lo pinta something level
[sound:lo se pinta.mp3]lo se pinta a frame of reference of levelness
[sound:lo xelso.mp3]lo xelso something Greek
[sound:lo se xelso.mp3]lo se xelso a Greek aspect
[sound:lo trina.mp3]lo trina something attractive
[sound:lo se trina.mp3]lo se trina something attracted
[sound:lo te trina.mp3]lo te trina a property of attractiveness
[sound:lo karbi.mp3]lo karbi a comparer
[sound:lo se karbi.mp3]lo se karbi something compared
[sound:lo te karbi.mp3]lo te karbi something compared with
[sound:lo ve karbi.mp3]lo ve karbi a compared property
[sound:lo xe karbi.mp3]lo xe karbi a comparison
[sound:lo garna.mp3]lo garna a rail
[sound:lo se garna.mp3]lo se garna something supported by a rail
[sound:lo te garna.mp3]lo te garna a material of a rail
[sound:lo dirce.mp3]lo dirce something radiating
[sound:lo se dirce.mp3]lo se dirce something radiated
[sound:lo te dirce.mp3]lo te dirce a condition for radiating
[sound:lo maxri.mp3]lo maxri a quantity of wheat
[sound:lo se maxri.mp3]lo se maxri a species of wheat
[sound:lo marce.mp3]lo marce a vehicle
[sound:lo se marce.mp3]lo se marce something carried by a vehicle
[sound:lo te marce.mp3]lo te marce a surface for a vehicle
[sound:lo ve marce.mp3]lo ve marce a propulsion of a vehicle
[sound:lo rilti.mp3]lo rilti a rhythm
[sound:lo se rilti.mp3]lo se rilti something with a rhythm
[sound:lo sluji.mp3]lo sluji a muscle
[sound:lo se sluji.mp3]lo se sluji something controlled by a muscle
[sound:lo te sluji.mp3]lo te sluji something with a muscle
[sound:lo nirna.mp3]lo nirna a nerve
[sound:lo se nirna.mp3]lo se nirna something with a nerve
[sound:lo panje.mp3]lo panje a quantity of sponge
[sound:lo fulta.mp3]lo fulta a floater
[sound:lo se fulta.mp3]lo se fulta something floated on
[sound:lo bradi.mp3]lo bradi an enemy
[sound:lo se bradi.mp3]lo se bradi something with an enemy
[sound:lo te bradi.mp3]lo te bradi a struggle between enemies
[sound:lo murse.mp3]lo murse twilight
[sound:lo se murse.mp3]lo se murse a day with twilight
[sound:lo te murse.mp3]lo te murse a location of twilight
[sound:lo skaci.mp3]lo skaci a skirt
[sound:lo se skaci.mp3]lo se skaci a material of a skirt
[sound:lo toldi.mp3]lo toldi a moth
[sound:lo se toldi.mp3]lo se toldi a species of moth
[sound:lo jilra.mp3]lo jilra something envious
[sound:lo se jilra.mp3]lo se jilra something envied
[sound:lo te jilra.mp3]lo te jilra a cause of envy
[sound:lo gradu.mp3]lo gradu a unit
[sound:lo se gradu.mp3]lo se gradu a unit scale
[sound:lo te gradu.mp3]lo te gradu a unit property
[sound:lo balji.mp3]lo balji a plant bulb
[sound:lo se balji.mp3]lo se balji a species of plant bulb
[sound:lo plana.mp3]lo plana something fat
[sound:lo se plana.mp3]lo se plana an standard of fatness
[sound:lo cinta.mp3]lo cinta paint
[sound:lo se cinta.mp3]lo se cinta a paint pigment
[sound:lo te cinta.mp3]lo te cinta a paint base
[sound:lo cutne.mp3]lo cutne a chest
[sound:lo se cutne.mp3]lo se cutne something with a chest
[sound:lo tutci.mp3]lo tutci a tool
[sound:lo se tutci.mp3]lo se tutci a purpose of a tool
[sound:lo dukti.mp3]lo dukti an opposite
[sound:lo se dukti.mp3]lo se dukti something with an opposite
[sound:lo te dukti.mp3]lo te dukti a scale of an opposite
[sound:lo kolme.mp3]lo kolme a quantity of coal
[sound:lo se kolme.mp3]lo se kolme a source of coal
[sound:lo slaka.mp3]lo slaka a syllable
[sound:lo se slaka.mp3]lo se slaka a language with a syllable
[sound:lo manri.mp3]lo manri a standard
[sound:lo se manri.mp3]lo se manri something measured by a standard
[sound:lo te manri.mp3]lo te manri a rule of a standard
[sound:lo bunre.mp3]lo bunre something brown
[sound:lo mebri.mp3]lo mebri a brow
[sound:lo se mebri.mp3]lo se mebri something with a brow
[sound:lo punli.mp3]lo punli a swelling
[sound:lo se punli.mp3]lo se punli a location of a swelling
[sound:lo te punli.mp3]lo te punli a material of a swelling
[sound:lo jbari.mp3]lo jbari a berry
[sound:lo se jbari.mp3]lo se jbari a species of berry
[sound:lo sakta.mp3]lo sakta a quantity of sugar
[sound:lo se sakta.mp3]lo se sakta a source of sugar
[sound:lo te sakta.mp3]lo te sakta a composition of sugar
[sound:lo rorci.mp3]lo rorci a procreater
[sound:lo se rorci.mp3]lo se rorci something procreated
[sound:lo te rorci.mp3]lo te rorci a co-procreater
[sound:lo litce.mp3]lo litce something measured in litres
[sound:lo se litce.mp3]lo se litce a number of litres
[sound:lo te litce.mp3]lo te litce a litre standard
[sound:lo stika.mp3]lo stika an adjuster
[sound:lo se stika.mp3]lo se stika something adjusted
[sound:lo te stika.mp3]lo te stika an amount of adjustment
[sound:lo zargu.mp3]lo zargu a buttocks
[sound:lo se zargu.mp3]lo se zargu something with a buttocks
[sound:lo nimre.mp3]lo nimre a quantity of citrus
[sound:lo se nimre.mp3]lo se nimre a species of citrus
[sound:lo genxu.mp3]lo genxu a hook
[sound:lo se genxu.mp3]lo se genxu a material of a hook
[sound:lo lanme.mp3]lo lanme a sheep
[sound:lo se lanme.mp3]lo se lanme a species of sheep
[sound:lo te lanme.mp3]lo te lanme a sheep's flock
[sound:lo tarci.mp3]lo tarci a star
[sound:lo se tarci.mp3]lo se tarci a property of a star
[sound:lo mirli.mp3]lo mirli a deer
[sound:lo se mirli.mp3]lo se mirli a species of deer
[sound:lo smoka.mp3]lo smoka a sock
[sound:lo se smoka.mp3]lo se smoka a material of a sock
[sound:lo denci.mp3]lo denci a tooth
[sound:lo se denci.mp3]lo se denci something with a tooth
[sound:lo ratni.mp3]lo ratni an atom
[sound:lo se ratni.mp3]lo se ratni an atomic number
[sound:lo te ratni.mp3]lo te ratni an isotope of an atom
[sound:lo kluza.mp3]lo kluza something loose
[sound:lo se kluza.mp3]lo se kluza something with something loose
[sound:lo te kluza.mp3]lo te kluza a location of looseness
[sound:lo mexno.mp3]lo mexno something Mexican
[sound:lo se mexno.mp3]lo se mexno a Mexican aspect
[sound:lo derxi.mp3]lo derxi a heap
[sound:lo se derxi.mp3]lo se derxi a material of a heap
[sound:lo te derxi.mp3]lo te derxi a location of a heap
[sound:lo burcu.mp3]lo burcu a brush
[sound:lo se burcu.mp3]lo se burcu a purpose for a brush
[sound:lo te burcu.mp3]lo te burcu a brush's bristles
[sound:lo jendu.mp3]lo jendu an axle
[sound:lo se jendu.mp3]lo se jendu something rotating on an axle
[sound:lo te jendu.mp3]lo te jendu a material of an axle
[sound:lo satre.mp3]lo satre a stroker
[sound:lo se satre.mp3]lo se satre something stroked
[sound:lo te satre.mp3]lo te satre a stroking implement
[sound:lo kelvo.mp3]lo kelvo something measured in Kelvins
[sound:lo se kelvo.mp3]lo se kelvo a number of Kelvins
[sound:lo te kelvo.mp3]lo te kelvo a Kelvin standard
[sound:lo kilto.mp3]lo kilto a thousand
[sound:lo se kilto.mp3]lo se kilto something with thousands
[sound:lo te kilto.mp3]lo te kilto a thousand aspect
[sound:lo ketco.mp3]lo ketco something South American
[sound:lo se ketco.mp3]lo se ketco a South American aspect
[sound:lo cteki.mp3]lo cteki a tax
[sound:lo se cteki.mp3]lo se cteki something taxed
[sound:lo te cteki.mp3]lo te cteki a person taxed
[sound:lo ve cteki.mp3]lo ve cteki a collector of a tax
[sound:lo jukni.mp3]lo jukni a spider
[sound:lo se jukni.mp3]lo se jukni a species of spider
[sound:lo taske.mp3]lo taske something thirsty
[sound:lo se taske.mp3]lo se taske a drink something is thirsty for
[sound:lo zasni.mp3]lo zasni something temporary
[sound:lo se zasni.mp3]lo se zasni a property of temporariness
[sound:lo te zasni.mp3]lo te zasni a standard of temporariness
[sound:lo falnu.mp3]lo falnu a sail
[sound:lo se falnu.mp3]lo se falnu something gathered by a sail
[sound:lo te falnu.mp3]lo te falnu something propelled by a sail
[sound:lo cecla.mp3]lo cecla a launcher
[sound:lo se cecla.mp3]lo se cecla a launcher's projectile
[sound:lo te cecla.mp3]lo te cecla a launcher's propulsion
[sound:lo gutci.mp3]lo gutci something measured in non-metric short distance
[sound:lo se gutci.mp3]lo se gutci an amount of non-metric distance
[sound:lo te gutci.mp3]lo te gutci a non-metric short distance standard
[sound:lo ve gutci.mp3]lo ve gutci a subunit of a non-metric short distance
[sound:lo sarxe.mp3]lo sarxe something harmonious
[sound:lo se sarxe.mp3]lo se sarxe something in harmony
[sound:lo te sarxe.mp3]lo te sarxe a property of harmony
[sound:lo jakne.mp3]lo jakne a rocket
[sound:lo se jakne.mp3]lo se jakne something expelled by rocket jet
[sound:lo te jakne.mp3]lo te jakne a rocket payload
[sound:lo bumru.mp3]lo bumru something foggy
[sound:lo se bumru.mp3]lo se bumru a fog's liquid
[sound:lo parbi.mp3]lo parbi a ratio
[sound:lo se parbi.mp3]lo se parbi something with a ratio
[sound:lo te parbi.mp3]lo te parbi a reference of a ratio
[sound:lo cinse.mp3]lo cinse something sexual
[sound:lo se cinse.mp3]lo se cinse a sexual activity
[sound:lo te cinse.mp3]lo te cinse a sexuality
[sound:lo ve cinse.mp3]lo ve cinse a standard of sexuality
[sound:lo taxfu.mp3]lo taxfu a garment
[sound:lo se taxfu.mp3]lo se taxfu a wearer of a garment
[sound:lo te taxfu.mp3]lo te taxfu a purpose of a garment
[sound:lo jikru.mp3]lo jikru a quantity of liquor
[sound:lo se jikru.mp3]lo se jikru a source of liquor
[sound:lo janbe.mp3]lo janbe a bell
[sound:lo se janbe.mp3]lo se janbe a sound of a bell
[sound:lo curnu.mp3]lo curnu a worm
[sound:lo se curnu.mp3]lo se curnu a species of worm
[sound:lo bolci.mp3]lo bolci a ball
[sound:lo se bolci.mp3]lo se bolci a material of a ball
[sound:lo canpa.mp3]lo canpa a shovel
[sound:lo se canpa.mp3]lo se canpa something dug with a shovel
[sound:lo rimni.mp3]lo rimni something that rhymes
[sound:lo se rimni.mp3]lo se rimni something rhymed with
[sound:lo te rimni.mp3]lo te rimni a language of a rhyme
[sound:lo ve rimni.mp3]lo ve rimni a sound of a rhyme
[sound:lo sunga.mp3]lo sunga a quantity of garlic
[sound:lo se sunga.mp3]lo se sunga a species of garlic
[sound:lo forca.mp3]lo forca a fork
[sound:lo se forca.mp3]lo se forca a purpose of a fork
[sound:lo te forca.mp3]lo te forca a prong of a fork
[sound:lo ve forca.mp3]lo ve forca a fork base
[sound:lo cokcu.mp3]lo cokcu an absorber
[sound:lo se cokcu.mp3]lo se cokcu something absorbed
[sound:lo te cokcu.mp3]lo te cokcu something absorbed from
[sound:lo ve cokcu.mp3]lo ve cokcu something absorbed into
[sound:lo pesxu.mp3]lo pesxu a paste
[sound:lo se pesxu.mp3]lo se pesxu a composition of paste
[sound:lo betfu.mp3]lo betfu an abdomen
[sound:lo se betfu.mp3]lo se betfu something with an abdomen
[sound:lo cunmi.mp3]lo cunmi a quantity of millet
[sound:lo se cunmi.mp3]lo se cunmi a species of nillet
[sound:lo palku.mp3]lo palku trousers
[sound:lo se palku.mp3]lo se palku a material of trousers
[sound:lo xukmi.mp3]lo xukmi a chemical
[sound:lo se xukmi.mp3]lo se xukmi a type of chemical
[sound:lo te xukmi.mp3]lo te xukmi a purity of chemical
[sound:lo tutra.mp3]lo tutra territory
[sound:lo se tutra.mp3]lo se tutra a controller of territory
[sound:lo xanto.mp3]lo xanto an elephant
[sound:lo se xanto.mp3]lo se xanto a species of elephant
[sound:lo bemro.mp3]lo bemro something North American
[sound:lo se bemro.mp3]lo se bemro a North American aspect
[sound:lo kramu.mp3]lo kramu something measured in non-metric area
[sound:lo se kramu.mp3]lo se kramu an amount of non-metric area
[sound:lo te kramu.mp3]lo te kramu a non-metric area standard
[sound:lo ve kramu.mp3]lo ve kramu a subunit of a non-metric area
[sound:lo kumte.mp3]lo kumte a camel
[sound:lo se kumte.mp3]lo se kumte a species of camel
[sound:lo kafke.mp3]lo kafke a cougher
[sound:lo se kafke.mp3]lo se kafke something coughed
[sound:lo te kafke.mp3]lo te kafke a coughing orifice
[sound:lo runta.mp3]lo runta something dissolving
[sound:lo se runta.mp3]lo se runta something dissolved in
[sound:lo te runta.mp3]lo te runta a solution in which something is dissolved
[sound:lo ve runta.mp3]lo ve runta a condition of dissolving
[sound:lo balre.mp3]lo balre a blade
[sound:lo se balre.mp3]lo se balre a bladed tool or weapon
[sound:lo sumne.mp3]lo sumne a smeller
[sound:lo se sumne.mp3]lo se sumne something smelled
[sound:lo lanci.mp3]lo lanci a flag
[sound:lo se lanci.mp3]lo se lanci something symbolised by a flag
[sound:lo te lanci.mp3]lo te lanci a flag pattern
[sound:lo ve lanci.mp3]lo ve lanci a material of a flag
[sound:lo smani.mp3]lo smani a monkey
[sound:lo se smani.mp3]lo se smani a species of monkey
[sound:lo slami.mp3]lo slami a quantity of acid
[sound:lo se slami.mp3]lo se slami a composition of acid
[sound:lo tamca.mp3]lo tamca a tomato
[sound:lo se tamca.mp3]lo se tamca a species of tomato
[sound:lo lanxe.mp3]lo lanxe something balanced
[sound:lo se lanxe.mp3]lo se lanxe a balancing force
[sound:lo softo.mp3]lo softo something Soviet
[sound:lo se softo.mp3]lo se softo a Soviet aspect
[sound:lo gunse.mp3]lo gunse a goose
[sound:lo se gunse.mp3]lo se gunse a species of goose
[sound:lo vipsi.mp3]lo vipsi a subordinate
[sound:lo se vipsi.mp3]lo se vipsi a subordinate aspect
[sound:lo te vipsi.mp3]lo te vipsi something to which something is subordinate
[sound:lo frinu.mp3]lo frinu a fraction
[sound:lo se frinu.mp3]lo se frinu a numerator of a fraction
[sound:lo te frinu.mp3]lo te frinu a denominator of a fraction
[sound:lo zalvi.mp3]lo zalvi a grinder
[sound:lo se zalvi.mp3]lo se zalvi something ground
[sound:lo te zalvi.mp3]lo te zalvi a powder produced by griding
[sound:lo ganzu.mp3]lo ganzu an organizer
[sound:lo se ganzu.mp3]lo se ganzu something not organized
[sound:lo te ganzu.mp3]lo te ganzu something organized
[sound:lo ve ganzu.mp3]lo ve ganzu an organisation method
[sound:lo margu.mp3]lo margu a quantity of mercury
[sound:lo ranmi.mp3]lo ranmi a myth
[sound:lo se ranmi.mp3]lo se ranmi a subject of a myth
[sound:lo te ranmi.mp3]lo te ranmi a mythos of a myth
[sound:lo ve ranmi.mp3]lo ve ranmi a culture of a myth
[sound:lo vitno.mp3]lo vitno something permanent
[sound:lo se vitno.mp3]lo se vitno a property of permanence
[sound:lo te vitno.mp3]lo te vitno a standard of permanence
[sound:lo sakci.mp3]lo sakci a sucker
[sound:lo se sakci.mp3]lo se sakci something sucked
[sound:lo te sakci.mp3]lo te sakci a source of suction
[sound:lo penbi.mp3]lo penbi a pen
[sound:lo se penbi.mp3]lo se penbi a pen ink
[sound:lo te penbi.mp3]lo te penbi an ink application process of a pen
[sound:lo cindu.mp3]lo cindu an oak
[sound:lo se cindu.mp3]lo se cindu a species of oak
[sound:lo sfani.mp3]lo sfani a fly
[sound:lo se sfani.mp3]lo se sfani a species of fly
[sound:lo ganti.mp3]lo ganti a gonad
[sound:lo se ganti.mp3]lo se ganti something with a gonad
[sound:lo te ganti.mp3]lo te ganti a gonad gender
[sound:lo julne.mp3]lo julne a filter
[sound:lo se julne.mp3]lo se julne something passed by filter
[sound:lo te julne.mp3]lo te julne something blocked by filter
[sound:lo ve julne.mp3]lo ve julne a filter property
[sound:lo cinza.mp3]lo cinza tongs
[sound:lo se cinza.mp3]lo se cinza something using tongs
[sound:lo te cinza.mp3]lo te cinza something pinched with tongs
[sound:lo kenra.mp3]lo kenra a cancer
[sound:lo se kenra.mp3]lo se kenra something cancerous
[sound:lo pandi.mp3]lo pandi a punctuater
[sound:lo se pandi.mp3]lo se pandi something punctuated
[sound:lo te pandi.mp3]lo te pandi a punctuation
[sound:lo ve pandi.mp3]lo ve pandi an effect of punctuation
[sound:lo critu.mp3]lo critu an autumn
[sound:lo se critu.mp3]lo se critu an autumn's year
[sound:lo te critu.mp3]lo te critu an autumn's location
[sound:lo jursa.mp3]lo jursa something harsh
[sound:lo se jursa.mp3]lo se jursa something experiencing harshness
[sound:lo cfika.mp3]lo cfika a work of fiction
[sound:lo se cfika.mp3]lo se cfika a work of fiction's plot
[sound:lo te cfika.mp3]lo te cfika a work of fiction's author
[sound:lo fusra.mp3]lo fusra something that rots
[sound:lo se fusra.mp3]lo se fusra something that causes rotting
[sound:lo xazdo.mp3]lo xazdo something Asiatic
[sound:lo se xazdo.mp3]lo se xazdo an Asiatic aspect
[sound:lo rusko.mp3]lo rusko something Russian
[sound:lo se rusko.mp3]lo se rusko a Russian aspect
[sound:lo mifra.mp3]lo mifra something encrypted
[sound:lo se mifra.mp3]lo se mifra something not encrypted
[sound:lo te mifra.mp3]lo te mifra a method of ecryption
[sound:lo plini.mp3]lo plini a planet
[sound:lo se plini.mp3]lo se plini something a planet orbits
[sound:lo te plini.mp3]lo te plini a characteristic of a planet
[sound:lo ve plini.mp3]lo ve plini an orbital parameter of a planet
[sound:lo purmo.mp3]lo purmo a quantity of powder
[sound:lo se purmo.mp3]lo se purmo a material of a powder
[sound:lo tarla.mp3]lo tarla a quantity of tar
[sound:lo se tarla.mp3]lo se tarla a source of tar
[sound:lo zbani.mp3]lo zbani a bay
[sound:lo se zbani.mp3]lo se zbani a shoreline with bay
[sound:lo trati.mp3]lo trati something taut
[sound:lo se trati.mp3]lo se trati a direction of tautness
[sound:lo dunja.mp3]lo dunja something freezing
[sound:lo se dunja.mp3]lo se dunja a freezing temperature
[sound:lo te dunja.mp3]lo te dunja a freezing pressure
[sound:lo jenmi.mp3]lo jenmi an army
[sound:lo se jenmi.mp3]lo se jenmi something served by an army
[sound:lo te jenmi.mp3]lo te jenmi an army function
[sound:lo bisli.mp3]lo bisli a quantity of ice
[sound:lo se bisli.mp3]lo se bisli something ice is made of
[sound:lo cakla.mp3]lo cakla a quantity of chocolate
[sound:lo xarci.mp3]lo xarci a weapon
[sound:lo se xarci.mp3]lo se xarci something a weapon is used against
[sound:lo te xarci.mp3]lo te xarci a weapon user
[sound:lo ranxi.mp3]lo ranxi something ironic
[sound:lo se ranxi.mp3]lo se ranxi an expectation something is ironic to
[sound:lo te ranxi.mp3]lo te ranxi an aspect of irony
[sound:lo snime.mp3]lo snime a quantity of snow
[sound:lo snidu.mp3]lo snidu something measured in seconds
[sound:lo se snidu.mp3]lo se snidu a number of seconds
[sound:lo te snidu.mp3]lo te snidu a standard of a second
[sound:lo rango.mp3]lo rango a bodily organ
[sound:lo se rango.mp3]lo se rango something with an organ
[sound:lo te rango.mp3]lo te rango a function of a bodily organ
[sound:lo bakfu.mp3]lo bakfu a pack
[sound:lo se bakfu.mp3]lo se bakfu a content of a pack
[sound:lo te bakfu.mp3]lo te bakfu something holding a pack together
[sound:lo plibu.mp3]lo plibu a pubic area
[sound:lo se plibu.mp3]lo se plibu something with a pubic area
[sound:lo tsapi.mp3]lo tsapi a seasoning
[sound:lo se tsapi.mp3]lo se tsapi a seasoning flavour
[sound:lo cilta.mp3]lo cilta a thread
[sound:lo se cilta.mp3]lo se cilta a material of thread
[sound:lo radno.mp3]lo radno something measured in radians
[sound:lo se radno.mp3]lo se radno a number of radians
[sound:lo te radno.mp3]lo te radno a radian standard
[sound:lo kamni.mp3]lo kamni a committee
[sound:lo se kamni.mp3]lo se kamni a purpose of a committee
[sound:lo te kamni.mp3]lo te kamni something with a committee
[sound:lo zbabu.mp3]lo zbabu a quantity of soap
[sound:lo se zbabu.mp3]lo se zbabu a source of soap
[sound:lo te zbabu.mp3]lo te zbabu a composition of soap
[sound:lo caxno.mp3]lo caxno something shallow
[sound:lo se caxno.mp3]lo se caxno a direction of shallowness
[sound:lo te caxno.mp3]lo te caxno a shallowness reference point
[sound:lo ve caxno.mp3]lo ve caxno a standard of shallowness
[sound:lo tamne.mp3]lo tamne a cousin
[sound:lo se tamne.mp3]lo se tamne something with a cousin
[sound:lo te tamne.mp3]lo te tamne a bond of cousinhood
[sound:lo spita.mp3]lo spita a hospital
[sound:lo se spita.mp3]lo se spita a patient of a hospital
[sound:lo te spita.mp3]lo te spita an ailment treated at a hospital
[sound:lo vidru.mp3]lo vidru a virus
[sound:lo se vidru.mp3]lo se vidru a species of virus
[sound:lo te vidru.mp3]lo te vidru something susceptible to virus
[sound:lo marde.mp3]lo marde an ethic
[sound:lo se marde.mp3]lo se marde something with an ethic
[sound:lo te marde.mp3]lo te marde a situation with an ethic
[sound:lo febvi.mp3]lo febvi something boiling
[sound:lo se febvi.mp3]lo se febvi a boiling temperature
[sound:lo te febvi.mp3]lo te febvi a boiling pressure
[sound:lo jesni.mp3]lo jesni a needle
[sound:lo se jesni.mp3]lo se jesni a material of a needle
[sound:lo jijnu.mp3]lo jijnu an intuiter
[sound:lo se jijnu.mp3]lo se jijnu something intuited
[sound:lo te jijnu.mp3]lo te jijnu an intuition subject
[sound:lo sirxo.mp3]lo sirxo something Syrian
[sound:lo se sirxo.mp3]lo se sirxo a Syrian aspect
[sound:lo muslo.mp3]lo muslo something Islamic
[sound:lo se muslo.mp3]lo se muslo an Islamic aspect
[sound:lo plixa.mp3]lo plixa a plougher
[sound:lo se plixa.mp3]lo se plixa something ploughed
[sound:lo te plixa.mp3]lo te plixa a plough
[sound:lo ve plixa.mp3]lo ve plixa a propulsion of a plough
[sound:lo toknu.mp3]lo toknu an oven
[sound:lo se toknu.mp3]lo se toknu something baked with an oven
[sound:lo venfu.mp3]lo venfu a taker of revenge
[sound:lo se venfu.mp3]lo se venfu a victim of revenge
[sound:lo te venfu.mp3]lo te venfu a reason for revenge
[sound:lo ve venfu.mp3]lo ve venfu an act of vengeance
[sound:lo sivni.mp3]lo sivni something private
[sound:lo se sivni.mp3]lo se sivni something to which something is personal
[sound:lo boxfo.mp3]lo boxfo a sheet
[sound:lo se boxfo.mp3]lo se boxfo a material of a sheet
[sound:lo fatri.mp3]lo fatri a distributed
[sound:lo se fatri.mp3]lo se fatri something receiving a distribution
[sound:lo te fatri.mp3]lo te fatri a share of a distribution
[sound:lo jipci.mp3]lo jipci a chicken
[sound:lo se jipci.mp3]lo se jipci a species of chicken
[sound:lo misro.mp3]lo misro something Egyptian
[sound:lo se misro.mp3]lo se misro an Egyptian aspect
[sound:lo kantu.mp3]lo kantu a quantum particle
[sound:lo se kantu.mp3]lo se kantu a property of a quantum particle
[sound:lo ckilu.mp3]lo ckilu a scale
[sound:lo se ckilu.mp3]lo se ckilu something measured in a scale
[sound:lo matra.mp3]lo matra an engine
[sound:lo se matra.mp3]lo se matra something powered by engine
[sound:lo delno.mp3]lo delno something measured in candela
[sound:lo se delno.mp3]lo se delno an amount of candela
[sound:lo te delno.mp3]lo te delno a candela standard
[sound:lo xrabo.mp3]lo xrabo something Arabic
[sound:lo se xrabo.mp3]lo se xrabo an Arabic aspect
[sound:lo pruni.mp3]lo pruni something elastic
[sound:lo xotli.mp3]lo xotli a hotel
[sound:lo se xotli.mp3]lo se xotli a location of a hotel
[sound:lo te xotli.mp3]lo te xotli an operator of a hotel
[sound:lo bindo.mp3]lo bindo something Indonesian
[sound:lo se bindo.mp3]lo se bindo an Indonesian aspect
[sound:lo tinci.mp3]lo tinci a quantity of tin
[sound:lo kanxe.mp3]lo kanxe a conjunction
[sound:lo se kanxe.mp3]lo se kanxe a component of a conjunction
[sound:lo te kanxe.mp3]lo te kanxe a conjunction element
[sound:lo cerda.mp3]lo cerda an inheritor
[sound:lo se cerda.mp3]lo se cerda something inherited
[sound:lo te cerda.mp3]lo te cerda something with an inheritor
[sound:lo ve cerda.mp3]lo ve cerda an inheritance rule
[sound:lo mekso.mp3]lo mekso a math expression
[sound:lo se mekso.mp3]lo se mekso a math rule
[sound:lo mapni.mp3]lo mapni a quantity of cotton
[sound:lo vukro.mp3]lo vukro something Ukrainian
[sound:lo se vukro.mp3]lo se vukro a Ukrainian aspect
[sound:lo bratu.mp3]lo bratu hail
[sound:lo se bratu.mp3]lo se bratu a material of hail
[sound:lo klupe.mp3]lo klupe a screw
[sound:lo se klupe.mp3]lo se klupe a purpose of a screw
[sound:lo te klupe.mp3]lo te klupe a screw thread
[sound:lo ve klupe.mp3]lo ve klupe a frame of a screw
[sound:lo sodna.mp3]lo sodna a quantity of alkali
[sound:lo se sodna.mp3]lo se sodna a type of alkali
[sound:lo kadno.mp3]lo kadno something Canadian
[sound:lo se kadno.mp3]lo se kadno a Canadian aspect
[sound:lo polno.mp3]lo polno something Polynesian
[sound:lo se polno.mp3]lo se polno a Polynesian aspect
[sound:lo mavji.mp3]lo mavji a quantity of oats
[sound:lo se mavji.mp3]lo se mavji a species of oats
[sound:lo jgita.mp3]lo jgita a stringed musical instrument
[sound:lo se jgita.mp3]lo se jgita a stringed musical instrument's bow
[sound:lo sfofa.mp3]lo sfofa a sofa
[sound:lo tanko.mp3]lo tanko a quantity of tobacco
[sound:lo se tanko.mp3]lo se tanko a species of tobacco
[sound:lo semto.mp3]lo semto something Semitic
[sound:lo se semto.mp3]lo se semto a Semitic aspect
[sound:lo jegvo.mp3]lo jegvo something Judeo-Christian
[sound:lo se jegvo.mp3]lo se jegvo a Judeo-Christian aspect
[sound:lo jirna.mp3]lo jirna a horn
[sound:lo se jirna.mp3]lo se jirna something horned
[sound:lo matli.mp3]lo matli a quantity of linen
[sound:lo jduli.mp3]lo jduli a quantity of jelly
[sound:lo se jduli.mp3]lo se jduli a composition of jelly
[sound:lo pambe.mp3]lo pambe a pump
[sound:lo se pambe.mp3]lo se pambe something pumped
[sound:lo te pambe.mp3]lo te pambe a pumping destination
[sound:lo ve pambe.mp3]lo ve pambe a pumping origin
[sound:lo xe pambe.mp3]lo xe pambe a pumping means
[sound:lo lunsa.mp3]lo lunsa something condensing
[sound:lo se lunsa.mp3]lo se lunsa a site of condensation
[sound:lo te lunsa.mp3]lo te lunsa a temperature of condensation
[sound:lo ve lunsa.mp3]lo ve lunsa a pressure of condensation
[sound:lo maksi.mp3]lo maksi something magnetic
[sound:lo se maksi.mp3]lo se maksi a magnetic field
[sound:lo pinji.mp3]lo pinji a penis
[sound:lo se pinji.mp3]lo se pinji something with a penis
[sound:lo guska.mp3]lo guska an abrader
[sound:lo se guska.mp3]lo se guska something abraded
[sound:lo te guska.mp3]lo te guska something abraded from
[sound:lo pipno.mp3]lo pipno a keyboard instrument
[sound:lo nivji.mp3]lo nivji a knitter
[sound:lo se nivji.mp3]lo se nivji something knitted
[sound:lo te nivji.mp3]lo te nivji a yarn for knitting
[sound:lo flani.mp3]lo flani a flute
[sound:lo rismi.mp3]lo rismi a quantity of rice
[sound:lo se rismi.mp3]lo se rismi a species of rice
[sound:lo ckunu.mp3]lo ckunu a conifer
[sound:lo se ckunu.mp3]lo se ckunu a species of conifer
[sound:lo te ckunu.mp3]lo te ckunu a cone of a conifer
[sound:lo skiji.mp3]lo skiji a skate
[sound:lo se skiji.mp3]lo se skiji something skated over
[sound:lo te skiji.mp3]lo te skiji something supported by a skate
[sound:lo xispo.mp3]lo xispo something Hispanic
[sound:lo se xispo.mp3]lo se xispo a Hispanic aspect
[sound:lo talsa.mp3]lo talsa a challenger
[sound:lo se talsa.mp3]lo se talsa something challenged
[sound:lo te talsa.mp3]lo te talsa something to which something is challenged
[sound:lo tanjo.mp3]lo tanjo a tangent
[sound:lo se tanjo.mp3]lo se tanjo an angle with a tangent
[sound:lo tunba.mp3]lo tunba a sibling
[sound:lo se tunba.mp3]lo se tunba something with a sibling
[sound:lo te tunba.mp3]lo te tunba a parent of a sibling
[sound:lo narge.mp3]lo narge a nut
[sound:lo se narge.mp3]lo se narge a species of nut
[sound:lo te narge.mp3]lo te narge a nut shell
[sound:lo ve narge.mp3]lo ve narge a nut kernel
[sound:lo janta.mp3]lo janta a bill
[sound:lo se janta.mp3]lo se janta something billed
[sound:lo te janta.mp3]lo te janta something that receives a bill
[sound:lo ve janta.mp3]lo ve janta something that sends a bill
[sound:lo panka.mp3]lo panka a park
[sound:lo se panka.mp3]lo se panka a manager of a park
[sound:lo te panka.mp3]lo te panka a purpose of a park
[sound:lo molki.mp3]lo molki an industrial plant
[sound:lo se molki.mp3]lo se molki an industrial process
[sound:lo sigja.mp3]lo sigja a cigar
[sound:lo se sigja.mp3]lo se sigja something a cigar is made of
[sound:lo te sigja.mp3]lo te sigja a cigar maker
[sound:lo molro.mp3]lo molro something measured in moles
[sound:lo se molro.mp3]lo se molro a number of moles
[sound:lo te molro.mp3]lo te molro a mole standard
[sound:lo baktu.mp3]lo baktu a pail
[sound:lo se baktu.mp3]lo se baktu contents of a pail
[sound:lo te baktu.mp3]lo te baktu a material of a pail
[sound:lo gundi.mp3]lo gundi an industry
[sound:lo se gundi.mp3]lo se gundi something produced by an industry
[sound:lo te gundi.mp3]lo te gundi an industrial process
[sound:lo fenso.mp3]lo fenso a sewer
[sound:lo se fenso.mp3]lo se fenso a sewn material
[sound:lo te fenso.mp3]lo te fenso a sewing tool
[sound:lo ve fenso.mp3]lo ve fenso a sewing thread
[sound:lo pijne.mp3]lo pijne a pin
[sound:lo se pijne.mp3]lo se pijne something pierced by a pin
[sound:lo te pijne.mp3]lo te pijne a material of a pin
[sound:lo brito.mp3]lo brito something British
[sound:lo se brito.mp3]lo se brito a British aspect
[sound:lo dinko.mp3]lo dinko a nail
[sound:lo se dinko.mp3]lo se dinko a type of nail
[sound:lo te dinko.mp3]lo te dinko a material of a nail
[sound:lo balni.mp3]lo balni a balcony
[sound:lo se balni.mp3]lo se balni a building with a balcony
[sound:lo tatru.mp3]lo tatru a breast
[sound:lo se tatru.mp3]lo se tatru something with a breast
[sound:lo cfine.mp3]lo cfine a wedge
[sound:lo se cfine.mp3]lo se cfine a material of a wedge
[sound:lo tujli.mp3]lo tujli a tulip
[sound:lo se tujli.mp3]lo se tujli a species of tulip
[sound:lo staku.mp3]lo staku a quantity of ceramic
[sound:lo se staku.mp3]lo se staku a maker of ceramic
[sound:lo te staku.mp3]lo te staku a composition of ceramic
[sound:lo ve staku.mp3]lo ve staku a form of ceramic
[sound:lo zajba.mp3]lo zajba a gymnast
[sound:lo se zajba.mp3]lo se zajba a gymnastic feat
[sound:lo fonmo.mp3]lo fonmo a quantity of foam
[sound:lo se fonmo.mp3]lo se fonmo a material of a foam
[sound:lo te fonmo.mp3]lo te fonmo a bubble in foam
[sound:lo damri.mp3]lo damri a percussion instrument
[sound:lo se damri.mp3]lo se damri a percussion instrument's beater
[sound:lo tenfa.mp3]lo tenfa something exponential
[sound:lo se tenfa.mp3]lo se tenfa an exponential base
[sound:lo te tenfa.mp3]lo te tenfa an exponent
[sound:lo cicna.mp3]lo cicna something cyan
[sound:lo budjo.mp3]lo budjo something Buddhist
[sound:lo se budjo.mp3]lo se budjo a Buddhist aspect
[sound:lo xatsi.mp3]lo xatsi a 10 to the negative eighteenth
[sound:lo se xatsi.mp3]lo se xatsi something with 10 to the negative eighteenths
[sound:lo te xatsi.mp3]lo te xatsi a 10 to the negative eighteenth aspect
[sound:lo tabno.mp3]lo tabno a quantity of carbon
[sound:lo ransu.mp3]lo ransu a quantity of bronze
[sound:lo se ransu.mp3]lo se ransu a composition of bronze
[sound:lo dekpu.mp3]lo dekpu something measured in non-metric volume
[sound:lo se dekpu.mp3]lo se dekpu an amount of non-metric volume
[sound:lo te dekpu.mp3]lo te dekpu a non-metric volume standard
[sound:lo ve dekpu.mp3]lo ve dekpu a subunit of a non-metric volume
[sound:lo jabre.mp3]lo jabre something braking
[sound:lo se jabre.mp3]lo se jabre something braked
[sound:lo te jabre.mp3]lo te jabre a means for braking
[sound:lo jurme.mp3]lo jurme a bacteria
[sound:lo se jurme.mp3]lo se jurme a species of bacteria
[sound:lo cinje.mp3]lo cinje a wrinkle
[sound:lo se cinje.mp3]lo se cinje something wrinkled
[sound:lo bifce.mp3]lo bifce a bee
[sound:lo se bifce.mp3]lo se bifce a species of bee
[sound:lo jgina.mp3]lo jgina a gene
[sound:lo se jgina.mp3]lo se jgina something described by gene
[sound:lo te jgina.mp3]lo te jgina a gene trait
[sound:lo xurdo.mp3]lo xurdo something Urdu
[sound:lo se xurdo.mp3]lo se xurdo an Urdu aspect
[sound:lo nilce.mp3]lo nilce furniture
[sound:lo se nilce.mp3]lo se nilce something furnished
[sound:lo te nilce.mp3]lo te nilce a purpose of furniture
[sound:lo lubno.mp3]lo lubno something Lebanese
[sound:lo se lubno.mp3]lo se lubno a Lebanese aspect
[sound:lo cirla.mp3]lo cirla a quantity of cheese
[sound:lo se cirla.mp3]lo se cirla a source of cheese
[sound:lo cnisa.mp3]lo cnisa a quantity of lead
[sound:lo ctaru.mp3]lo ctaru a tide
[sound:lo se ctaru.mp3]lo se ctaru something with a tide
[sound:lo te ctaru.mp3]lo te ctaru a tide's cause
[sound:lo jaspu.mp3]lo jaspu a passport
[sound:lo se jaspu.mp3]lo se jaspu something with a passport
[sound:lo te jaspu.mp3]lo te jaspu a passport issuer
[sound:lo ve jaspu.mp3]lo ve jaspu an activity allowed by a passport
[sound:lo tengu.mp3]lo tengu a texture
[sound:lo se tengu.mp3]lo se tengu something textured
[sound:lo konju.mp3]lo konju a cone
[sound:lo se konju.mp3]lo se konju a material of a cone
[sound:lo te konju.mp3]lo te konju a cone vertex
[sound:lo ganxo.mp3]lo ganxo an anus
[sound:lo se ganxo.mp3]lo se ganxo something with an anus
[sound:lo greku.mp3]lo greku a frame
[sound:lo se greku.mp3]lo se greku something supported by a frame
[sound:lo lanka.mp3]lo lanka a basket
[sound:lo se lanka.mp3]lo se lanka a content of a basket
[sound:lo te lanka.mp3]lo te lanka a material of a basket
[sound:lo linto.mp3]lo linto something lightweight
[sound:lo se linto.mp3]lo se linto a lightness standard
[sound:lo jmifa.mp3]lo jmifa a shoal
[sound:lo se jmifa.mp3]lo se jmifa a material of a shoal
[sound:lo te jmifa.mp3]lo te jmifa a body of water containing shoal
[sound:lo sacki.mp3]lo sacki a match
[sound:lo se sacki.mp3]lo se sacki a material of a match
[sound:lo tunka.mp3]lo tunka a quantity of copper
[sound:lo trano.mp3]lo trano a quantity of nitrogen
[sound:lo dilcu.mp3]lo dilcu a quotient
[sound:lo se dilcu.mp3]lo se dilcu a quotient's dividend
[sound:lo te dilcu.mp3]lo te dilcu a quotient's divisor
[sound:lo ve dilcu.mp3]lo ve dilcu a quotient's remainder
[sound:lo badna.mp3]lo badna a banana
[sound:lo se badna.mp3]lo se badna a species of banana
[sound:lo bunda.mp3]lo bunda something measured in non-metric weight
[sound:lo se bunda.mp3]lo se bunda an amount of non-metric weight
[sound:lo te bunda.mp3]lo te bunda a non-metric weight standard
[sound:lo ve bunda.mp3]lo ve bunda a subunit of a non-metric weight
[sound:lo sobde.mp3]lo sobde a quantity of soya
[sound:lo se sobde.mp3]lo se sobde a species of soya
[sound:lo sunla.mp3]lo sunla a quantity of wool
[sound:lo se sunla.mp3]lo se sunla a source of wool
[sound:lo silka.mp3]lo silka a quantity of silk
[sound:lo se silka.mp3]lo se silka a source of silk
[sound:lo jinzi.mp3]lo jinzi something innate
[sound:lo se jinzi.mp3]lo se jinzi something with an innate property
[sound:lo mikri.mp3]lo mikri a millionth
[sound:lo se mikri.mp3]lo se mikri something with millionths
[sound:lo te mikri.mp3]lo te mikri a millionth aspect
[sound:lo xexso.mp3]lo xexso a 10 to the eighteenth
[sound:lo se xexso.mp3]lo se xexso something with 10 to the eighteenths
[sound:lo te xexso.mp3]lo te xexso a 10 to the eighteenth aspect
[sound:lo jalna.mp3]lo jalna a quantity of starch
[sound:lo se jalna.mp3]lo se jalna a source of starch
[sound:lo te jalna.mp3]lo te jalna a composition of starch
[sound:lo nutli.mp3]lo nutli something neutral
[sound:lo se nutli.mp3]lo se nutli a scale of neutrality
[sound:lo saclu.mp3]lo saclu a decimal value
[sound:lo se saclu.mp3]lo se saclu a fraction equal to a decimal value
[sound:lo te saclu.mp3]lo te saclu a base of a decimal value
[sound:lo femti.mp3]lo femti a 10 to the negative fifteenth
[sound:lo se femti.mp3]lo se femti something with 10 to the negative fifteenths
[sound:lo te femti.mp3]lo te femti a 10 to the negative fifteenth aspect
[sound:lo srito.mp3]lo srito something Sanskrit
[sound:lo se srito.mp3]lo se srito a Sanskrit aspect
[sound:lo fanri.mp3]lo fanri a factory
[sound:lo se fanri.mp3]lo se fanri a factory product
[sound:lo te fanri.mp3]lo te fanri a raw material for a factory
[sound:lo dejni.mp3]lo dejni a debtor
[sound:lo se dejni.mp3]lo se dejni a debt
[sound:lo te dejni.mp3]lo te dejni a debt creditor
[sound:lo ve dejni.mp3]lo ve dejni a reason for a debt
[sound:lo patlu.mp3]lo patlu a potato
[sound:lo se patlu.mp3]lo se patlu a species of potato
[sound:lo runme.mp3]lo runme something melting
[sound:lo se runme.mp3]lo se runme a temperature of melting
[sound:lo te runme.mp3]lo te runme a pressure of melting
[sound:lo slasi.mp3]lo slasi a quantity of plastic
[sound:lo se slasi.mp3]lo se slasi a type of plastic
[sound:lo jarbu.mp3]lo jarbu a suburban area
[sound:lo se jarbu.mp3]lo se jarbu something with a suburban area
[sound:lo jalra.mp3]lo jalra a cockroach
[sound:lo se jalra.mp3]lo se jalra a species of cockroach
[sound:lo megdo.mp3]lo megdo a million
[sound:lo se megdo.mp3]lo se megdo something with a million
[sound:lo te megdo.mp3]lo te megdo an aspect of a million
[sound:lo cimni.mp3]lo cimni something infinite
[sound:lo se cimni.mp3]lo se cimni an infinite property
[sound:lo te cimni.mp3]lo te cimni a degree of infinity
[sound:lo jbera.mp3]lo jbera a borrower
[sound:lo se jbera.mp3]lo se jbera something borrowed
[sound:lo te jbera.mp3]lo te jbera something from which something is borrowed
[sound:lo ve jbera.mp3]lo ve jbera an interval for which something is borrowed
[sound:lo lakse.mp3]lo lakse a quantity of wax
[sound:lo se lakse.mp3]lo se lakse a source of wax
[sound:lo vlina.mp3]lo vlina a logical disjunction
[sound:lo se vlina.mp3]lo se vlina an alternative of a disjunction
[sound:lo te vlina.mp3]lo te vlina another alternative of a disjunction
[sound:lo dekto.mp3]lo dekto tens
[sound:lo se dekto.mp3]lo se dekto something measured in tens
[sound:lo te dekto.mp3]lo te dekto an aspect of tens
[sound:lo morko.mp3]lo morko something Moroccan
[sound:lo se morko.mp3]lo se morko a Moroccan aspect
[sound:lo civla.mp3]lo civla a flea
[sound:lo se civla.mp3]lo se civla a species of flea
[sound:lo te civla.mp3]lo te civla a flea's victim
[sound:lo figre.mp3]lo figre a fig
[sound:lo se figre.mp3]lo se figre a species of fig
[sound:lo fepri.mp3]lo fepri a lung
[sound:lo se fepri.mp3]lo se fepri something with a lung
[sound:lo skoto.mp3]lo skoto something Scottish
[sound:lo se skoto.mp3]lo se skoto a Scottish aspect
[sound:lo bilni.mp3]lo bilni something regimented
[sound:lo se bilni.mp3]lo se bilni a regimenting system
[sound:lo te bilni.mp3]lo te bilni a purpose for regimentation
[sound:lo xampo.mp3]lo xampo something measured in amperes
[sound:lo se xampo.mp3]lo se xampo a number of amperes
[sound:lo te xampo.mp3]lo te xampo a standard of amperes
[sound:lo jisra.mp3]lo jisra a quantity of juice
[sound:lo se jisra.mp3]lo se jisra a source of juice
[sound:lo bengo.mp3]lo bengo something Bengali
[sound:lo se bengo.mp3]lo se bengo a Bengladesh aspect
[sound:lo kliti.mp3]lo kliti a quantity of clay
[sound:lo se kliti.mp3]lo se kliti a material of clay
[sound:lo kisto.mp3]lo kisto something Pakistani
[sound:lo se kisto.mp3]lo se kisto a Pakistani aspect
[sound:lo viknu.mp3]lo viknu something thick
[sound:lo se viknu.mp3]lo se viknu a condition of thickness
[sound:lo dugri.mp3]lo dugri a logarithm
[sound:lo se dugri.mp3]lo se dugri something with a logarithm
[sound:lo te dugri.mp3]lo te dugri a base of a logarithm
[sound:lo grake.mp3]lo grake something weighed in grams
[sound:lo se grake.mp3]lo se grake a weight in grams
[sound:lo te grake.mp3]lo te grake a gram standard
[sound:lo lante.mp3]lo lante a can
[sound:lo se lante.mp3]lo se lante something canned
[sound:lo te lante.mp3]lo te lante a material of a can
[sound:lo xruba.mp3]lo xruba a quantity of buckwheat
[sound:lo se xruba.mp3]lo se xruba a species of buckwheat
[sound:lo sabnu.mp3]lo sabnu a cabin of a vehicle
[sound:lo se sabnu.mp3]lo se sabnu a vehicle with a cabin
[sound:lo vibna.mp3]lo vibna a vagina
[sound:lo se vibna.mp3]lo se vibna something with a vagina
[sound:lo baxso.mp3]lo baxso something Malaysian
[sound:lo se baxso.mp3]lo se baxso a Malaysian aspect
[sound:lo vikmi.mp3]lo vikmi an excreter of waste
[sound:lo se vikmi.mp3]lo se vikmi an excreted waste
[sound:lo te vikmi.mp3]lo te vikmi a source of excreted waste
[sound:lo ve vikmi.mp3]lo ve vikmi a means of excretion
[sound:lo jansu.mp3]lo jansu a diplomat
[sound:lo se jansu.mp3]lo se jansu something a diplomat represents
[sound:lo te jansu.mp3]lo te jansu a diplomatic negotiation
[sound:lo ve jansu.mp3]lo ve jansu a purpose of a diplomat
[sound:lo gigdo.mp3]lo gigdo a billion
[sound:lo se gigdo.mp3]lo se gigdo something with billions
[sound:lo te gigdo.mp3]lo te gigdo a billion aspect
[sound:lo naxle.mp3]lo naxle a channel
[sound:lo se naxle.mp3]lo se naxle a channel destination
[sound:lo te naxle.mp3]lo te naxle a channel origin
[sound:lo ve naxle.mp3]lo ve naxle a channel route
[sound:lo senta.mp3]lo senta a layer
[sound:lo se senta.mp3]lo se senta something layered
[sound:lo te senta.mp3]lo te senta a layered structure
[sound:lo porto.mp3]lo porto something Portuguese
[sound:lo se porto.mp3]lo se porto a Portuguese aspect
[sound:lo komcu.mp3]lo komcu a comb
[sound:lo se komcu.mp3]lo se komcu a material of a comb
[sound:lo te komcu.mp3]lo te komcu a tine of a comb
[sound:lo xindo.mp3]lo xindo something Hindi
[sound:lo se xindo.mp3]lo se xindo a Hindi aspect
[sound:lo perli.mp3]lo perli a pear
[sound:lo se perli.mp3]lo se perli a species of pear
[sound:lo slovo.mp3]lo slovo something Slavic
[sound:lo se slovo.mp3]lo se slovo a Slavic aspect
[sound:lo jilka.mp3]lo jilka a quantity of alkali
[sound:lo se jilka.mp3]lo se jilka a composition of alkali
[sound:lo milti.mp3]lo milti a thousandth
[sound:lo se milti.mp3]lo se milti something with thousandths
[sound:lo te milti.mp3]lo te milti a thousandth aspect
[sound:lo tarbi.mp3]lo tarbi an embryo
[sound:lo se tarbi.mp3]lo se tarbi a mother of an embryo
[sound:lo te tarbi.mp3]lo te tarbi a father of an embryo
[sound:lo sadjo.mp3]lo sadjo something Saudi Arabian
[sound:lo se sadjo.mp3]lo se sadjo a Saudi Arabian aspect
[sound:lo navni.mp3]lo navni a quantity of inert gas
[sound:lo se navni.mp3]lo se navni a type of inert gas
[sound:lo libjo.mp3]lo libjo something Libyan
[sound:lo se libjo.mp3]lo se libjo a Libyan aspect
[sound:lo pinca.mp3]lo pinca urine
[sound:lo se pinca.mp3]lo se pinca something with urine
[sound:lo ckabu.mp3]lo ckabu a quantity of rubber
[sound:lo se ckabu.mp3]lo se ckabu a source of rubber
[sound:lo te ckabu.mp3]lo te ckabu a composition of rubber
[sound:lo samcu.mp3]lo samcu a cassava
[sound:lo se samcu.mp3]lo se samcu a species of cassava
[sound:lo nanvi.mp3]lo nanvi a billionth
[sound:lo se nanvi.mp3]lo se nanvi something with billionths
[sound:lo te nanvi.mp3]lo te nanvi a billionth aspect
[sound:lo romge.mp3]lo romge a reflective metal
[sound:lo se romge.mp3]lo se romge a metal that is reflective
[sound:lo meljo.mp3]lo meljo something Malaysian
[sound:lo se meljo.mp3]lo se meljo a Malaysian aspect
[sound:lo brazo.mp3]lo brazo something Brazilian
[sound:lo se brazo.mp3]lo se brazo a Brazilian aspect
[sound:lo vlagi.mp3]lo vlagi a vulva
[sound:lo se vlagi.mp3]lo se vlagi something with a vulva
[sound:lo kijno.mp3]lo kijno a quantity of oxygen
[sound:lo santa.mp3]lo santa an umbrella
[sound:lo se santa.mp3]lo se santa something shielded by an umbrella
[sound:lo te santa.mp3]lo te santa something blocked by an umbrella
[sound:lo ve santa.mp3]lo ve santa a material of an umbrella
[sound:lo xe santa.mp3]lo xe santa a support of an umbrella
[sound:lo rinci.mp3]lo rinci a drainer
[sound:lo se rinci.mp3]lo se rinci a source of drainage
[sound:lo te rinci.mp3]lo te rinci a drain
[sound:lo ve rinci.mp3]lo ve rinci a force of draining
[sound:lo nikle.mp3]lo nikle a quantity of nickel
[sound:lo sinso.mp3]lo sinso a sine
[sound:lo se sinso.mp3]lo se sinso an angle with a sine
[sound:lo vinji.mp3]lo vinji an aircraft
[sound:lo se vinji.mp3]lo se vinji a cargo of an aircraft
[sound:lo te vinji.mp3]lo te vinji a propulsion of an aircraft
[sound:lo manfo.mp3]lo manfo something uniform
[sound:lo se manfo.mp3]lo se manfo an uniform property
[sound:lo panlo.mp3]lo panlo a slice
[sound:lo se panlo.mp3]lo se panlo something sliced
[sound:lo gapci.mp3]lo gapci a gas
[sound:lo se gapci.mp3]lo se gapci a gas composition
[sound:lo te gapci.mp3]lo te gapci a condition of gas
[sound:lo jordo.mp3]lo jordo something Jordanian
[sound:lo se jordo.mp3]lo se jordo a Jordanian aspect
[sound:lo zinki.mp3]lo zinki a quantity of zinc
[sound:lo jivbu.mp3]lo jivbu a weaver
[sound:lo se jivbu.mp3]lo se jivbu a woven product
[sound:lo te jivbu.mp3]lo te jivbu a yarn for weaving
[sound:lo zepti.mp3]lo zepti a 10 to the negative twenty-first
[sound:lo se zepti.mp3]lo se zepti something with 10 to the negative twenty-firsts
[sound:lo te zepti.mp3]lo te zepti a 10 to the negative twenty-first aspect
[sound:lo dadjo.mp3]lo dadjo something Taoist
[sound:lo se dadjo.mp3]lo se dadjo a Taoist aspect
[sound:lo sputu.mp3]lo sputu a spitter
[sound:lo se sputu.mp3]lo se sputu a spit liquid
[sound:lo te sputu.mp3]lo te sputu a source of spit
[sound:lo ve sputu.mp3]lo ve sputu a destination of spit
[sound:lo kliru.mp3]lo kliru a quantity of halogen
[sound:lo se kliru.mp3]lo se kliru a type of halogen
[sound:lo binra.mp3]lo binra an insurer
[sound:lo se binra.mp3]lo se binra something insured
[sound:lo te binra.mp3]lo te binra an insured threat
[sound:lo ve binra.mp3]lo ve binra an insurance benefit
[sound:lo centi.mp3]lo centi a hundreth
[sound:lo se centi.mp3]lo se centi something with hundreths
[sound:lo te centi.mp3]lo te centi a hundreth aspect
[sound:lo famti.mp3]lo famti an aunt or uncle
[sound:lo se famti.mp3]lo se famti something with an aunt or uncle
[sound:lo te famti.mp3]lo te famti an aunt or uncle relationship
[sound:lo canti.mp3]lo canti an intestine
[sound:lo se canti.mp3]lo se canti something with intestines
[sound:lo pulni.mp3]lo pulni a pulley
[sound:lo se pulni.mp3]lo se pulni a function of a pulley
[sound:lo te pulni.mp3]lo te pulni an axle of a pulley
[sound:lo sorgu.mp3]lo sorgu sorghum
[sound:lo se sorgu.mp3]lo se sorgu a species of sorghum
[sound:lo karli.mp3]lo karli a collar
[sound:lo se karli.mp3]lo se karli something surrounded by a collar
[sound:lo te karli.mp3]lo te karli a material of a collar
[sound:lo pilka.mp3]lo pilka a crust
[sound:lo se pilka.mp3]lo se pilka something with a crust
[sound:lo terto.mp3]lo terto a trillion
[sound:lo se terto.mp3]lo se terto something counted in trillions
[sound:lo te terto.mp3]lo te terto a trillion aspect
[sound:lo vamtu.mp3]lo vamtu a vomiter
[sound:lo se vamtu.mp3]lo se vamtu vomit
[sound:lo kobli.mp3]lo kobli a cabbage
[sound:lo se kobli.mp3]lo se kobli a species of cabbage
[sound:lo xasne.mp3]lo xasne sweat
[sound:lo se xasne.mp3]lo se xasne something sweating
[sound:lo te xasne.mp3]lo te xasne a sweating gland
[sound:lo randa.mp3]lo randa a surrenderer
[sound:lo se randa.mp3]lo se randa something surrendered to
[sound:lo te randa.mp3]lo te randa a condition of surrender
[sound:lo xagri.mp3]lo xagri a reed instrument
[sound:lo se xagri.mp3]lo se xagri a reed of a reed instrument
[sound:lo zivle.mp3]lo zivle an invester
[sound:lo se zivle.mp3]lo se zivle something invested
[sound:lo te zivle.mp3]lo te zivle something invested in
[sound:lo ve zivle.mp3]lo ve zivle an expected profit of an investment
[sound:lo korka.mp3]lo korka a quantity of cork
[sound:lo se korka.mp3]lo se korka a species of cork
[sound:lo salta.mp3]lo salta a salad
[sound:lo se salta.mp3]lo se salta a salad ingredient
[sound:lo banxa.mp3]lo banxa a bank
[sound:lo se banxa.mp3]lo se banxa a bank owner or system
[sound:lo te banxa.mp3]lo te banxa a banking function
[sound:lo jinci.mp3]lo jinci shears
[sound:lo se jinci.mp3]lo se jinci something cut by shears
[sound:lo zumri.mp3]lo zumri a quantity of maize
[sound:lo se zumri.mp3]lo se zumri a species of maize
[sound:lo gotro.mp3]lo gotro a 10 to the twenty-fourth
[sound:lo se gotro.mp3]lo se gotro something with 10 to the twenty-fourths
[sound:lo te gotro.mp3]lo te gotro a 10 to the twenty-fourth aspect
[sound:lo livga.mp3]lo livga a liver
[sound:lo se livga.mp3]lo se livga something with a liver
[sound:lo decti.mp3]lo decti a tenth
[sound:lo se decti.mp3]lo se decti something measured in tenths
[sound:lo te decti.mp3]lo te decti an aspect of a tenth
[sound:lo picti.mp3]lo picti a 10 to the negative twelfth
[sound:lo se picti.mp3]lo se picti something with 10 to the negative twelfths
[sound:lo te picti.mp3]lo te picti a 10 to the negative twelfth aspect
[sound:lo latna.mp3]lo latna a lotus
[sound:lo se latna.mp3]lo se latna a species of lotus
[sound:lo te latna.mp3]lo te latna something symbolised by a lotus
[sound:lo ve latna.mp3]lo ve latna a culture to which a lotus symbolizes something
[sound:lo macnu.mp3]lo macnu something manual
[sound:lo se macnu.mp3]lo se macnu a manual function
[sound:lo te macnu.mp3]lo te macnu a manual condition
[sound:lo nukni.mp3]lo nukni something magenta
[sound:lo gutra.mp3]lo gutra a womb
[sound:lo se gutra.mp3]lo se gutra something with a womb
[sound:lo jinku.mp3]lo jinku a vaccine
[sound:lo se jinku.mp3]lo se jinku something vaccinated
[sound:lo te jinku.mp3]lo te jinku a disease prevented by vaccine
[sound:lo ve jinku.mp3]lo ve jinku a method of vaccination
[sound:lo sanso.mp3]lo sanso a sauce
[sound:lo se sanso.mp3]lo se sanso something accompanied by sauce
[sound:lo te sanso.mp3]lo te sanso an ingredient of a sauce
[sound:lo labno.mp3]lo labno a wolf
[sound:lo se labno.mp3]lo se labno a species of wolf
[sound:lo dotco.mp3]lo dotco something German
[sound:lo se dotco.mp3]lo se dotco a German aspect
[sound:lo cidro.mp3]lo cidro a quantity of hydrogen
[sound:lo pastu.mp3]lo pastu a robe
[sound:lo se pastu.mp3]lo se pastu a material of a robe
[sound:lo rakso.mp3]lo rakso something Iraqi
[sound:lo se rakso.mp3]lo se rakso an Iraqi aspect
[sound:lo mraji.mp3]lo mraji a quantity of rye
[sound:lo se mraji.mp3]lo se mraji a species of rye
[sound:lo petso.mp3]lo petso a 10 to the fifteenth
[sound:lo se petso.mp3]lo se petso something with 10 to the fifteenths
[sound:lo te petso.mp3]lo te petso a 10 to the fifteenth aspect
[sound:lo kubli.mp3]lo kubli a cube
[sound:lo se kubli.mp3]lo se kubli a cube dimension
[sound:lo te kubli.mp3]lo te kubli a cube side
[sound:lo zetro.mp3]lo zetro a 10 to the twenty-first
[sound:lo se zetro.mp3]lo se zetro something with 10 to the twenty-firsts
[sound:lo te zetro.mp3]lo te zetro a 10 to the twenty-first aspect
[sound:lo cigla.mp3]lo cigla a gland
[sound:lo se cigla.mp3]lo se cigla a gland's secretion
[sound:lo te cigla.mp3]lo te cigla something with a gland
[sound:lo junta.mp3]lo junta a weight
[sound:lo se junta.mp3]lo se junta something with weight
[sound:lo te junta.mp3]lo te junta a weight-producing field
[sound:lo sraji.mp3]lo sraji something vertical
[sound:lo se sraji.mp3]lo se sraji a reference frame of verticalness
[sound:lo clupa.mp3]lo clupa a loop
[sound:lo se clupa.mp3]lo se clupa a material of a loop
[sound:lo stero.mp3]lo stero something measured in steradian
[sound:lo se stero.mp3]lo se stero a number of steradians
[sound:lo te stero.mp3]lo te stero a steradian standard
[sound:lo gocti.mp3]lo gocti a 10 to the negative twenty-fourth
[sound:lo se gocti.mp3]lo se gocti something with 10 to the negative twenty-fourths
[sound:lo te gocti.mp3]lo te gocti a 10 to the negative twenty-fourth aspect
[sound:lo gurni.mp3]lo gurni a grain
[sound:lo se gurni.mp3]lo se gurni a species of grain
[sound:lo jerxo.mp3]lo jerxo something Algerian
[sound:lo se jerxo.mp3]lo se jerxo an Algerian aspect
[sound:lo gusta.mp3]lo gusta a restaurant
[sound:lo se gusta.mp3]lo se gusta a restaurant food
[sound:lo te gusta.mp3]lo te gusta a restaurant customer
[sound:lo lanbi.mp3]lo lanbi a quantity of protein
[sound:lo se lanbi.mp3]lo se lanbi a type of protein